Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter II supplement, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VI, Chapter VII, Chapter VIII , Chapter IX, Chapter X, Chapter XI, Chapter XII , Chapter XIII, Chapter XIV, Chapter XV, Chapter XVI, Chapter XVII, Chapter XVIII, Chapter XIX, Chapter XX, Chapter XXI, Chapter XXII, Chapter XXIII, Chapter XXIV, Chapter XXV, Chapter XXVI and Chapter XXVII, XXVIII and XXIX.
© Copyright 2019 John Dougherty, All rights Reserved. Written For: Investigative MEDIA
charlie says
Joy-the world situation is not improving–now we see that even people in the small town of Las Cruces are protesting on the streets. I was quite surprised to see that, although the Police State has gone a bit too heavy on the citizens rights.
When you go to killing citizens and breaking into homes without warrants–and killing a man over an accusation of purchasing cigarettes with a counterfeit bill then there is reason to protest. That man had no criminal record and who knows how he got a counterfeit bill–some counterfeits are so well made you can not tell the difference without special detection equipment. Shit they are even checking five dollar bills here at stores.
Sadly the real counterfeiters are the World Bankers–they get richer by printing paper and offering it to our tax payers as money and we pay interest to them. They can turn their counterfeit into real tangible assets as well as gold and silver and the like. When 1% of the population at the top of the pyramid own 40% of the worlds wealth, you can understand why. If you counterfeit money the way they have, then there is no wonder.
It is quite amazing that the counterfeiter is counterfeiting a counterfeit. He gets more time for his criminal actions than the original counterfeiters–the 1% World Banker organization and their minions–filthy rich in assets while manipulating the masses where the greatest majority of people are living on less than $2 per day to survive.
Fiat means a declaration or decree–In the case of money the government just declared that the debt certificate issued by World Bankers of the Federal Reserve, a private institution, is money. Well somewhere along the line people are waking up to find that it has no backing no more than that the counterfeiter of the counterfeit fiat money is backed. It is only a promise that the 1% will make it good and since they are draining the wealth by claiming their debt certificates of paper are good, people over time have seen that paper going to what it is worth–no more than a sheet of paper and not even good toilet paper. So eventually people need two jobs to survive and even the family at slave labor if it can be found.
When I was a kid, coffee was 5 cents. Yesterday I stopped at loves and from two dollars, I received 6 cents in change. A nickle cup of coffee is now two dollars and I guess quite a bit more at Star Bucks, even for the common blend I drink. That goes to show you how these one per centers are living at the taxpayer, slave mentality expense.
The pyramid scheme that began in 1913 by the World Bankers who invaded our monetary system is finally nearing fruition–the takers are ending up with 40% of the World’s wealth–and as always those that were fleeced are left holding the empty bag.
This anger over the murder of George Floyd is not only about excessive abuse of person rights, it concerns the denial of people to survive by their right to employment–their pursuit of life. Police are sworn to uphold the Constitution, just as that tyrant we call a President is.
Trump has increased his wealth 30 times since becoming President–and he will continue to hide his assets just as all Presidents do. Certainly he has not made America any greater–but he has increased his own coffers–but this Corporate government has done this for every President, and so in all fairness, Trump is no exception. Perhaps though he will go down in history as having fooled the public but at the same time exposing the system for what changes need to be made.
I see Trump ordered tear gassing the peaceful demonstrations so he could have some quite to do his meeting thing–likely he would have preferred machine gunning them to stop the noise. Yet it is only by mass demonstrations that there will be any change at all–and now we see Trump is actually bringing in the Military Forces against the mass demonstrations.
It is only by demonstations of the masses that anything will change. As you can see by the events at Yarnell, government has little interest in the truth or change. It had little effect to correct a bad situation and obvious neglect of truth concerning the deaths of the 19 GMHS–future lives were of little concern for the government powers that be. But that is only a small example of the whole of the system–something that can only be corrected by mass demonstrations.
I am happy to see the demonstrations–although the looters and such err in their actions, their actions do cause the political thieves to take notice. Their own white collar thievery is challenged–so they too must act or loose their positions of power. And police that are involved in gross neglect of duty must also start realizing they have sworn to protect citizen rights–if they are killing people or abusing their authority they deserve worse punishment than even a common citizen. The murder of George deserves a harsher punishment due to abuse of authority to commit the murder. Yet police in over a 1000 killings each year–and the statistics are on par up to now, yet only one or two are prosecuted although many are unjustified.
It is quite obvious that their will be more disturbances–Military is sworn to defend the Constitution–I had done that myself when drafted in 1967–and I do not intend to take up arms against demonstrations that must take place to get the corporate political servants to take notice so they begin to serve the public and not their own interests fostered by Corporate powers.
Get yourself a sack of beans, some extra rice and some tomato sauce–and fuck the rules of isolation–get out and get some sunshine–without it life can be miserable–our bodies need the Vitamin D and it can only be produced by sunshine unless you have a pill bottle.
Yes, make America Great Again by bringing back the power to the people and not allowing the usurping of the people by a corporate government. Expect to experience drastic life to do so–but as my Dad would say, I rather pick shit with the chickens than accept the unacceptable. He laid in the mud in the trenches and fought to preserve those freedoms, yet they have been diminished and removed in these latter years with forces acting like SS–how else can you describe the killing of George Lloyd by Derik Chauvin and his fellow officers? When will police and government officials begin to represent the citizen–perhaps the demonstrations will help to remind them of their real purpose and duty.
Joy A. Collura says
New Chapter
charlie says
Here is something I did get from Dr. Butros–a U-tube presentation if I remember his name correctly. But what is important he also traced the Corona Virus to North Carolina State University where he as well as the other Professor I had posted affirmed that China had taken the virus work accomplished and funded by the Chinese back to Wuhan China. Why main media does not talk about these facts, you will have to decide.
But Dr. Butros is strictly against microwaves in the home–he has the studies and he and another professor did 20 years ago studies of what microwaves do to animals–cataracts, cancer, tumors of the heart and brain in mice. He got rid of his and has not had a microwave or eaten microwave cooked food in those 20 years.
I have to chuckle since every time I think of microwaves, I think of Nick, Joy’s brother in law. In a visit I met Nick and shook hands with him in greeting. As soon as Joy mentioned I had been a Uranium miner he started backing up from me. In doing so he backed up against his microwave oven heating his food. He did not realize he was getting more radiation for the microwave than from my contaminated bones.
But what I wanted to mention was that Dr. Butros correlated something that may very well have significance to the environment, health and even the Covid-19 virus. He noted that the jump to 5G that is requiring towers by the thousands since 5G will only range to 5-10 houses will also mean a jump in EMF frequencies from 3G that was about 9Mhz to 4G that was in the 30Mhz range to now a 5G range in the 900Mhz to 30Ghz range.
He notes that 180 scientists have signed a petition to the World Health Organization demanding a moratorium on the effects to health and the environment this 5G installation will cause. There are a couple small countries that have already banned 5G, but China, Italy, and Iran are the fore runners of quick installation of 5G. (5G requires the cutting down of trees and needs almost direct line to be effective but increases internet speed many times over the 3 and 4G download rates).
It just so happens, Wuhan was where China first implemented on a grand scale 5G internet. Italy and Iran followed suit with massive installation of 5G. In Italy Lombardi has the highest kill rate from the Covid-19 virus and it is also where the densest installation of 5G towers have been introduced.
Iran has followed suit with China in installing 5G on a grand basis.
Dr. Butros believes from his past experiments of EMF radiation in the 5G exponentially increased range that there is a correlation of the increase in deaths in areas where 5G is already installed. He points out that it messes with the cell wall ability to accept the virus–his posts on U-tube are more technical for the reasons. Than and the fact that 180 scientists have petitioned WHO make this a good reason to question 5G.
He points out,as do the 180 scientists, that the scientific reports concerning safety come from the giant corporations that are installing 5G–these are not independent studies. And if these studies are anything like the Pharma studies that the US Health authorities only accept, then you can bet they will always declare the Corporation financed studies to be valid and override any independent studies.
You make up your own mind on this one–is the faster internet worth the side effects such as brain tumor, heart tumor and cancer? Well Dr. Butros and 180 other scientists may be wrong in their studies and assumptions–but I for one think it best to err on the safe side and keep my neighborhood trees that need cutting down–in England they cut some beautiful old trees in great numbers to install 5G. There has to be better and safer technology to get these increases.
I did complete putting together my own computer–I found the $500 variety computer I had purchased on line was put together with cheap parts that cost the seller less than 200–it worked pretty good until I had paid $29 for windows protection that was a scam that screwed the bios up so that they would repair it and keep it in shape for a $260 fee yearly of $650 for 5 years. All kinds of scammers out there–it cost me another computer but I also decided to put one together on my own. Now I have a computer that would have cost me upwards of $2500 since it has beyond a $1000 in parts–the motherboard was $350 and the CPU $600 (threadripper) and 64 Gb Ram, and so forth. Overkill in my use but no hesitation at all as I type and likely this computer will keep me satisfied for quite a long time provided the Covid-19 does not interfer–then my gamer son can enjoy.
I am working off a WiFi hot spot Verizon–they limit hell out of download and upload speeds although I pay for unlimited use of WiFi. These big companies are real rip offs, much like Big Pharma. They will install 5G despite the health and environmental effects and you have to know that profits over health will always be their mandates. For instance did you know insulin-an absolute life necessity to many–costs only $2 a shot to manufacture–yet the cost to the consumer is $280. If Big Pharma really cared about people, that would be one product that they would be providing at an affordable price. But life is not that important to these people–at least the way I look at things.
charlie says
Because my hearing is so bad I would ask some of you to go to and get on to the Part 5 video done by Dr. Rashid Buttar. There you will see some revelations about the Covid virus and some footage taken that tell a completely different story than the panic we are given. His videos are removed from You Tube and Facebook when he presents the video evidence he has. It is quite an eye opener especially when you see that main media is presenting victims of the corona virus in a video clip for New York. Then in another video clip of the dying in Milan, Italy–you see the same identical video clip if you stop it. Dr. Rashid says this looks staged since he has been working hospitals for years and the clip does not jive to be real. Then there are the coffins–those are from a ship wreck in 2006, yet they are presented on main media as victims of the corona virus. Then there are videos of several hospitals and there are no emergency patients- Medical people in those NY hospitals are saying it is political hype.
Well if that is not an eye opener and would explain Trumps stance–is this video hype and there you have Bill Gates talking about adding 100 million and Dr. Buttro shows that Gates is the owner of the patents and company to do a vaccine for Corona Virus. The Vaccine patent was done 2006. So yes if that is so donating 100 million if you have a company that will make a few billion off vaccines that will be required for every child to go back to school and add to that the vaccine around the world. Is Dr. Rashid Buttro for real? I think he is–but you have better hearing and some of you much better understanding about medicine–I know DND has a medic background. The video is lengthy but maybe worth your indulgence.
charlie says
There was a code to get onto his site–111 was sent to my email. I think it is good for anyone that wants to get onto that site. If it is real, wow–talk about a snow job.
charlie says
I had wondered how Dr. Fauchi could escape the media and the fact that he had sanctioned the increase of function to continue for the Chinese Dr. at the Chapel Hill University in North Carolina–2014. That was despite protests of medical people and the mandate to not upgrade the potency of any level 4 virus. Dr. Fauchi had overidden the rule saying that the increase of function rules did not apply in this upgrade. As a result the Chinese Dr., et. al. were successful in creating the Covid-19 upgraded virus–a work that was funded both by US and Chinese sources. This is well documented–names, results of upgrade, etc. and so forth all in prestigious Health Journals.
So you could see that since the Chinese Dr. returned to Wuhan in 2015 after the successful upgrade of the Sars virus–why has this information not hit the news. Well I did look at Dr. Fauchi–He has served 6 presidents, his budget is 5.9 billion dollars for the NIAID of which he is the director. He has something like 49 honorary doctorate degrees from various universities –credentials galore
The Covid 19 is not his first pandemic. Here is one he was involved in similar to the now Covid 19 pandemic. After SARS-CoV emerged from China in November 2002 it spread to 26 countries within a few months, largely by infected passengers who traveled. More than 8,000 people fell ill and 774 died. SARS drew the collective focus of researchers throughout the world.
I think if there was one question I would ask this learned and highly intelligent Doctor–Why after all your experience and knowing how the SARS-CoV had spread so widely and killed so many would you even consider allowing an upgrade on that very virus. And did the fact that many leaned-even Harvard scientists, including those in pathology and medical fields were protesting such an action.
But then if you google you will see the many people saying this is a conspiracy theory–it can be shown that this virus did not come from a man made virus–it is a mutated bat virus that came from bat soup in the only place China has a level 4 bio lab and where the Covid 19 science created virus made a home.
Granted a bat virus similar can infect a person but it has a hard time there and does not spread. I would need according to scientists dealing with pathogens–about 19 mutations to attain the status of Covid 19 with its ability to spread among the population.
I think you are ok eating your bat soup if you boil it well, and I am certain all bat soup eaters are aware–they have been eating bat soup for centuries without the outbreaks–these people know how to eat bat soup safely. And if you were to eat the raw meat or get some blood in your mouth–then the bat variety would get you sick–but it does not spread and you would need a bad immune system even for it to survive–it likes bats, not humans or monies or pigs.
After the Yarnell ordeal of killing the 19, I just do not always take the people that run things at their word. I prefer to really check things out–the perceptions made are not always the truth. The higher up the totem, the more you have controls, the more people accept your story without question–but I do not care how great your are, the fact that you hide facts blemishes your credibility.
charliec says
Lets make it a real conspiracy theory–that number 19–connected to so many death events–The devil and his bee hive subordinates like that number. And so you know 9 is a cult number–If you multiply it–the sum of the digits always comes to nine. 9×9=81 and 8+1=9, The twin towers came down on 911 and 19 terrorist brought it down. This number comes up coincidentally very often in tragedies. And some old cowboy said too many coincidences ain’t a coincidence.
charlie says
If you want to know why Jeffery Epstein never got his day in court–google Epstein’s close associates. Trump, Clinton (states he never met the guy) but did ride in his private jet and many photos, Prince Andrew, and a long list of celebrities and corporate power brokers, etc. His lawyer states his black book will never become public. Pedophilia is quite rampant among the blue bloods–even the Bush clan are involved–one David Icke of England states in his book Everything You Need to Know, “Bush has been a pedophile and violent abuser of children of a Savile-type scale for much of his life”. Icke asks why would the CIA go ahead and name their main headquarters The George Bush Center for Intelligence.
Nothing is surprising when you see that the Catholic Priesthood is itself infested with a group of pedophiles and that with the Pope’s knowledge for so long–was he protecting them ( as the CIA protects the President and his reputation) because he also is guilty or was it to protect the vast wealth of the church itself? It could be either or both. And do not think I condemn Catholic people–the largest part believe and practice good principles–my own families come from a Catholic background. However, ignorance of what the whole scheme is about and the truth are hidden from most. If you look at the history of the Christian religion and specifically the Catholic Church since it began in 313, with Emperor Constantine I’s Edict of Milan and has since followed with unimaginable treachery and methods to control an empire that still exists today you will understand. Yes I know the Pope would say he has the keys handed down from Peter direct from Christ and so forth. But I say he is well aware of what he is and does. In any event there are about 1.6 Billion–mostly good people that belong to the church and like any secret organization, be it Mormon or Mason, you know very little on the lower level–you have to be on the top levels to know what is really happening and to have the power to usurp the ignorant.
This pedophilia comes from the Satanists idea that a child has a life force available to them–the abuse and sacrifice they believe empowers them–maybe it does since so many psychopaths do make it to the top echelons in politics, corporations, banks and world leadership.
Epstein’s mistake was keeping a black book that he believed would save his ass. Instead he got his quick deserves–but then the sad part the public did not get to see who all his buddies in crime were.
The US has about 650 thousand children going missing each year. The world over it would approximate a million. These pedophiles destroy the lives of their victims–they in a way are captives of Satan themselves and share the guilt. But then their conscience is seared, much as those we see on a lesser scale that lie and hide truth involving the deaths of their fellows fire fighters.
Fighting fire is like fighting the Devil–and he will get you if he can and most certainly if you are ignorant of your downloads and why they are there.
charlie says
That study I posted by the Wisconsin Medical Society blamed the fumes and chemicals used in making microwave popcorn as the reason for lung disorders. If you read the whole study that was the conclusion–and it was very disastrous for people working around the microwave ovens. However, other studies also linked the microwaving to cancer.
Here is a post by a person concerning microwaving at home. Maybe it will help someone –but if you have a habit of microwave how will you eat? Most people do not know how to make a pancake or even fry an egg and do not want to bother. Anyway if this man;s post means anything to you then good. I do not have a microwave–I know Joy does not use one but her brother in law and husband do use them: so here is a paste and make up your own mind–I do not need to since I do not use or have them.
Max Stanley Chartrand
DigiCare Behavioral Research
First, microwaving reportedly alters and destroys amino acids and covalent bonds of DNA in the food, the building blocks of life (i.e. the “microwave effect”—see for a more complete treatment of this topic). In one study it was suggested that during microwaving certain amino acids were converted into their carcinogenic and toxic d-isomer cousins. Nothing live survives microwaving, save some dreadful salmonella and e Coli bacteria. This causes your immune system to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines that bring inflammation and the conditions that arise from inflammation and acidosis (perhaps 80% of all chronic disease results from inflammation!). If you are wondering how this affects an otherwise healthy individual, look at your before/after changes in C-reactive protein scores (an inflammatory measure), triglycerides, and A1C scores (a hemoglobin/oxygen measure) in clinical blood tests when refraining from microwaving. The results can be quite stunning, as will be your overall health.
Microwaving food also causes complex carbohydrates to be converted into simpler carbohydrates, which can spike one’s blood sugar, raise triglycerides, and secrete too much fat-preserving insulin, while shutting off fat-burning glycogen. The result is hyperinsulinemia, arguably the biggest driver behind the obesity and diabetes pandemics.
Only synthetic nutrition survives in tact during microwaving, as nutrition that is organic soon becomes inorganic. As mentioned above, the violent “microwave effect” on the DNA can make food “foreign” to the human digestive and immunological system, taking longer to digest and increasing allergies, in general. For certain, the body knows the difference between microwaved food and that prepared by other means, as evidenced by exploding rates of metabolic and digestive disorders seen in microwave consumers.
Because microwaved food must be reconstructed by the body by borrowing amino acids and enzymes, it can cause corresponding amino acid depletions in the precursors for serotonin (mood control), melatonin (sleep/wake cycle), and dopamine (motor control and tremor). These hormonal interruptions are increasingly evidenced by rising levels of abnormalities, such as depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and tremor. Serotonin’s main role is in food-to-nutrition synthesis and to aid in facilitating glucagon and insulin secretions. The disruption of serotonin, therefore, causes nutritional and metabolic abnormalities, including a rise in sugars being converted into triglycerides in the liver.
This is why SSRI and other anti-depressants can actually cause diabetes and weight gain—since they also distort the prominent role of serotonin without rectifying the real underlying causes of the depression for which they were prescribed. Further, we find that microwaved food requires the body to spend an extra 2-3 hours to digest compared more healthily prepared meals. As mentioned above, that is because the body’s immune system essentially suspends the food-to-nutrition synthesis functions while sorting out what has been ingested. This, in turn, can cascade into acid reflux (because the pyloric sphincter will not open until the pancreas has done its work), interruption of the citric acid cycle, elevated triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, and chronic conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), etc.
Others have suggested that cooking meat in the microwave oven causes it to go into a kind of “rotting” process through destruction of nucleoproteins. This, in turn, causes the digested (and especially undigested) meat proteins to breakdown into cytotoxins and uric acid, setting off even more chronic disease and propensity toward abnormal cell growth (i.e., cancer). Metal and plastics are often added to packaged microwaved foods to simulate conventional cooking textures and tastes. While the altered taste and texture may fool you, it does not fool your immune system.
Likewise, pets’ health degrades substantially when eating microwaved food, developing serious candida yeast, ear infections, and other disorders. Many veterinarian physicians are concerned about pets being fed the same over-processed, synthetically fortified, and degerminated microwaved foods their owners eat. For such increases risks of cancer and other human-like conditions in pets!
Of great concern, also, is that baby formulae and/or Mother’s milk heated in plastic bottles in the microwave is unsafe. Furthermore, dangerous levels of Bisphenol A (BPAs) found in today’s microwavable food packaging have been linked to cancer, developmental disorders, diabetes, early puberty, and obesity in children. Some state health departments warn the public of these potential dangers.
In addition, every safety manual on warming of human blood for transfusions that we have examined says never use a microwave to warm the blood. This quiet affirmation that microwaving of blood is dangerous reinforces the thesis of the “microwave effect” even if it cannot be fully explained by scientists—many know it exists.
Before many governments clamped down and forbid further studies on safety of being exposed to microwave ovens, several early studies reported what has been called “microwave sickness” in the literature: headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss, appendicitis, cataracts, sterility, and cancer. Many microwave ovens in use today reportedly leak radiation as a result of defective doors and insulation.
Chronic and long-lasting symptoms from using microwave ovens have also been reported variously as adrenal exhaustion, ischemic heart disease, increased cancer cell formation, and long-term digestive disorders. Gradual breakdown of elimination systems in the body.
AS a comment–some researchers are reporting that the cytokine load that cause lung inflammation and pneumonia can also be a result of microwave –Icke had said it was at 60ghz this effect happened? I can see a concern for making the world into a microwave oven.
charlie says
5G seems to be inevitable. Elon Musk’s SpaceX plans to launch 42,000 satellites that will essentially blanket the earth in EMFs!
Forget the Tesla car–My son bought one–from Las Cruces to Phoenix it took three stops in a car that new cost about a hundred grand. Each stop, Deming, Wilcox and Tucson, then Phoenix to start back home again were approximately one hour stops to charge batteries. So maybe good for short runs but don’t go on a long trip.
charlie says
Joy posted a link to previous RTS post::
A quote in the post from Willis stated that we would never know the actual truth since the men are dead. RTS disputed Willis on that point. The article is worth rereading and informative. I do agree with RTS and dispute Willis.
Perhaps it would be better stated by Willis if he said he hopes that the real truth never becomes known. It is well known by now, always was known even by those that would hide the facts and truth and have motive and agendas to do so.
Maybe the system of allowing redactions, mum orders and false entries of information will be cleansed by this long and arduous work of exposure of a blatant cover up. Or perhaps the troops have been mind fucked to the point they do not care or are too fearful to make a stand for the truth.
Well we must be grateful and give applause to RTS and others posting here that refuse to bend to any kind of mockery of the truth and false presentation of the reasons those young Heroes were killed.
They truth must be known else the lie will continue sicken the system and needlessly destroy lives of these young heroes.
charlie says
You should know for only $69 you can provide yourself with a chip implanting kit–much like your pooch, Big Brother will be able to identify you and get your information–well once your identity is known your life can quickly be downloaded from the cloud.
Bill Gates will not be immediately providing this type chip for you, but his vaccines will have tiny markers so that you can be scanned to see if you have had the Covid-19 vaccine. This will make it safe for other people in your vicinity and air travel, etc. –they can not get the disease if you have the vaccine and it will work if everybody gets the shot. If you are caught without the vaccine, you will be pinned down by swat team goons and injected –it is the law. (Well, not yet but surely with all the fear and paranoia it has a good possibly become the law.) For instance, it already is in Denmark.
Bill Gates is the second richest man on earth–he knows what is good for mankind–you know one of the gods of mankind that know what is best for everyone–especially for his own interests and those that he rubs shoulders with. Well, Mr. Gates and Elon Musk–we hope that the Americans are not ready to forfeit their liberties to become a part of this New World Order.
However, I for one am all for anyone that wants the shot if that makes them feel better–and if you are a Dane–and don’t want the shot, you will take it or be quarantined–likely a camp encased with chain link something like what we do to the illegal immigrants.
Either way, Bill will profit greatly–the fear will have cause plenty of business even if American does not follow the example of the Danes. .
RTS says
Taken from the blog below titled: Fetishizing An Enormous F*ckup – August 28, 2013, 9:46 am – From the location of the Yarnell fire deaths :
( h t t p : / /coyoteblog.c o m/coyote_blog/2013/08/fetishizing-an-enormous-fckup.html # disqus_thread )
“Darrell Willis, the Granite Mountain Hotshots direct supervisor in the Prescott Fire Department said that their deaths were God’s will: ‘ The voice of what actually happened, we’ll never know,” Willis says. “We’re not going to have that information from [the dead men]. ‘”
On the contrary and with all due respect, Mr. Willis, we WILL have the voices of what actually happened that day and we are going to actually have that “information [from the dead men]” once we have those:
(1) DPS and YCSO officers’ photos and videos taken from a quick helicopter flight while they still had good daylight on the afternoon of June 30, 2013;
(2) the June 30, 2013, 1600 GMHS Mackenzie photos and video, both from the camera they had at the Maricopa County ME office and the video camera found by his sister and turned over to her father who ostensibly made a copy and who turned it over to the PFD B/C Darrell Willis, who turned it overt to whom?;
(3) the four (4) GMHS GPS units always shown in GMHS photos and carried by the GMHS according to McDid-Not;
(4) and the PVFD FF Brandon and FFs’ photos, videos, and audios that were handed over to the SAIT and have yet to be retrieved and revealed;
(5) and of course, whatever other evidentiary evidence that is out there in the hands of WFs, FFs, local citizens, and others that witnessed the events of June 30, 2013.
Unfortunately, especially in the case of the June 30, 2013 YH Fire and GMHS debacle, further attention to these events reveals that many details of the fictional story don’t hold up to scrutiny.
“ Why would people loudly and publicly proclaim themselves as victims? Perhaps a better question, based upon the level of secondary gain, attention, protection and support received by these people, is why wouldn’t they? With all of the attention on the issue, why are we surprised when people are exaggerating, using, or downright lying, about victimization? Of course, when we attach benefits to identification as a victim, we will hear from more victims, both real and exaggerated. ” (emphasis added)
( Psychology Today – The Culture of Victimhood -Hoaxes, Trigger Warnings and Trauma-Informed care. Posted Jun 28, 2014 )
And all this is contained within the confines of this March 27, 2019, YHFR post link below about the GMHS alleged “lookout” McDid-Not and his alleged ongoing journey of untruths, half-truths, fabrications, embellishments, lies, prevarications, and the like in order to “protect his Brothers” rather than reveal the truth about what was really discussed on the GMHS Crew Net frequency between DIVS A Marsh and GMHS Steed (” discussing our options “) that ultimately led to what fatally happened that afternoon.
Yarnell Hill Fire Revelations (March 27, 2019)
What dangers lie within their claims of invented truths of what occurred on June 30 2013, that were created and proselytized by those little nagging mosquitoes of our lives?
But wait … the official “Factual” YH Fire SAIT found “no indication of negligence, reckless actions, or violations of policy or protocol.” So then, put into the positive, they did everything right.
DownhillIndirect says
Holy Cow,
From 989 or so posts to over 1250 in a blink of an eye. That has to be some kind of record on here. I hope everyone is remaining safe and healthy through all that is happening. Posting more YHF stuff hopefully to follow. I’ll get back to everyone in a few weeks after I read and decipher the posts thar appeared overnight, be well.
WantsToKnowTheTruth says
Reply to DownhillIndirect ( DND ) post on March 23, 2020 at 9:26 pm
>> DND said…
>> Holy Cow,
>> From 989 or so posts to over 1250 in a blink of an eye.
>> That has to be some kind of record on here.
Actually… it’s not.
It happens, sometimes.
DownhillIndirect says
Thanks man. For me I was surprised, now I know. How are you doing? How is everyone doing? We are doing good here and are well prepared. I was raised by blue collar parents and people who always told us to have enough food, water and love to help out our friends and neighbors that may not be prepared for anything that may arise. I won’t chastise those whom have behaved poorly during this time because people act terribly sometimes when their livelihoods are challenged. I feel badly for the private sector employees that can’t make a weeks wage or are waiting on the phone for state unemployment from 0700-1200 each day. I fear for my elders and my parents knowing they have compromised immune systems, I feel badly for my friends that face the same danger as they too have immune deficient systems.
I remember sitting through molecular biology during my initial Paramedic training years ago learning about different viruses, their make up and how each one has a fatal flaw, some know or un-known. I remember our medical director lecturing on the importance of knowing how fomites, pathogens and incubation periods for illnesses and viruses. He was and still is adamant about the levels of protection we as first responders need to be wearing as well as the general public. I think it was month 3 out of the 6 month didactic period of medic school when a satellite instructor from the northern region CDC office came in to instruct us on the transmission of viruses and other deadly infectious diseases and illnesses.
Needless to say that at a microscopic level a war is being waged everyday that if we could see it with the naked eye we’d all want to live in a pool mixed with alcohol, hydrogen-peroxide and Iodine (LOL). Obviously, we don’t so educating ourselves to a level some may not be aware of is paramount. I really never thought I would be re-visiting this simple equation that shows transmission levels and how an epidemiologist tracks virus transmission(s). By no means am I trying to come of as a brainiack or an elitist, I only want to share what I learned from some of the best in the field of medicine, preventative medicine and epidemiology.
So, the equation. The R-0 (R0) aka R Naught number is they key to tracking the passage of any said virus assuming the investigative information is accurate. The “R” represents the reproduction rate. The number after simply is how many will become infected once the initial carrier transferes the virus through a Fomite (or transmission surface, air-borne or direct contact). The equation looks like this and as an example I will use the most current R0 number for Covid-19. R0 = 1;2.1-1:2.5 depending on where you live and the success rate of a quarantined area. So for every 1 person infected 2.1-2.5 could be infected potentially. Where I live we have a tri county area in which 3.5 million people live. As of 3/24/2020 there are NO confirmed cases. However, 3 hours away 982 cases with 6 deaths. Of those cases the majority have either gotten better, showed no secondary illness and were released to their homes for home quarantine. It isn’t a coincidence that areas with large ports of entry (water) or with ship based goods and services were hit the hardest initially.The deaths from the information above were from a mixture of ages and health records. R0 info below..
I find it odd each year that big Pharma and the medical field think that the vaccination for Influenza(S) are working. Like any illusive bug it adapts, changes and mutates. Personally I had one flu shot in 15 years. That one time I received the vaccination I was sick 3 separate times with the worst Flu I have ever had. I refused the vaccination since knowing I’d be exposed almost daily serving the sick and injured as a civil servant. I haven’t gotten the Flu or any other strain of the flu since I denied the vaccination. Of course I have had my Hepatitis series, TB etc but not the generalized Influenza vaccine. I hear people openly talking about the death tolls just from the Flu(s) in years past and it begs the question, do people realize that the Flu has taken tens of thousands of lives from all walks of life, including people with no pre-existing illnesses? Last year during the measurable phase from CDC’s numbers alone the Flu(S) infection rate vs. the mortality rate was astounding. Yes C-19 isn’t the flu however with good personal hygiene, separation from ill individuals, good nutrition, limiting exposure to crowds and educating ones-self via legitimate sources we can expect to see a decline in cases and spread. Look at China, 1.5 weeks ago they closed all satellite hospitals because they did all of the right things, they got better and went home. I love my country and I am a Patriot but we can learn so many things by watching how other countries and cultures approached this virus. Please see Flu(s) numbers from the preliminary CDC site below.
As a young man growing up in Arizona not poor, not wealthy but provided for, we were taught many valuable life trades and lessons. Hunting, fishing and finding clean water. Before the influx of water filters we were taught about where the water was safe, how to avoid areas where livestock pooped near it and to stay calm if something unforeseen happened. We camped in bedrolls all year long, made our own cover and used fire to warm everything. I am grateful I got to be that kid, that young man and man today that is teaching our son to be proud that he knows how to help when the time comes. I thank God I was born in a town that encouraged self-resiliency and helping one another.
In 1994 I moved to my dads house in preparation for my first season as a Hotshot. I had never been to California before so I was nervous from the now realized rumors I had heard of as a young man. I remember getting off of the plane at 1730 and going to an Italian restaurant for dinner. After we headed to my dads house, watched TV and went to bed. As I got into bed my dad said ” I’m really proud of you for getting the Hotshot job, I love you, get some rest”. Already nervous of the big bad California I didn’t fall asleep until midnight. I noticed a very obnoxious street light that bled through my bedroom window. At 04:30:55 PST, on January 17 1994 less than 15 hours of me being in California a 6.7(mw) earthquake deemed the “Northridge” earthquake rocked my dads home so forcefully that the bed I was laying on was on-top of me including the box-spring. I think I am a strong man but I couldn’t get up without being thrown to the ground. During that 49 second earth explosion the old school tube TV ripped off the retro-strapping and hit my left foot from 10′ away breaking three toes. After the initial quake stopped I ran downstairs to my parents room. They were screaming and their door was jammed and blocked by a 200 pound book-case. I told them to stand back as I broke the door of the hinges with super human strength (Pure Fear). All I could remember was how bright it was outside, but, the sun wasn’t up yet. As we made it to the front door I could smell petroleum burning and structure fire smoke as well. Before we exited, I noticed a crack from the floor to the ceiling 1.5 feet wide by 30 feet tall. My dads house was 2 years old and retro=fitted for earthquakes, wow, what if it wasn’t retrofitted?
We made it outside and the entire neighborhood was outside vomiting. Your equilibrium get seriously whacked out after a shacking like that. The EMF fields also have a hand in that. People were hurt badly, bleeding, heart attacks and a few died not 100 feet away. Our next door neighbors were elderly and loved my parents. I didn’t meet him yet until he ran over to me pleading to help his wife. She was trapped under a beam and bleeding profusely. Against my better judgement as 1 of 100’s of strong aftershocks began I ran in to help. I took my dad EMS kit filled with bandages and a tourniquet. I tried to use direct pressure to stop her bleeding but it didn’t work. I used the tourniquet and stopped the bleeding. We got her outside and kept her warm. The oil refinery a mile away was on fire as well as 4 house in our neighborhood. There was a 10 acre brush-fire and hundreds hurt. LA County FD is a giant FD but had their dispatch comms knocked out for the first 3 hours. The did send an engine to our area and my neighbor as taken via helicopter to UCLA med center, she made it, in shock from blood loss but made it. My neighbor, her husband said “Kiss your ass because you just lived through the big one, I’ve lived here 40 years and have never felt anything like it”. We were alive and we were ok. As the sun came up we went through 6.1- 5.9 aftershocks all day which were scarier that the first quake.
We all pulled together as strangers and each neighbor had a job. Security, cooking food on BBQ’s, childcare, EMS etc. Strangers became friends and WE lived outside on the grass or driveways for a week, no power, limited water etc. No one went hungry or without care. People shared medications to help those who ran out, beer and food. It didn’t rain and we trusted each-other. I was an EMT basic for one week before that happened, After a few months and things went back to normal I vowed to be prepared. I loved helping my neighbors reclaim their lives, it changed me and
I am happy I went through it. If people pull together cities can be re-built in no time. If they panic and let social media steer once good adultstrong decisions, life can and will bite their butts hard.
I have nothing but pure respect and love for my friends here on IM, be well, be safe and remember how strong a like-minded group can be and has proven to be during the worst times our wonderful and strong UNITED STATES has faced.
charlie says
DND It is good you explain the virus and situation–I had little training in the medical world–although I early on had ordered some masks. Then I learned my son had also ordered masks–he tells me on the phone his procedure for coming home since he is an ER nurse to even leaving his clothes and shoes in his garage outside his home. It seems hygiene and care are the key to keeping this virus away. Probably you could elaborate on what people need to do to stay safe.
I too have never taken a vaccine except when hospitalized–that for tetanus but of course when you are out there is no telling what you get.
My daughter has been a manager for some years for a big pharmaceutical company–she knows the pharma very well. She does say that the vaccine used for malaria has had some promise and a few have claimed it has broken their fever and set them on the road for recovery.
Mark says it is a cold related virus with something added to the DNA to make it deadly–he suspects that you may not develop an immunity in the sense it could be repeatable like colds are. There are no vaccines for colds as far as I know.
You have had your experience with disaster–and it is during these panic times people revert to that primitive thinking–why so much panic buying. Now will be a time for the feds to offer a solution–that would be a law requiring everyone to take vaccinations–something they are bent over to enforce in schools and the full population. It would not surprise me if people did not demand the vaccination law–If people are made to believe that such a law would insure their survival then, like the patriot act–they will give up their right of choice and offer up their arms and butts to the needle. Not my thing, but then I am not a doctor yet I reserve my right to refuse and choose what I believe is best for me. And if my neighbor believes a vaccination is his essential, then I will even give him a ride to the vaccinator.
Trust your health or your bank account to no one is my way of thinking. So far it has worked–although some damn good doctors did enough to bring me back from the dead. Now I am watching too much unnatural death.
Las Cruces is shutting down with the nation. With now 16 cases known 20 miles from me, there is pandemonium. That has to multiply like wildfire since what I saw there were people without a clue. Hell, I might have it already myself. But I am not in a panic–I do think the groceries and toilet paper will be available–if not the NY times if you crumple it enough will work fine–Here the governor has shut down unnecessary stores, but grocery and gas stations, medical supplies and so forth essential will be open–even restaurants can sell carry out.
Joy A. Collura says
Where I am- 24 people have been tested — of these – 18 were ruled-out and negative for COVID-19 with 6 test pending…yet I did visit a YHF guy the week of the Academy at the start of this in the Yavapai Regional in Prescott and over there in Yavapai where I am not now is four- and the mayor gives daily updates in Prescott-
I will travel tomorrow and know more about the “stores” and such-
but for now that is all I got,, Sonny
My brother had to stay home and his wife in San Tan area with their jobs-
I ate “take-out” at Backburners yesterday and always yummy.
charlie says
Joy–thanks–I have no idea if testing is available here–I am certain I do not have it since it has been five days since I had picked up Kong, my granddaughter’s dog and now he is converted from apartment life to a dog’s paradise.
Flood yourself with Vitamin C, D and so forth. A bit of research will tell you why. Eighty percent of the people that get Covid-19 are known to not even go to the hospital. Their symptoms range from almost none to mild fever to flu like problems. Those that require hospitalization are in two categories–the elderly with bad immune systems and others with co existing conditions taxing their systems.
Twenty five % of those still recover with good medical treatment.
Despite the fact that it is people with taxed immune systems, when do you hear advice to do things to boost the immune system. For Gods sake flood yourself with extra doses of Vitamin C, Tumeric, Vitimin A, E, B and so forth. Why people do not and why the main media will not mention this is because the Big Pharma profits depend upon their hired doctors saying that these vitamins are a waste of money–not effective. So you believe who you want to, but Jalapeno peppers, Kiwi fruit, Goji Berry, vitamin supplements, green vegies, etc. are all sources of immune enhancers. If you are old and decrepit as I am, then get out the orange juice and vitamin pills–they are to my notion a good defense and at minimum a boost that might save your life.
Now, to shut down the economy by using us old folk as the excuse is about as ignorant as you can get. Since we are the minority and no longer the worker bee, we are the ones to be quarantined, protected and stay at home individuals. We and the sick ones are the 20 percent in danger. That gives no excuse to shut down the entire nation by taking away the economy, so why is this being done. Does Prince Charles know something we do not know? He did say the world economy needs revamping by 2030–meaning what–the destruction of small business on the main and the elevation of even more power and expansion to the huge world Corporate giants? That certainly will be a result of this.
A bit of research of this Covid-19 as given by a Professor Francis Boyle. The good Professor tracked the Sars Virus to a scientific study and paper from the University of North Carolina, a place with a level 3 Bio war virus lab. At this University China funded Sars gain function work involving DNA enhancement on the 209 ten chrome virus for effecient spreading among human population compared to the orther b beta corona virus only useful for offensive bio warfare. He has copies of the studies, including also a Chinese funded Australian study on the same lines. Those papers are from 2015 and 2010 both involving gain functions to the covid virus.
This increased the Sars lethal figure by 10% by one study, 15% by another and the Chinese figure at 17 % increased lethal ability. The Public Health Authority placed it at an 18% increase.
GNAT medical in this study states that the Sars cluster in an April 2016 paper describes the emergence in the University of North Carolina leverl 3 an gain factor on MERS which is Milldle E. Respirotory syndrome like Sars but more dangerous at a 33% fatality rate using gain of function.
Folks these are studies financed and overseen by Chinese Scientists in our own and Australian level 3 Bio War experimental labs.
North Carolina received the Sars cells directly from the storage units of Bio War diseases at Ft. Dietrich This is all documented material–If you can locate the U-Tube presentation by the professor you likely will glean more from it than I can with my limited hearing.
And so this enhanced virus was purchased by China, not stolen and taken right back to Wuhan, China. Of course the documents and information put out by Professor Boyle will never see main media, and likely the presentation and documents will disappear, just as the June 16, 2013 document restricting the GMHS area at the highest level along with the happy fellows burning out along the Shrine road were deleted. .
Don’t buy the WHO shite that this virus came marching out of the wilderness to attack humanity. It came straight out of the Wuhan level 4 Bio War lab–and I will ask my Psychic something I already know–it was no accident no more than the killing of the 19 GMHS was.
charlie says
For those that do not know Sars is a covid virus and along the lines of Ebola that was patented and lethal yet not as epidemic as the Covid 19. I really think this is just a taste of what these Bio War people can let loose–a minor test to kill a few off. So always keep so 95’s handy and even some eye goggle protection. The eyes are easy entry points for these airborne particles.
WantsToKnowTheTruth says
DownhillIndirect says
Reply to DownhillIndirect ( DND ) post on March 24, 2020 at 3:54 pm
>> DND said…
>> Thanks man. For me I was surprised, now I know.
Just about every time they hold that AWIMA ( Arizona Wildfire Incident Management Academy ) at that Emery Riddle flight school outside Prescott,
something ‘weird’ goes on there and it’s usually followed by a flurry of posts.
This year is/was no different.
When you have a ‘cabal’ of people who think it’s their mission in life to PREVENT other people from openly discussing a National Tragedy… that kind of weird shit is going to continue to continue.
This year’s predictable weirdness ( which kicked off this year’s flurry of posts ) was summarized below in the following two posts…
Robert the Second ( RTS ) commenting on his AWIMA experience this year…
On March 15, 2020 at 5:20 pm, Robert the Seconds ( RTS ) said…
The 2020 AZ Wildfire Academy was particularly odd this year…. etc.
And Joy commenting on her AWIMA experience this year… and some near run in she had with former PFD Crew 7 Supe Marty Cole ( M.C. )…
On March 18, 2020 at 3:35 pm, Joy A Collura said…
I pulled records and he seems agitated and said he was not even there that day and I am focused to City of Prescott missing file that his long time friend said he M.C. took it home and it was the safety file on crew 7.
>> DND also said…
>> How are you doing?
I’m fine. Thanks for asking.
I live in a very rural area, so the whole ‘social distancing’ thing is simply a way of life for all of us here. No big ‘adjustment’ there.
I feel sorry for the people for whom this is ‘new’.
They are going to have a hard time sustaining it.
>> DND also said…
>> How is everyone doing? We are doing good here and are
>> well prepared. I was raised by blue collar parents and
>> people who always told us to have enough food, water
>> and love to help out our friends and neighbors that may
>> not be prepared for anything that may arise.
Same here.
I was raised by two people with their own ‘medical’ background(s).
My father was a pharmacist’s mate ( medic ) on an LST in World War II.
He was stationed offshore during the D-Day landing… Normandy beach.
When it all went to shit and most of the army medics that went ashore were either already dead or dying… landing craft came around to all the Navy ships staged offshore to collect any and all medical personnel… and they were delivered to the beaches once the Germans finally ran out of ammunition ( which is actually the only real reason the Normandy landing succeeded ).
Dad spent 4 days and nights on Normandy beach doing triage, saving whoever could be saved with limited medical supplies, and making the life-or-death decisions about who they should even bother to load onto gurneys and send offshore for transport back to England.
During those four days there were still the odd strafing runs by some wayward Luftwaffe die-hards, and some occasional shelling from somewhere inland.
When Dad died… the coroner took mom aside and told her that Dad still had some shrapnel embedded in his right leg.. and he wondered why he had never had it removed.
Mom said this was the first she had ever heard about it.
I checked his service records and he never even ever reported he had been wounded. He just patched himself up whenever it happened and kept doing his job, and never told anyone about it.
Based on the coroner’s report and testimony… the Navy sent us a posthumous Purple Heart.
Mom was a lieutenant nurse in the Army during World War II.
She served in the Pacific, on the other side of the world from Dad. They had gotten married before they both shipped overseas in opposite directions.
She ran a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital ( M.A.S.H ) unit there.
( Yes.. she was an early ‘Hotlips Houlihan’ ).
She ( and her unit ) moved around a lot ( obviously ) while the island-hopping gore-fest was going on and her unit received wounded from a lot of the ‘name’ battles… like Guam, Tinian, Peleliu, Anguar, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, etc.
She never talked about it much…. but she told one story about how they once ran out of supplies and the ability to take care of the overwhelming influx of wounded at that time… and all she and her nurses could do for 3 days and nights was just hold young men’s hands as they died.
Only other story she ever told was when she came close to ‘buying it’ herself.
A 12 year old orderly that they thought was a Phillippino turned out to be Japanese and brought a grenade into the surgery tent one day. It killed 3 doctors and some nurses. Mom had just left the tent, moments before, to get some supplies.
So yea… while neither of them ever talked much about the specifics… myself and my brother and sister were raised ( by example ) to do what we can for others, when we can.
I’ve never experienced an earthquake.
Four Hurricanes and a number of close-call tornadoes… but never that kind of ‘ground shaking’. stuff. Sounds BAD.
You obviously know your stuff with regards to infections, and I hope everyone reads your post above. Very informative.
I think you also know that with regards to the current crisis… it is GOING to get WORSE before it even begins to get better.
>> DND also said…
>> I have nothing but pure respect and love for my friends here
>> on IM, be well, be safe and remember how strong a like-minded
>> group can be.
The ‘like-mindedness’ here is ( and always has been ) a desire to SAVE LIVES.
If finding out everything that CAN be ‘known’ about exactly what happened in Yarnell on June 30, 2013 ends up even saving ONE life in the future… it is, of course, all worth it.
DownhillIndirect says
Thank you for sharing a part of your life, family and perseverance. Everyone her is a warrior and I appreciate all views and the drive for truth and commonality. Be well, thank you again.
WantsToKnowTheTruth says
Reply to DownhillIndirect ( DND ) post on
March 25, 2020 at 5:29 pm
>> DND said…
>> WTKTT… Thank you for sharing a part of your life,
>> family and perseverance.
You’re welcome. Right back atcha.
Below is a Yarnell-related question I asked you back at the start of February regarding those “known recordings” ( your words ).
I’m still curious about what your answer might be.
Reply to DownhillIndirect post on February 1, 2020 at 5:37 pm
>> DownhillIndirect ( DND ) said…
>> There are known recordings from FF’s on the YHF that
>> clearly heard an intense argument that finished with
>> accusations and expletives confirming thus was the
>> worst order based upon terrible SA and the inability
>> of EM ( Eric Marsh ) ( to ) process words, visuals
>> and voices.
>> I hope that the audio is played for all as all deserve to know.
Quick question… have you, yourself, heard these ‘recordings’ of the ‘argument’ between Eric Marsh and Jesse Steed?
DownhillIndirect says
I saw a video that was shot from Helms back in 13. It was shot as type six and one type one COP engine sat watching the blow up happen. The guy that sent it did it from a COP computer and all copies were taken or asked to be destroyed. you could hear voices but nothing like what RTS is talking about. I wish I would’ve disregarded the warning of the short video “Being COP property, but, I didn’t, I really regret that. I have had 2 other AZ friends besides RTS tell me they heard and witnessed a video from a personal Ipad in which Jess told Marsh “You really F’d us now” These gentlemen I love as brothers and both have the Contagious Federal fear not to talk or share. I am disgusted with the USFS and how they behave like old-school Gangsters ready to extort money and life from those whom speak up..
I believe that this video exists and is the prrof that Marsh had serious Mental Health issues. I’m not making fun of that but Mental Health issues run rampant in the Federal FAM sector and in the IHC world. It is very dysfunctional and so elite that allot of Firefighter aren’t getting the help because thier bosses don’t want to face it and the big bosses don’t want to really pay for real help outside of EAP. If the IHC world was drug tested like the CDL/DOT regulated Engine crew leaders, their ranks would be decimated. If seasonal FF’s (Federal) were drug tested, there wouldn’t be a seasonal work-force. The Federal government is the only fire agency that doesn’t drug test their seasonal employees or non CDL drivers.
I know this sounds rude or disparaging but it is true. I hope that this Ipad video becomes public as it has been the subject of many conversations in many circles outside of IM even 7 years later. I wish I knew then what I know now. My childhood hero’s became villains that sucks. Old friends can only be reached by their legal teams now and Fire Academies would rather let their programs tank than tell the truth, sad but true. If I get to see this video I promise to make it well shown to all of you, jail time or not, we all deserve to know what was really said.
Mental Health is the elephant that until it’s properly dealt with, we will see more FF fatalities IMO. Sorry WTKTT, I wish I had more for you brother..
charlie says
Lots of medical people and relatives involved. My son is a RN, his wife also a nurse, his son is close to graduating form NMSU, another nurse–I saw him by chance at the Mountain View Hospital in his outfit a couple weeks ago–I thought he was working there with scrubs on. He said no Grandpa–part of the training I am doing here. I had done a ultra sound there.
I see that nurses at this point are being offered up to 100 per hour and other perks to attract them. I was drafted as a Medic, but I refused and asked for a machine gun–instead given an MOS as a bulldozer operator. Maybe when we are younger we think we know something when we do not–At 24 I was quite adamant to get into action but you soon find that it is about taking orders, not using your own head as to what you think you would be good at.
The medics were real heroes saving lives but little is heard of their work.
I had a nice conversation with Joy and RTS this morning–some difficulties there for RTS to post. It is quite frustrating for someone to write a post then see it disappear into thin air as his have been doing. Whether someone is hacking or it is just the quirks of the system is unknown. Joy did get her site hacked and even was warned about some of her posts.
You would thing people would welcome a man of 30 years experience and his take on things–but to be told not to talk about the Yarnell fire and shunned with his experience and expertise –you could add wisdom in dealing with wild land fires has to have a reason. The asses that ran the Yarnell Fire do not want the truth told despite a number of well experienced wild land fire fighters that area willing to tell it. It is a shame in a democratic society when opinions and facts from the best in the business are not heard.
We are grateful to John Daugherty for his democratic attitude–he is willing to hear all sides, listen and even voice his own opinions without holding back those that might disagree. You can not say that for many of these sites.
The fire fighting community has made heroes out of the worst examples of wild land fire fighting imaginable. Marsh as far as I can determine did commit suicide since he knew he had killed his crew. He left a safe zone to get into a situation that he know would kill him. It was because the alternative to face the horror he created for so many by killing his young crew would be a conscience he would never be haunted with for the rest of his life.
Then you have Donut surviving and as an example of his training–Donut had no clue about wild land fire fighting safety and wild land fire fighting procedures–and I can lay a bet he still does not. He became a hero and even a regular speaker heard by many even in the fire fighting community–why prey tell? But does he tell the truth? Not from what I hear–only a sympathetic story of how he misses his fellow troops and his near death escape. Does he give Frisby credit for saving his dumb ass?-I don’t know but he and his leader Marsh do not qualify as heroes.
And perhaps it is the norm–you do not need to have a clue about safe procedures in wild land fire fighting. Just depend upon your boss and hope he is not another Marsh that was willing to take unnecessary chances with the lives of his subordinates.
Hey we do not know what was going on in Marsh’s personal life. Seems he liked dope occasionally. You know I was a heavy drinker around my first wife–damn she was the type that had ten words to my one. Whew was she a fire cracker–but I kept calm nerves with some poor man’s medication otherwise I should have been on Valium to handle her and her tirades. But that would be no excuse for killing others due to a bad wife. And truth was she was a good woman in her ways–I was just the wrong guy and you know some situations we just do until we get fed up and move on.
But people handle things differently–we have programs written in from so many different directions and starting at child birth and even before. Well the program writers sometimes fuck up–and maybe the Forest Service and Wild Land Fire fighting community has some flaws in the programs that need adjusting. But to deny facts and opinions will only keep the killing system intact.
The Covid-19 may wipe out some of the best in the business. It behooves people to listen to these older and wiser wild land fire fighters–their expertise may be lost. You have wasted your time when you listen to such as Donut or some of those that are obvious liars and presenting false information.
The Truth Sayers are those unseen heroes that will cause lives to be saved and not destroyed by careless actions that disregard the safety and lives of the young men they command.
charlie says
That should have read Eric Marsh would have had to live with knowing he had killed his crew. He might have even had to face a jury as well. The Fire fighting community involved in this ordeal would have just wanted this to be accepted as they presented it–an unfortunate accident that could happen in any wild land fire fighting episode. Because they presented it that way for various reasons–one not to put any blame on the wild land fire fighting community and the State to keep monetary pay outs as low as possible–but to admit fault also is to say there are some deficiencies and a number of people that are questionable as to their abilities concerning wild land fire fighting.
There are most if not all that know about the Yarnell fire and the Killing of the 19 that also know it was a debacle. There are many that carry information they have kept to themselves or among their cohorts. Yet it is in most of us somewhere, whether from religious training or maybe our upbringing that we ought to tell the truth. It is even more imperative where lives are concerned–that includes the reals reason the 19 are dead as well as the necessity to remedy those causes with solutions to save future lives.
Any psychologist, psychiatrist, doctor or counselor will tell you that to conceal truth–especially in situations concerning the cause of death or concerning the future welfare and safety of others is bound to generate mental as well as physical health issues.
I can tell you it would be wise not to carry knowledge with you to your grave because to do so may even be part of introducing you to your grave. These are not my wisdom–these are valid studies done where it is found that all sorts of malaise can manifest by stuffing information that a person knows rightfully should be told.
I would suggest that Dr. Putnam and others that deal with the mind would advise to get the truth off your chest–even if you had to tell it anonymously on such a site as IM. Writing is one of the best things for relieving tension–especially if a situation is bothering the psyche.
Joy A. Collura says
wtktt stated the documented public information about June 30, 2013 and Marty Cole so maybe Marty Cole can use this dysfunctional youtube insert tutorial and see where he was and show us that here.
I tried to make the video be in right position but it was playing with me and I have too much other stuff to focus too—-
at least task complete-
the bad part is that all those hours wasted and I have had hard time uploading it on youtube-
so I am not paying that area anymore attention for today but task was one just YOUTUBE errs and not easy to post here so await a “new” chapter and later retry-
I have too many doctor stuff going on this week
Bottom line, there are just too many watching and too many who watch who have APPS Marty Cole and in that if you can SNIP TOOL by doing this:
(use the most simple APP not the advanced tools alot of us use-
1. go to your smart phone GOOGLE MAPS and there will either be 3 lines (left) or nowadays a circle with your initial (right) then click on YOUR TIMELINE and where it says TODAY, click there and put June 30, 2013 and it will time stamp that day for you. If your smartphone location was off, it is okay because pings are still sent to the “GMAIL” tied to that smartphone through a variety of APPS so just log into the email tied to your cell and on right side click on that circle and hit MANAGE YOUR GOOGLE ACCOUNT than click DATA AND PERSONALIZATION then click LOCATION HISTORY then MANAGE ACTIVITY than in TIMELINE place June 30, 2013 there.
There is other options and ways but I took a fall earlier making the tutorial video so now I am frustrated and going to sleep-
at least I remembered to come back and update this with some details so you know where you ended up June 30, 2013. I also have helped GMHS loved ones in person so they could know where the movement was to help them there. It is a tool and yet it also has helped some heal but for me to share it here, if you say you were not there that day Marty- “SNIP TOOL” and show us…
Your distasteful behavior towards me for a few years all huffy on me because I was asking for records- shit, I also could have perished that day , sir and you are very blessed my father is not alive because if the giant was he would have made sure politics could not play a role in covering up my death or Sonny’s. You are blessed he is not alive because that man was “connected” and he would have helped me every step of the way to ensure truth was out on me and my death. I have a right to pull records. If people would just call and open that communication I would not have had to request records. It was all of you who have behaved strange each Fire Training Season that I keep asking for records and I am ashamed truly WHO became some of these families family advocate- purely disgusting and I hope one of them or their kids when they grow up do pull records and see for themselves. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Really.
Also keep in mind my style of Forensic Weather is even more advanced than you think – if I can have NOAA and NASA staff members tell me as I train that the knowledge I have intimidates them.
Joy A Collura says
The stores were ridiculous Sonny
they left Chia seeds and took bogus stuff
I am floored HOW this is all unfolding
I will be at the doctors each day the rest of this week, Sonny
heading to bed.
Today was too long and well I have a GREAT crew trying to keep me going strong
and no answers yet on amputation dates…keep ya posted.
Alot of manual body manipulation and traction and other stuff where they strap your head up like Hannibal Lecter look 😉
Joy A. Collura says
I am heading for a day at the doctors
When i get back i will make a YouTube video on something I scheduled to come out in May 2020 but I have to show the world HOW IMPORTANT this article is for the YHF and I told some GMHS loved ones months ago one of the tools so I am ready to show how important as I told Nowicki December 2013 when she asked me what I wanted from this and it was always the cell records. I will be back tonight and anyone who knows making a tutorial is not simple and fast to upload to YouTube but it is now my only focus
Hashtag CAPLES RX in Jay Kurths professional backyard is on pause.
There is a way to learn HOW the day went June 30 2013 Marty Cole and you all are about to learn it.
DownhillIndirect says
As always, thank you. Be well and enjoy the fresh air we all get for a little while…We are pretty rural but the skies look amazing today. Mighty Might.
charlie says
I just had my phone go off for what I thought would be an amber alert. Instead it is an order to remain in my residence except for emergency reasons only should I leave.
I haven’t checked the increase in COVID-19 but it was doubling in Las Cruces every day. I do not know if these sanctions will help, but certainly they should. If this virus has a 6 day to two week incubation period then it has been hanging around in Las Cruces for at least two weeks before the outbreaks of the cases. That means some of us were getting contaminated when there were no cases reported. Yesterday the count was up to 16, likely 32 today.
We will be paying our last respects to some of our friends. I don’t know very many in Las Cruces–my ex wife is there and another over the mountain near Alamogordo–but then I might be paying my last respects to myself as well. I hope not, but there has been a few Warriors that were in the worst heat of battle to return home and suddenly be killed by the most unexpected way–a car accident, a bar fight or a bad stroke of luck. But a virus turned loose on the public by the China Wuhan Type 4 war disease lab?
Well this one is killing thousands and eventually millions and ringing my Note 9 Samsung phone. Almost like an ominous call from the death angel–stay home or else. Do I need to spread sheep blood over my door posts?
charlie says
Did China do this to give Trump and company a lesson? China is quite OK with population reduction in their own country–in fact the despots in charge are not at all affected by the reduction and quite likely welcome it. You won’t see the elite suffer from it at all.
In fact the masses are expected to know poverty and sacrifice to the gods of the state. But they also know that the Americans will suffer greatly from this outbreak. It definitely will change the world economic situation.
If you look into the history of China–It had always for thousands of years been a country that maintained isolation–much like Korea is today. They did not want, and still do not want this so called democratic rule.
Certain they have benefited selling junk to the world, but I suspect the attitude of isolation among the elite of the nation is carried on–they must still believe that being an imperialistic nation is not necessarily to their liking or advantage. I do believe they know that China can handle situations such at the planned virus outbreak very easily compared to the Western Civilizations. The message may well be mess with the dragon and you may well get toasted.
charlie says
Trump is going to produce 2 Trillion Dollars to bring this nation’s economy back to par from what China was able to destroy with only a tiny flu virus code name Covid-19. Prince Charles said we need a new world economy by 2030.
China must have heard him and has now helped greatly toward that goal.
Where do you get 2 trillion and whose pocket is expected to pay for it? Of course Trump will bail out the corporate interests and he will tell you, just as every previous President has said–the corporations are your saviors. They provide the jobs, we must protect them. They should not pay the burden of taxes–you citizens must tighten your belts and provide the taxes to pay these Trillions back–after all you are the main benefactors. I say really?
Truth is if we survive the Two Trillion Dollar debt added to the trillions already owed, your citizen status of going from an over worked, two job necessity to keep up with the Joneses or at least keep somewhat afloat in the American Dream House and life, NOW–you will look at needing a three time job. Corporations will not be paying those bills–the tax paying public will again be burdened.
Where does two trillion come from–it is thin air. Well almost–the Fed Reserve will heat up the printing machines, maybe install some extras. There won’t be time to change the designs. Well, in truth the money will be provided by computers. A number will be typed in by the Fed Reserve World Bankers–Our Government will sign an official IOU document for these sky dollars and promise so much interest. You businesses and people will accept the loans at interest. If your business fails, your collateral will then belong to the Banks and world Financiers. So they will continue to gain more solid wealth for sky money as they have since the Federal Reserve was finagled into effect in 1913.
However, somewhere along the line–and as we see–the more sky money that is pumped into the system, the less the sky money has value–where a dollar from 1913 is now not even a nickle in value. In fact somewhere the masses are going to realize this sky money has no value at all–it is just an invention of world bankers that has provided them the tangible wealth at the bequest of your hard labors–and you labors have only increased to meet the increasing burden laid upon your shoulders.
Now you see why I keep telling folks to get some hard silver and soft gold that you can leave teeth marks on. This sky paper may soon become the invisible asset it truly is.c
Joy A. Collura says
I am not hurting.
You are the best. As I think different from your view and have much hope. That’s enough and through God … all things are possible and that’s my hope😇😁
charlie says
COVID-19 Have you ever noticed when a tragedy occurs that the number 9 and 1 are most often in the mix. Numbers in certain secret societies and in planning their agendas are important to the actions. Secret Societies and covert actions use numbers not only as identifiers but to add force to their act;ions. The Book of Revelation is great on sevens and twelves–numerologists will attach numbers to the letters of the name you use to predict and describe your general character and even things to expect using that name.
Is it a coincidence that 19 wild land fire fighters were killed and that the twin towers came down on the very day of 9-11-2001, and many other tragedies with 19 attached. Is there some unseen force ascribed to this number? Nine is a number that you can multiply any number with then add the resulting digits and the result will always be 9. If you add 9 to any number then sum the digits the sum will always equal the number. For example 2×9==18, 1+8=9 or if you add 9+2=11 then 1+1=2. This 9 is a symbol of finality–it is a symbol of awareness on a global basis–numerology states people with this number have both a very nice amicable side but also a dark side that can go very psychotic in description–a lack of empathy.
So maybe there is something to ponder–we see Presidents and world leaders too often with utter lack of empathy. I would cite Bush and his methods but he is just a small example among all the rascals that entertain the masses with their destructive powers–and too often the masses cheer these leaders on. They are masters at manipulative psychology. I haven’t looked at my neurological count–I hope it does not count to 9.
charlie says
There has been a question–were there really 19 hijackers during the 911 event or was that just a symbol. We would have to question Bush, Colin, Mrs. Clinton, Silversteen and some CIA operatives in the top echelon to get the answer.
I saw 50some little aliens chasing after me in full military uniform including iron pots to deflect live ammo. Then a silent hovering white light above that blinded you to look at. Was it an illusion or a hologram? It is said that holograms have gotten so well improved that anything you see may well be our tax dollars appearing in another form.
Now the missing time element and explaining myself with walking down a railroad track and having covered twenty miles or so of rough terrain with no memory of that I still can not explain. Was I a sleep walker with an AR-15 in my grasp or was it an alien or a practice Federal Government experimental abduction. This could have been a CIA MKUltra experiment–it was during those times and I was hanging around a few of those secret agents–well ones they did not claim after they had shot an Arab dissident eye out. And yeah–that Green Beret guy I knew would not travel from Southern New Mexico to Denver just to shoot out an Arab eye–Jerry gave a shit less about politics–but he was like any good Green Beret –he would follow orders and no questions asked.
Life is interesting to say the least.
charlie says
Stay at home time orders of the Governor of NM–6 new cases in this county alone and just 20 miles east of me–glad the winds are westerlies. If Las Cruces has 6 then El Paso and Juarez only 45 miles south of there will be the next kill zone and a big one considering how little there will be available for the residents in the area.
You never know for whom the bell tolls. But, yeah as the Pres says, China is not to blame here. Well I wonder where he gets his information–CIA sources or is it WHO? What, if they are not the source and blame from their Wuhan number 4, then are all these Number 4 Virus factories letting loose? My instincts say that no it is not a bat that carried this unless it flew out of the Wuhan type 4 deadly virus factory. I mean, come on–the only city in all of China with a type 4 virus lab, and the virus breaks out there. This President talks about honesty –but yes, the media backs his statement.
When will these politicians get honest with the people? Do they think we can not handle the truth? They believe most of us are on a first grade level of mind. I have to believe the opposite is true–most of the masses are better educated than the dupes running the country. Most educated folk are prone to honesty, and not in the con game.
Gary Olson says
And I say,
Joy A. Collura says
In your long time work history
What was your take with what I have requested and or received from City of Prescott..your old time stopping grounds
Do you think when someone who was long time friends and is a part of Prescott and it’s history and now to share to YHF eyewitness thanking me for doing all I do and explained to me the Steinbrinks…Willis… Tony and another separate Prescott person shares about Marty and a high official shares on Holly and MacLean and Nowicki that I should pull records even if it was gonna target me. Now if something happened to me I gave you the old school investigator a piece more where my path was going behind the scenes
God willing I can start humanizing heroes
These records are costly at times and time consuming yet God assures me to keep presenting the documents
Just wondering how come with a G scale you have how come you never pulled records
I was just a housewife hiker
Just always wondered why so many curious out there lay zip on my FOIA or PRR index logs
Nowicki…what was significant about the Teepee fire?
Just wondering why people want to sift through what I pulled but don’t really themselves pull any..
Joy A. Collura says
Nowicki…can you privately or publicly talk about this video you posted and it’s origin details
Gary Olson says
I always say that people should never ask me the question when they don’t really want to know the answer. And right now is the worst time for you to ask me that question because it’s to late for the answer to help you. You should have talked to me before you started down that road instead of Nowicki.
And it wasn’t my pay scale that made a difference in what I did, it was my education, training and experience. I only bring up the pay scale etc. because it adds to my street creds with “them” since they use their positions and corresponding authority to dismiss and ignore anyone who disagrees with them and I like to remind them that I have been where they are with a seat at the table where these things are discussed and unethical decisions are made because of their twisted priorities. I want them to know they can’t bullshit a bullshitter because I know them and what kind of people they are and what they are able to rationalize their behavior in order to justify the decisions they make and the things they do.
Gary Olson says
And the reason I was interested in what you received is because I thought I might have been wrong because you said you found a lot of answers. But I haven’t been interested in what you actually got or asked to see any of it for a long time now because once you started sharing…I saw that I had been right all along.
And actually…even though you didn’t ask me what I thought you should do and how you should go about it, I told you several times what I thought anyway because I wanted to save you from yourself. But you argued with me and ultimately dismissed and ignored everything I told you since apparently my attempt to impress you with pay scale and former positions that comprised my street creds in that area didn’t work.
Gary Olson says
Oh…and one more thing. How many times did I tell you that you had no business running an investigation? HAL 9000 could go back and count them if we really needed to know, but we really don’t need to know that at this point because it’s moot since you jumped off the cliff. And ever since then I have just been waiting for you to hit the bottom.
And I deeply regret that it’s happening at the same time that you have apparently received some bad news about your physical condition and medical situation.
Gary Olson says
I doubt that you remember the anecdote that I wrote on this thread a long time ago about my first experience at the highest decision making level in the BLM and my last one.
At my very first one I was told, “Gary…you do good work, but you leave to many bodies on the trail.” And at my very last one i was asked, “What are you going to do now Gary…call 60 Minutes?”
At the very first meeting, I didn’t respond because I didn’t know what to say. But at the last meeting I knew exactly what to say because it was 18 years later.
I replied. “No…I know how the game is played.”
Joy A. Collura says
I wish I comprehended what you mean on too late or Nowicki.
I am okay to take criticism
You should know that by now
I just want to truly learn
I look back and it doesn’t make sense
More would gather to keep a lie than just say a fact.
I don’t regret pulling or gathering
I find it sad how early on select ones became family advocates
I have to keep doing what God requires of me even if the crowd is larger for the lie.
Thanks for trying to answer me.
Gary Olson says
Oh okay. The reason I didn’t do what you have been doing was because I knew it would be a complete and total waste of time and money. And all of us have finite amounts of both time and money on this earth and I choose to waste mine in other ways.
They got rid of the smoking guns a long time ago and even if they hadn’t, they were never going to give them to you voluntarily. And you have been requesting information from them without any way to impose sanctions and penalties on them for not complying with the law.
WTKTT has been really good at telling you how it SHOULD be, but HAL 9000 is only as good as the data he has loaded into his RAM and ROM. I have been really good at telling you how it is. But you listened to him and not to me and now you are paying the price for that decision. Garbage in…garbage out. HAL 9000 could read and correctly interpret the law that codified in statutes what they SHOULD do and how they SHOULD do it, but bad guys don’t follow the law and do what they SHOULD.
The only way to get evidence from bad guys is to go in and take it with a search warrant, or at least the administrative authority to force compliance. You go in with your own computer experts and you take everything and then spend a couple of years sorting through it as time permits while you build your case by deciding what is important and what isn’t. You don’t spend years letting them decide what is important and what isn’t because they won’t give you the important information you are looking for.
But in order to do need authority and I repeatedly told you that the only entity that had that authority and therefore could empower you, was the Great State of Arizona. And they are the bad guys…so they aren’t going to do anything that would allow you or anyone else to build a case against them.
And you may be good at taking criticism, but you are terrible about taking sound advice based on my education, training, experience, knowledge, skills and abilities. You needed a sniper rifle and instead you used a short barreled shotgun. And therefore…you missed the target.
Gary Olson says
You used a short barreled shotgun at a great distance while they were behind impenetrable cover.
Gary Olson says
Oh…and one more thing. One of my nicknames used to be, Gary “Let’s Get a Search Warrant” Olson. And there was a really good reason for that. If you are a hammer…everything looks like a nail.
My answer to every problem was, “Let’s get a search warrant” so we can take what we want. Nowicki or somebody taught you how to write FOIA’s that were worded very much like a search warrant. You know…except for the “voluntary” compliance part.
And you also listened to the longest serving hotshot crew boss in history. You didn’t listen to the former Supervisory Criminal Investigator (Sr. Special Agent) who retired while working for the Washington D.C. Office of his agency at the same salary as a GS-15 who had 22 years in federal law enforcement with just about every certification you can think of in order to do the job I was tasked with doing. Why was that? And we are still waiting to hear all about the results from RTS’s federal lawsuit.
And now you know some more reasons why I don’t make friends very easily or keep most of them for very long. I am used to people thinking I am smart right up to the point my recommendations don’t agree with what they think or want to do and then I suddenly turn into one of the dumbest @#$&’s and stupidest @#$&’s that the good Lord ever put on this earth.
Any more questions?
Gary Olson says
Wait…don’t answer that question because I just figured it out. You listened to the longest serving hotshot crew boss in history instead of me because he told you what you wanted to hear, whereas I told you what you needed to hear.
Gary Olson says
Oh…and in this case the Great State Of Arizona had two critical co-conspirators as bad guys alongside of them. One was the U.S. Forest Service and the other one was their governmental subsidiary the City Of Prescott.
It’s called Sovereign Immunity (does that sound familiar) and We Have All Of The Power And You Have None. I feel bad that you got run through the bureaucratic meat grinder. I have been there a few times myself and I know how much it hurts.
Joy A. Collura says
I dont listen to RTS.
Even Sonny can tell ya that and my family and friends
charlie says
There was one marine friend, a Master Sergeant gunny who headed a gun range training men how to use weapons.
He told me of an incident of an enemy that would appear some distance below them firing a weapon then disappearing behind the trunk of a huge tree. They directed a .50 cal machine gun at the tree and down came the fellow with the tree. They approached his remains and had found he was trying to ward off a well armed platoon with a shotgun. A scattergun is effective at close range–but there are plenty that were caught running from a shotgun that had the buck shot picked out of their back sides and survived. It is very effective however at close range.
I think Gary expresses it right–the infection in the system is at high levels and it is beyond difficult to clean out an infection that is sanctioned by some of the best in the field with credentials and justification to skirt the law sanctioned by those of even higher positions. I mean look at Ollie North and the CIA squad sanctioned by Reagan and wife who was yelling NO TO DRUGS. They were into hauling dope big time and backing some of the worst drug dealers, yet we had our well informed saying No to Drugs. I think Gary has knowledge and smarts about what goes on and how little can be done. Those that attempt from the low levels are the man behind the tree with the single barrel shot gun up against a 50 cal. machine gun.
However, I would posit that a well trained sniper with his trusty Model 70 30-06 can cause much consternation among even a company of men–but he too knows when to retreat, then again re appear to induce more fear.
We have 1356 Bio Labs Level 3 in this country besides the 16 Level 4 labs that include secret facilities involving Military Bio Warfare experiments. Because the President says we are not into Bio Warfare–it is illegal, the more that he stress it, the more then we are into it.
You do not build a state of the art level 4 Bio lab at a cost of above 1.25 Billion to be completed by 2022 and tell me that you are not playing with war time uses and other uses of the earth’s most deadly viruses for the fun of it. The program is in high gear with those kinds of funds and priorities.
Level 3 is bad enough and deals with such killer diseases that can go wild but have some sort of vaccine or cure. But Level 4 stuff is that which is airborne, contagious, and has no vaccine.
Well, perhaps that is what some people think we need and why not put it right there in Manhattan, Kansas right in the center of our Nation. The Wuhan virus escape did a number on the world, so what difference does it make?
Kansas State University had its beginnings in 1863–Civil War Days. It has been a federally sponsored University concerning Diseases almost from its very beginning. It is interesting that many believer the Spanish Flu had its origin right there in Kansas. In fact the first outbreaks were there and attributed to other countries on the theory that a soldier had brought it in from another country.
That flue lasted for 3 solid years and killed in the millions–yet it did not affect the elderly and very young to the degree it did young adults such as the young soldiers going to war–something my Dad mentioned about stacking bodies of dead soldiers on the ship as he went over to face the Germans during WW1.
These war planners are clever. Way back in 1356 the Tartar army was catapulting bodies infested with the black plague into the city of Kaffa along the Crimean Sea as their method of Bio Warfare. Gen Jeffery Amherst of the British Military had his troops delivering Small Pox infested blankets to the Delaware Indians. And of course in 2006 there were the anthrax letters–and WHO knows what other efforts against humanity have been committed by those that Gary clues us about–that sometimes in high places are blind to the laws they claim to uphold. As Ollie and Colin would say–plausible denial or justifiable means.
Sometimes the glimmer of hope we have is in knowing the facts and having a bit of common sense, believing in our instincts instead of what those marvelous and ingenious leaders would tell us. That would be taking responsibility for ourselves rather than depending upon someone else for their expertise and protection. After all, that President thinks his own self preservation is worth more than yours or mine and even his cronies will get the test before you. So best thing is take responsibility for my own protection –that President after all is surrounded by the Corporate entities whose money has put him in office and whose lobbyists are of the wisest of trained psychologists (the brain wash types that know manipulations most of us can not even imagine)-to keep the flow of things in proper Corporate ideological ground. Fuck the citizen–what does he know and what use is he unless he is a consumer–and truly fuck the eater–he is a burden to the system.
That is Corporate thinking–more or less psychotic behaviour–tack on whatever DSM 3, or 4 labels as you like.
Someone mentioned they did not believe in the Carbon thing–and likely they are right. I am on the fence on that one since I know that science is not always true science and government and others can and have used false data to prove out a thing. It is truly an issue to debate–and an issue that some can use to instill more fear into people to gain mass approvals for new laws and enforcement and even taxes to fatten the coffers of those enforcers.
The possibilities are many and the refusal to look at them without consideration leaves one with tunnel vision–and with out peripheral vision you are in danger while hanging in the presence of wolves.
I am much appreciative of Joy and her revelations. I am appalled that so many that have true insider knowledge cower with it knowing that the right and proper thing to do is to lay it on the table. And opinions, let them be in the open and debatable. If you think the lizard mentality of too many in government is crazy–feel good because most agree. But at least have the guts to lay what you believe and facts you know on the table to be discussed. This is what makes the needed changes and improves the system–even is a duty when lives and safety is concerned.
The people that post here know these things and more–I am not a fire fighter. But are the people that keep mum just because their peers might frown their way because they have been exposed justified? Or on the other hand are they afraid their own follies might also be aired?
I would say each has his reason and sometimes it is just plain lethargy. Should not be an excuse when lives are at stake–most significantly the lives of young heroes.
Joy A. Collura says
I use other weapons like God’s Word
Ephesians 6:11
charlie says
I like the leprechaun–God wipes off the whole planet and leaves no prisoners. God has no conscience–well maybe a little-he left a few. So he may be back–or at least his cohorts, since they need to wipe off 7 billion. That is a grizzly chore but the lizards are mind prepared and happy to do the work.
Reality is often stranger than fiction.
Joy A Collura says
I noticed that one common theme was the numerous Request Visibility: Unpublished . That means that your numerous, ongoing PFD Public Records Requests (PRR) are hidden from public view, right?
Which means the PFD and COP want to keep all that you have requested a secret, right?
Please note that public record requests are not “sealed”. They are open for public and staff review at any time they are requested. The City just does not mark each and every request as published to the public, unless it is information that is sought on a regular basis by more than one person. We did start off in our electronic system as publishing all requests, but we received many complaints that is was confusing.
If you read it then it means if what I asked for was “sought on a regular basis” by more than one person and my index logs show I am the “only” one who has asked for these type of records so if you are looking to challenge if they will LIFT the UNPUBLISHED than others reading IM could ask for a PRR with same content but it appears more than one or two have to seek it because “regular basis” is used but they are busy people RTS and so I know I explained it yet I would state do not waste your time because I gave you all what I know and did—
Do I think about the content and the world knowing what I asked for?
I am not well enough to figure that out right now
for reals
been a rough day
I am glad this task is completed
Nap time then garage later
help you out? In order to get the COP and PFD to publish your PRRs we need to file our own PRRs for what specifically …? I HOPE THAT ANSWER SATISFIED YOU- GOOD NIGHT
Joy A. Collura says
What also helped me get over staph and a bad ass phase of MRSA was using Spartan hepacide quat ii virucidal disinfectant cleaner effective against antibiotic resistant bacteria. Kills slot of bad ass viruses.
So if people are buying into the man made farce…I used this item to rid of MRSA
God Bless you and yours 🙏❣️
Joy A Collura says
A fine man last Summer put this on YouTube for us all
Fire fighting changes should be made Fire Season 2020
Noone should face retirement years at the highest G pay scale this way
Gary Olson says
Ahhhh…that is really sweet of you! But it isn’t about ME, it’s about providing current and future WF with more than bandannas (that they buy themselves) to wear at least during HOT MOP UP because that’s when they are exposed to the most toxic smoke and could tolerate a respirator the most.
I have never worn an the N95 mask they keep talking about because of COVID-19, but I doubt they are as effective as a respirator? But maybe? They look like they would be harder to breathe through? Respirators work great if you just don’t start breathing to hard and to fast from strenuous exertion. Your breathing has to be at a more or less normal rate and “rhythmic.” Just sayin’
Gary Olson says
And I doubt N95 masks seal as good as respirators do because the respirators are made from a soft and viable kinda rubber material that seals very tightly and is comfortable to wear fir extended periods especially when WF rotate in and out of the heaviest smoke as DND wrote about earlier.
But once again, I think it is during HOT MOP UP when WF are exposed to the most toxic smoke for the longest time because they are bent over the hot material using their tools and often water either from hose lays or back pack bladder bags with spray nozzles and that creates a lot of highly toxic smoke and particulates to inundate the WF. Respirators can also be worn at other times to protect WF lungs and throats but those times are more hit or miss because of the variations of exertion.
I’m pretty sure the old Payson Hotshots could have worn respirators all of the time because you know…they were SLACKERS!
Joy A. Collura says
Ok… try again
You sure it was hot toxic smoke and not women😁
Gary Olson says
It was both! Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em. It’s a classic conundrum.
charlie says
The 95’s good to 3 microns–the micron sized Covid-19 still works pretty good according to most and it is a very sticky virus looking at all those pegs.
My kid thinks they are essential in any encounter during this ordeal. Well if they work half the time play the odds. The time they work might be the time to save you. Slots pay the house about 11%, Black Jack hovers around 1% if you play proper–house gets it all fast if you do not. Best to stay out of the Casino but if you do you can last longer playing the odds properly. Justify it as paying for fun maybe. But justify the 95 for playing for life.
I do know that these virus can easily enter through the eyes so you do see many of the doctors and nurses wearing full face and body armour. Clothes will bring the virus home with you.
This one prevented a surgery for me–I damn sure won’t show up in an El Paso Hospital for quite a long spell.
But this one is a good lesson to help individuals prepare for the next one which ought to be a real killer.
Prince Charles posted that by 2030 we need a completely new Economic System. Why do these New World Order People that have the puppet strings keep referring to 2030? Are they giving us a date to look forward too–that is the date so many world Scientists say is the tipping point for Climate Change and also the date that overpopulation must be handled or else.
The world is all a stage but we are 95% the extras.
Joy A Collura says
I am THAT KID who asked my teacher in first grade if she would punish me if I didn’t do something and she said oh you are too cute Joy…of course I wouldn’t…ok then I didn’t do my homework 😁
charlie says
Thanks Joy–wonder if it would help against this virus–it is one thing I am not familiar with. I do know this virus is designed to attack people with diminished immune systems–generally that would be the elderly, although there are younger individuals who have conditions that have put them in this position.
You hear a bunch about vaccines—but who has talked about the immune boosters such as Vitamin C, the E vitamin, D vitamin, and B vitamin,. Turmeric tablets are a given for me during this time–there of course are some things I take such as a glass of orange juice spiked heavily with spirulina and barley grass. I also am a regular on garlic–that stuff not only runs off salesmen, even bacteria avoid it. In a petri dish with garlic, the bad bacteria scatter, have all sorts of maladies themselves and can not multiply yet good bacteria accept it. Some of these old home remedies to boost immune systems, something you can make your own remedies up by a little research on line-something Joy could give expert advice on from real life experience of situations that should have killed her, yet her regimen has made her survive and even thrive.
I will refuse the vaccine on the grounds that my immune system is taxed already. A vaccine actually attacks the system to make it produce the defense mechanisms, but in some folks it will actually cause the body to overkill and thereby destroy the organism. Do not take my advice–listen to that wise doctor that has had 9 years of pharmaceutical training and knows what poisons to kill the virus with. Yes you have to poison the virus and all poisons have their side effects–if you do not believe it, read the side effects–more like effects should be the truth. If you can live with those then good since maybe you have to accept the loss of you liver, libido, kidneys, or whatever in order to live, albeit somewhat depleted. Maybe a depleted life is better than none–I seem to be there right now but sometimes we try to accept the unacceptable.
This is another step forward, much like the 911 gave over citizen rights after all were driven to fear of a few terrorists that the media made into scare tactics that in the final were a big score for the powers and a robbery of the citizen rights. Again, I think now with this test, citizens again in fear will likely accept a law that you need to take vaccinations any time law enforcement says you do. Will they tell you what is in this shit they put in your veins?, it is quite doubtful–many government operations even our own military have preformed secret experiments to see what their medicines will do. It is fairly easy to convince a young soldier to take the medicines but it was not that way when I was drafted. You were ordered to line up and air guns shot medicine into your arms on both sides as you walked through. I had no idea what was in those shots and had no inclination to ask–that would mean 50 push up or as the situation were you called your rifle a gun you would have to run 50 laps around the hooch holding the rifle above your head while yelling this is my rifle then releasing one hand to point at your crouch–this is my gun–My rifle is for war and my gun is for fun.
To my observation, I believe that the vaccines are not only a great reason if not all for the Gulf War Syndrome that I know is for real and not a joke for the young men that suffer from it. Sadly little is said about the ways that might help get over it but doctors have remedies and I have no idea how effective they are. For me I know beside a good shot of Irish triple distilled, a good regimen of vitamins and diet with great avoidance of MacDonalds junk food . And do not think the government health people are above experiments on people. There are plenty of documented cases now FOIA available and posted proof and with today’s high incidence of opaque government and secret black ops anything is possible and if decided will be done with no one the wiser except the perpetrators and the elite asses that demand the tests.
So this virus has put many of the small and medium businesses down–many will be unable to return. Good old Corporate America will become more corporate. Big Corporations will be the norm–many will loose their jobs and whether the Big Corporations will be able to absorb them, I feel that is doubtful. So some of them better stretch that $1200 paper dollar as far as they can. Maybe buy some extra Ramen packs–what I call doper food.
I did buy myself a pack today–shit I think $2.50 for a dozen packs–I went for my mail today and needed to stock up on dog food. I have spoiled my dogs so that they are on strike when I try to feed them dry dog food alone. They will look at it then look at me and I relent and go in and mix in the canned variety. When I return outside they are waiting patiently and have not touched the dry I have already laid before them. Once I put out the mix on top then they all get up and go to their respective bowls. I justify it–they are man’s best friend and a little rebellion against dry food is OK.
I doubt this is a really major catastrophe–more of a test but it will achieve some objectives for the less than 1% ruling the planet and the forces we do not see in our minuscule visual and audio band. How do you think saucers can switch from being seen to not being seen, yet on radar or infrared they are visible. That is proven by the Mexicans being followed and surrounded by orbs for I believe about 30 minutes. Because they were part of the US drug enforcement they had infrared spotting equipment–could see them on their screens. yet when they looked out their cockpits they could not see them. Radar and infrared can see these things, yet our limited vision keeps us blind to things in other frequencies that are there yet out of our sight. I should modify that some–certain people–Psychics for example can see and access other dimensions–they can even see auras that are unseen to most of us. Children are good at it until we download them with limitations and set them in desks with Authorities manufacturing the downloads they have been downloaded with during their tenure in the class room and universities–add to that the religious institutions and other propagandists. It is hard to free yourself from that type bondage since you are in the end convinced it is you and not some damn program that you think is you. Well I should let Dr. Putnam speak to you about that–I know he could but he knows also few would listen.
About the Yarnell incident–fear has most of the people that know things afraid to talk. You can not hold it against them if you understand how the system works–they dare not challenge something when the elite establish it. The King may have no clothes but you dare not say so. You could imagine walking down the Prescott small town streets and the wonderful cronies that have made up the story look at you if you were to spill the beans. They would shun hell out of you and present you as some confused idiot–what does some one call me–a clown. Usually that is a guy that hasn’t looked in the mirror at himself–I hope he is not thinking I am his reflection because he certainly does not reflect. I am not offended–my son Ted used to dress up as a clown but a good one and he did it for charity reasons. So there are good clowns and bad ones that rob banks and do other nefarious works.
In some ways I think I was an Idiot–I do have beyond 9 years of actual college education–that helps qualify one since anyone to handle confinement and garbage for that long is certainly suspect. It is good since I attended many different Universities and even on line ones–but you wise up in time–freedom of thought will never be found there. If fact if you become a Professor or Scientist and free think against accepted ideologies you will wind up just like the educated wild land fire fighter that goes against what the main stream bosses say–you will have to suffer the rejection–likely be fired or black balled if you are working and avoided among your peers if in conference. But in the long run, fuck em–good conscience is well worth the rejection and if you live a life dependent upon awards and strokes then you ought to find some psychological counseling. Life worth living should not be on those terms.
But for the virus–I am using a surgical mask–and today when I went into the Wal mart for the dog food it was crowded with people piling up baskets and shelves about half dry on this end of town Wal Mart–there are three here. But Wal Mart is doing a good job of restocking and they had extra people hired to stocking shelves–so much so that it was hard to get through the isles for the stockers and big carts of goods they were replacing as fast as they could.
Oddly in all this panic, I saw only one other person with a surgical mask. You would have thought Wal Mart would have provided masks for all those workers since even the inside Micky Dees people could only order take out–the tables were roped off. They too did not have masks. With that kind of crowd there had to be a number of cases floating around, yet even the elderly in there were without protection? Well maybe masks are not available–I bought some early on–my son had purchase a bunch–this stuff is very contagious–not wise for me to even go in with a mask–but we should not walk in fear or stupidity–maybe I suffer from the latter with a concern for my fellows at home as justification.
So I do think this is a big ordeal but as the WHO people say–only the beginning and I think a minor one compared to ones to come in this death camp we call earth as controlled by the most brilliant minds in black psychology with unseen control and awareness of the masses of the big picture–where the end game of total control is nearing fruition. The New World Order Bluebloods will say the means justifies their plan. The New World Order is here but its final goals may be much closer than most can imagine. The frogs are gasping for breath already.
Joy A. Collura says
I mentioned my product I used (always run it by your own Dr) but in due time you will hear vaccines and the Big Pharma is here for you in the news.
One of those hallelujah moments for the people to get distracted in..
I live because I lean like Gary said from a generation of cave people and do not confirm.
In the next few months you will learn more about the YHF unlike anything that has been shown publicly and in it you will learn heroes are real people and even they have foibles and I will be sharing or some will think I am exposing the human in a hero. Heroes are not invincible. Heroes assume the responsibility and take accountability so we can learn from errors and blunders and mistakes.
I am alive Sonny because when I was told I had a brain tumor in another area we kept pioneering. Yes due to wrong kind of health insurance and the medical wold is truly governed by Big Pharma I opted to look at my family history (most deceased) and their choices and I opted to do a unique path. My recent time at the foia and prr storage area I did find the brain tumor diagnosis page and will scan and include in a future post because that’s a small diagnosis along with so many other areas but maybe that can help naysayers that have said over time I was never diagnosed.
Big Pharma is not my friend Sonny. Old Indian ways are yours and my ways.
You and I don’t need the stores…we got this.
I laid in bed last night thinking Sonny in a few years will be 80 … Wow time flies eh…
Joy A Collura says
This movie reminds me of YHF
In a few months this film will make sense
Joy A Collura says
Confirm is conform
charlie says
I am already 80 plus–considering the mileage. My car was a decent brand but even those get a worn down with extra miles. But this way you at least cover a lot more ground and see more than a TV set during your life.
We were called Tramp miners. Wild Land Fire Fighters do a hell of a lot more Tramping than the Tramp miner does. A Tramp miner (when travelling it is called Tramping) –just never hung around long enough to grow moss on his back. Either the mines would shut down or he would hear of a better mine and pay up the road and leave the present rat hole perhaps a better situation–that was not always true, but often was. Without a Union–I had never worked Union–the one mine that did have a Union was Fierro, NM mine I worked that went on Strike–I had not joined the Union but those guys that did were off work for 9 months and finally gained a dime an hour on their wages. But a miner does not work for days pay–the days pay people were making something like $5 an hour and I was getting above $9–I always like getting paid for what I did, not for hanging around all day awaiting instructions from some know it all.
I added a new fellow to the tribe here. My grand daughter had moved into an apartment and because her dog did bark too much had either to get rid of the dog or be evicted. He is a beast at a little over a year–true Alpha fellow but took up here like a fly to sugar. Guess that apartment life was not for this guy–he marked these 4 acres in a hurry.
My kid was afraid to deliver him so I went and picked him up. He looks healthy–no corona virus there. Well it has not hit Las Cruces enough yet to have any reports out–people are just going wild here buying up lots of Wal Mart groceries–maybe Albertsons too–and Sprouts for sure. I don’t know if the cemetery plots are bought up, but I can imagine. There is plenty of desert her and mesquites in case I get hit so I am not concerned. I wouldn’t want anyone to have this body–it has too much wear and tear and even loaded with lead. I do believe that science already knows how to use stem cells to create replicas–but we have 7.6 billion and the New World Order wants that reduced by about 7 billion. So your chances of being chosen for repairs or replication are mighty slim unless you happen to be in the approximately .09% that the NWO reptilian gods think they will allow to remain on the planet. Some of us will just have to do with somewhere off in space-or in a cemetery plot-maybe some already are space cases–and in the plots too. Some even of the reptilians are space cases as well.
I know these elite like to be recognized for whom they are–so I have no fears that the black opts will be knocking. However if I get a lightening strike from the chemical sky may the forces be with you.
charlie says
Bring on the good Joy–It is good to make some squirm–they deserve it for their bushitting ways. That old liar that you recorded at Peoples Valley has had to quit reading these posts–he has heart problems now. Well much of it is not his fault, but a hard heart can be caused by the mind as well as the chemicals.
You have to love the truth–that is what does good and saves lives of these heroes. These asses that flaunt their authority and spread a false gospel deserve the slap in the face–not those back slaps they do to each other even after committing some of the most horrendous crimes. Killing 19 is horrendous, but then few are looking at the reasons they are dead nor presenting solutions to the problem. The tax payer is shafted as well since these disasters that should have never happened had proper saftey procedures been followed and proper hiring techniques used-not utilized, what a stupid word.
So you shoot that shotgun to sting their asses at the idea that they might use a 50 cal, but I think not. There are too many of the good guys in the main wild land fire fighting profession that know that your revelations are the right thing to do –so with that kind of backing you need not fear. However, I can imagine only a Joy type could handle the avoidance and disparagement to character some would attempt.
I hear they already have a vaccine for the virus–Mark phones and says it should be out soon–he is working right in it by being young and somewhat of a health nut, (The Israelis had by coincidence been working on the Covid-19 vaccine since 2016 according to their own words) . What is up with that?–this shit must be the world over in all the Type 4 facilities.
I believe he would be fine even if he gets it. But he wanted to tell me he won’t be able to visit for a very long time. Well I am good with my pooches and the Irish Gods and a little of the triple distilled–a poor man’s solace from the Gods that invented it and the Devils aid to those that over do it.
Close is only good in horseshoes and hand grenades–but that goes for scatter guns sometimes. One or two bb’s is enough to bring down a bird some times. If not it makes em smarter.
Joy A. Collura says
I am not in this to make some squirm–just documented truths.
Yes, he is not well. I am sure he stopped reading my stuff because it is not easy; I ramble 😉 right, Gary.
Yes, I love the truth–
Agreed, There are too many of the good guys in the main wild land fire fighting profession that know that my revelations are the right thing to do –Yet I have God so I need not fear.
Yes, it is okay the disparaging Sonny- this is not an easy topic. Some are even comfortable in their grief.
Joy A Collura says
Did you just tell the world you got Ramen noodles
Hope your electric fence is working and your dogs are prepared
It may be known as a. Dopers meal but are you aware how many college kids are out of school
Heighten your security,,😁
charlie says
Yes –I know and they generally are doing the beaches and parties. In truth they do not have much to fear since even if they get it their immune systems will make it a bout of flu or less.
Yeah it is deadly to my age bracket–and yes avoid the crowd here–almost none of the Las Cruces population is wearing protection–but then I have no reason to hob nob there and I think I am excommunicated from all religions–if not I will do that myself. The Irish Gods are enough–maybe too much if they get on my nerves.
I hope you have your surgical masks–I used mine to pick up Kong–he lives up to his name even at a year old. If we get through this one alive, then the next designer virus we will beat the odds again. But the next one will be a real dice roll–this one is not going to take out that big of a percentage. But there may be other methods involved. We live on a dangerous planet infested with war mongers and those that live to kill. It is a world full of hit men that have the means of mass murder on a global basis.
The next order of business is to induce people to have chips embedded along with massive vaccinations. The scare to induce vaccinations is here but what psychology they will use–likely fear again–is up in the air for the chip implants. Some have taken them already–under the guise of children that can be located if abducted or some other persuasion to get them started. Shit, we are in the space age with too many spaced out by TV Media, propaganda and so forth.
The moves have to be gradual–but then they had pretty well cooked the goose with 911. I don’t recommend seat belts–but maybe best on the roller coaster we can expect in the next ten to twenty if some of us last that long.
Joy A Collura says
Hi Gary
The steel case 🐺 wolf brand 6.5 Grendel is only 250 for 1000 rounds
And Who needs stores …right Sonny😁
This cell has new emoticons
Gary Olson says
I would rather throw rocks at a target than shoot that steel cased dirty Russian @#$& out of one of my Sig rifles. No offense. Plus…I don’t want to help feed the Russia Oligarch machine.
Gary Olson says
Wait….25 cents per round? Do you have to go to Russia to pick it up?
Joy A Collura says
No it’s twenty two shipping
J and G in Prescott has it
Online dealers have it
Belgium powder not Russian especially for that round
Hollow tip under the jacket so when it hits ..bends then bullet tumbles and your done…one shot knock down..posion bullet.
Gary Olson says
Well…this is 31 cents per round, but still?
Maybe I need to lower my standards and maybe Russian Oligarchs aren’t really that bad? President Trump really likes them.
I like to shoot Lake City bulk military ammo by Federal…but all of that starts at about $1.00 per round for the bigger calibers. So…
And since I don’t reload, the Berdan primers and steel cases don’t bother me THAT much. Once again…Joy nails it. When am I goin’ to learn not to argue with Joy?
Joy A Collura says
Of course you get Federal…m193 is better than m855 because the m193 breaks into 3 pieces not like the green tip which punches a small hole thru your body
I will keep with Grendel 6.5
Twice the weight of your m193 and tumbles after five inches.
Goes in small then comes out big. 🌃 night.
charlie says
Don’t know much about guns and shootin. But ammo is not cheap and according to Mark, there is a shortage with people loading up during this virus crisis. That virus is cranking up sales in every direction.
For survival, that little .22 round is the top runner Using a single shot will perfect your abilities. I still hunt rabbits with a single. Despite people saying it is not a good deer round–it is not in the hands of a novice but quite debatable from my past survival experiences.
I do think it depends upon the individual. The military knows that generally the best snipers are those of a country boy hunter type. He is already trained somewhat and has instincts that are gained only by experience. My kids would have no clue–their Mom chose the city life over the country ways. Nothing wrong there–once people are convinced that city life is the only way, then those city life survival skills will take precedent. Carry a thick Bible–held over the heart they can stop most of the lighter caliber rounds. They scare hell out of some of the dopers as well.
Joy A. Collura says
Request #20-194
Request Visibility: Unpublished
You asked me to DEFINE the records still that I am requesting-
I took the time to say it is just too large of a scope yet I did show what was pending, appeals, archival, etc and then I got CLOSED for the request #20-190
attached the request again- I want it to be reviewed from someone higher than PRR area before I send the requests to the Arizona State Ombudsman and Arizona State Archives so am I to assume that by you closing that case #20-190- I can forward all the areas I appeal? and that I am being “denied” such records.
It is obvious some areas were illegally redacted on one request so you must know you have the records so to state you do not have the records would be false because some areas of the appeal was areas of improper redactions and that was a long list there to be fixed-
“Dear Requester,
There are no records found that comply with your request. This request is now closed.
Thank you.
March 4, 2020, 3:28pm”
Read less
Request 20-190 – appeal.pdf
March 4, 2020 via web
Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
March 4, 2020, 3:49pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Legal Department.
March 4, 2020, 4:52pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
March 4, 2020, 4:53pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
charlie says
Joy;s extremely trying and frustrating attempts to get FOI’A reports is extremly trying just to witness her documentation of those efforts. This I find to be common with government that obviously does not want accountability from public exposure. They on the other hand would want the secrecy. But in a free society and democracy, it is first and foremost the necessity to open book all public operations that do not directly impinge upon National Security. If we have no access to their handling of public affairs then we have ascribed to Totalitarian government–something of course much instigated by the Bush Dynasty and followed by Obama. Obama actually promised to make government affairs transparent but as every President has done, became another liar to the people and lover of the very powers that got him in office. A dog is servant to the owner that provides the bones–Corporations have the public thinking they count by propaganda and the fools run to the polls believing they really make a difference.
I can say if such hero as Jesse Ventura ran for President, I would cast a vote. Reading Joy,s documentation of her frustrations to get transparency and the lawful right of citizen to public informant by FOIA is just as most government entities act. She is almost treated as an enemy of the State for wanting to know what is going on and the facts.
The Wiki Leaks guy was a true hero by exposing all the chicanery going on behind the scenes. They wanted to call him an enemy of the state and a murderer for exposing these heads of states of doing all kinds of illegal acts to cause the murders of thousands of our own young men and the millions of innocent people including women and children at the hands of these Corporate owned politicians. Just as Trump said we will be coming right out of Afghanistan, then right away proved his true colors by sending more troops into a dead end situation–he too would destroy anyone that might leak information and did leak it of his own nefarious doings.
If you can get a copy of Jesse Ventura’s 63 DOCUMENTS THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WANT YOU TO READ–you will understand how a Navy Seal and past Governor of Minnesota could win and election and did win an election without the Billionaire or crony status to get himself in office. I was living in Minnesota at the time and I remember him saying “I think a drunken Irishman laid out the streets of St. Paul” and getting flack. I laughed since I had the same thought–it sure couln’t have been a sober one. St Paul is really an extension of Minneapolis for those that have not been there and is predominantly Irish. You can still go in and have a Guiness and hear the crowd speaking with heavy Irish Brogue and dancing and music just as you would see in Ireland. There are even a few IRA fellows hanging around there as well.
So hell yes, I would vote for an honest man though I would worry he would some how receive the assassination bullet as the Kennedy men did. Those 63 public records even include the CIA’s secret assassination manual–something few of us might have known actually is now a FOIA document available for public scrutiny. I think is would be outdated these days since they assassinated just about every South American Dictator there was that did not follow the US agenda at the time. Besides by now the technology has been updated and as you saw Trump pull off his assassination of an Iranian Politician, he does not even bother to use the CIA. Shit they by now have replaced that political enemy with another and a dozen more standing in line to follow the replacement. Common Sense leaves people on the golf courses when oil talk and money talk are the key subjects.
Jesse, being the good citizen but wise hero knows and tells it like it is. I think he knows it is too late–to much power for the small Injun. But it would be nice to see some decency on the smaller levels of Government–namely our fire fighting gods. Stay in there JD–our only hope for true news–a rare and treasured item–it got Trump elected so he is clever.
Any how it is Corona Virus shut down and I see there are California laws to hold them hostage in their homes. I suppose the homeless will be gathered into cells and treated to paper masks and those good old homeless meals. Give me Taco Bell Lord–I have tried those-oh oh.
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott is considered a Public Records Request (PRR) not Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
I did a similar scope to Cottonwood on a request with same topic and they were right on it and organized and did not have a set person to do PRRs and it was now HOW I can properly show the Arizona State Ombudsman there is something wrong when they silly dally to finish my August 2018 request but work on and complete so many requests in recent times. I am not prior resident Jeanne Warren who won her case on public records against a government entity where she was there every day annoying the staff. I have been good to the city of Prescott. Someone said let them catch up first before giving new ones but then I ruin my time stamp flow when others reach me. I want a public time stamp when incoming happens so when you see Marty Cole then the public is aware when Marty’s long time friend alerted me and I pulled it. Every person I pulled on was to learn their behavior and mannerisms towards the fire and the men. I give much credit to Wtkkt and Idaho person and RTS for correcting me on punctuations, retired sheriff, probation officer, Jerry T and his pure account and most of all to Nowicki because before her I would neve r take the time to do that because it seemed INVASIVE yet I had to LEARN it was just a tool to put together a puzzle Sonny and I saw June 30 2013 which does not match the SAIT SAIR or the books or movies.
I have not done a thing wrong when it comes to living life
Sonny and I enjoyed messing with the i40 patrol officers when they pulled his van over…we have had such experiences since that first time trailing… nowadays my world has been health and train and conferences
I am not regimen nor is Sonny.
I know if I got a ride to Sonny’s…we know how to live off the land…here in Congress it is all about in the moment and no back up water or food because I spent that time with Sonny but if I am near RTS I grew lazy and grew comfortable in splitting a meal. I would have concern more for AI9000 than and IM human men or ladies because they made this a public pandemic and I think it’s a farce when you look at HOW MANY die annually of other viruses.
They are making this become an economic concern later on. I rather be back in the caves with Sonny then this global B’s and look at gabbert and his site that they planned for all this pandemic since 2010. Oh ok. How many got the crud in wf camp…too many..yet they have the resources to stop or slow down a pandemic… ugh
charlie says
Yes I did give my son a lecture–he brought out some food in a sack and looked at my grocery stack and said Dad you need to stay home and you need supplies. I had to tell him that I have plenty beans, rice and a wide open desert with good rains now there is plenty meat and plants besides the five gallons of Mesquite Beans I have already stored–something those Indians still use but one of the best sugar and vitamin sources the desert provides. There is plenty of rabbit meat and if it comes to making pemican we will make do.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt said the only thing to fear is fear itself. A good statement since he was a rascal as well and used that fear factor to scare hell out of the masses and create fear with the false flag he allowed when more than two thousand of our young heroes were killed during that event. He saw the sacrifice of old battle ships and young soldiers a good way to create anger, a byproduct of fear to get us into war. Well he had to do something since he had gotten elected on the premise that no more wars for America on foreign soils after the Great War to end all wars–WW1. Every President since has followed his example of late Bush 2 sacrificing over 2000 at the Twin Towers to get after the Iraqis —I mean a few thousand to these Presidential Wonders is justifiable in their minds and the follow up of the deaths of more of our young heroes that go to war without thought believing that killing those camel jockies by the millions is just what they ought to do to protect America.
In truth we have only created more hate Americans and killing that recent so called leader of terrorists by Trump was only an act of bravado to make him look like he is defending America. It is some diversion from his impeachment problems and perhaps some justification in the minds of Americans for his opposite stance of now adding troops to a situation he said he was assuring us of instead removing troops from Afghanistan, etc.
There is big money in these War efforts–It is also the big Banking and Oil Magnates beside the War production needs in just about every American Industry this economy is based upon. These wars make Trump look good, the economy healthy and the Magnate few that truly are the Puppeteers are indeed getting fatter prepared off shore for the next plan.
It is now a Big Pharma thing–advise your kids to get into the health care industry. The fellows predicting more pandemics are medical people–generally Doctors that work with these WHO organizations. Why do you think we need a 1.25 billion dollar Type 4 deadly germ facility when we already have 16 of these Type 4 facilities in America and a tiny Island of England, our good ally had 9 of the same that China says it has only one at Wuhan? I think common sense if it hit most people in the face like a brick would not be had.
But this site is not about world affairs although there are so many similarities about what goes on in the general world of government and its methods of creating and using fear to control situations or facilitate their control mechanisms Y0u damn sure see that into what should be a benign situation of wild land fire fighting and transparency that should be a given and freedom of public records, instead treated as if it were a top secret situation absolutely to be kept out of public scrutiny. Fear of loss of job, fear of peers with bigger G-strings, fear of authorities in the cronie system and fear of rejection at these high dollar bull shit sessions, and so on. These are real fears, people have families to support, careers they want to maintain and work they mostly love and want to advance within. The fears are real–justifiable to keep the truth until their death beds –only they must answer that.
Joy. what you posted–always interesting and a fire to the feet of the undercover crowd of Yarnell death Investigators and undercover wild fire cops that continue to play the lie. They and their cronies that they are in bed with are afraid to peep out from under their blankets when you appear or post. I can understand since you have turned some of the fear they have created among their subordinates back at them. Now they have the corona virus to add to their fears so some must putting trust in those thin fire blankets. I like it when you add fire to their feet. They deserve it.
Some of these crows after all might begin to squawk and that in itself is about all we will get unless you tie them to a Congressional hearing. But when some of you Prescott elite are part of the cronies that created all this Public Dance of Bullshit, please do not hold your breath that any amount of them will come clean. Bullshit is sticky and it sticks to your boots and despite a young cowboy I saw rubbing some on his nice Stetson so his mom would know he was doing real wrangling, it is not a cowboy”s delight. It still has a nasty smell and a bad taste–No one I know likes following the cattle truck.
So I am not going crazy–but some sad to see the traps some people have.
And Joy, they have the cures –shit there has been billions developing these diseases–do you really believe they would turn them loose without a cure? If Trump or the Korean Leader get sick they will be OK–likely they already have their immunity shots–just like the Iraq soldiers did when sent to Iraq. But all vaccines have side effects–well really medicines do not have side effects–they are instead effects as you saw now that our young soldiers returned with what is called the Gulf War Syndrome. It is real and those effects from the many injections are real–I see these guys every time I visit the VA clinic–there are over 250 thousand now suffering after protecting the Bush-Cheny, etc. interests (well our so called need for oil) stupidity.
Shakespeare and his saying that the world is all a Stage and we are the actors could never be more true than these days. The directors in charge don’t give a shit about the actors–there are just too many of them and some are in their way.
Take care, smile and look your best–you are on camera.
charlie says
Well I planted enough fruit trees that if the feds don’t kill them with their chem trails or mistake them for marijuana bushes then I should have plenty of peaches, apricots, apples and cherries. I need to do some canning and bought the fruit jars to do so. With home canning you do know what you have–with store bought, much of it made in China or Mexico, etc. you do not know the chemical additives–in China it might be added without anyone knowing. And maybe China is like our Corporations–when they could not by law sell the cyclamate concoctions in cola dirinks in the US, those products were sold to the Mexicans. These corporations are world entities–and now anything from MacDonalds to Papa Johns Pizza can be had even in India. Same with Pharmaceuticals–for instance Johnson and Johnson makes much of theirs right across the border with the Ford factories. Labor is cheap there in the Maquiladores–a pill can be made for 3 cents where here with labor, taxes and so forth it would cost them a dime. That difference is big money when they pump these out by the ton and a 3 cent pill can be worth a hundred a pill.d Well if the World Order Bush and other Blue Bloods have their way, America will adjust downward so that the Mexican and American will balance out so that everybody can produce them for 3 cents or even less. It is about profit margin, and these international corporations, despite their propaganda and sometimes altruistic fronts give a shit less whether we are patriotic or not. Well they do actually–they want the borders to come down so that governments merge into what these many Presidents keep talking about–The New World Order. These people that say this are not Patriots, they instead are intent on selling our Nation down the tube and dissolving the Sovereignty of the nations. On a true level they would be Traitors–for certain in earlier times–now they are futurists. Political polite talk to the extreme.
Cast your vote–I will not–there needs to be change in government–As Jesse Ventura wrote do not start the revolution without me. Of course he does not advocate a violent revolution–but one where a Ron Paul or a man such as himself will intervene in the two party system that is actually a one party system. There is no hope for an honest man that represents the people–but the revolution would be if a Jesse Ventura would step up and the American Public would vote both the Republican and Democrat out of existence, as well as remove the Corporate Lobbies. If you knew Ventura as Govenor, he would not allow Corporate Lobbyists of any kind to visit his office.
So the crony system is embedded so that we are now a Corporate owned and run nation. Will it change–elect another Corporate financed billionaire and see.
Will Corporate owned Media give any significant news–well they can not avoid the Corona Virus–but the next is some jerk that shoots up Hollywood or the down town Mall. Or maybe another Movie Star or Football Hero shoots somebody and then is a news item for months and even years. We have murders here in the local paper–they are fairly common in the states–National newsworthy because you are a star. Shit no. A murder is a murder.
Well I am an optimistic pessimist since I think things will not improve until there is a tipping point–but that might be hard to predict with the nefarious players involved with power, control, and greed the generating factors.
Joy A. Collura says
Request #20-190
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Request #20-39
March 3, 2020, 6:55pm by the requester
Any areas I have asked and appealed-
after my fire season 2020 I will be saving as PDF and forwarding to the State Ombudsman as well as Arizona State Archives to alert them of the situation(s) in regards to the historic must preserve any areas in regards to GMHS and GMIHC and Granite Mountain Hotshots and Crew 7 and Yarnell Hill Fire if they are not rectified by end of Spring 2020 / start of Summer 2020.
I think all those areas should be reviewed “before” doing and looking at any other of my requests.
Best Regards.
March 3, 2020 via web
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
March 3, 2020, 7:01pm
External Message Requester + Staff
I also want “receipt” of the IT person (full name) who stated there is nothing to comply to my request.
March 3, 2020, 7:03pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
What public record document are you requesting?
Thank you.
March 4, 2020, 8:42am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
On this request- there is multiple open and closed requests tied to my name with many public records that I would be here all day looking at what is still pending especially the release of Request # 18-541 done inappropriately and I bullet list a long list of items needing further assistance to provide me the records and as well notification the ones in that request were notified for failure to redact their personal information especially on Nowicki. I know she would be very upset her stuff is not redacted on contact information.
I have already turned over to the State Archives and Ombudsman back in January on this request and notified you January 18, 2020, 8:55am: Request #18-787 ( November 2, 2018, 12:47pm) – still nothing yet there.
I am short on time but let me peak at the requests: #18-541 which was closed then reopened: the list is too large of a scope and is currently itemized in such request’s communication thread of what still needs to be completed on the public records missing or needing attention. Paid: $6.50 on 01/09/20 but received “incomplete” attachments and request waive of fees for any additional emailed or mailed to me in regards to this area.
I appealed this number Request #18-697(October 3, 2018, 11:32am) and it was a second review with no data and I would like from this request more than just that-
from that request;
I, Joy A. Collura, would like to “Appeal” the closing of this request.
Annual “Performance Evaluations” should fall into the category of “Reasonable Indication of Disciplinary Actions” –
Actual “Disciplinary Actions” against public employees end up with their own ‘paper trail’
THAT is what the law does say – we have a “reasonable right” to know about.
My 2016 PRR stated you all were STILL in SEARCH mode on the GMHS / Crew 7 Alumni List and it has been shown much redactions throughout recent requests so that needs “attention”- it now shows areas of “alumni” being redacted and that means some where there is a list of Alumni if I am getting areas redacted.
Request #19-297 ( April 5, 2019, 11:38am )- I am appealing the Alumni list.and other stuff- Crew Time Reports, Fire Time Reports, Resource Orders, etc.
Read Original and all communications we have had on this request.
this is in my opinion a pending “large scope” open request as well.
Appeal and Needs Further Attention: Request #19-504 (June 7, 2019, 9:54am), Request #19-928(October 15, 2019, 11:07pm),Request #20-14(January 7, 2020, 12:54pm),Request #20-15(January 7, 2020, 1:08pm),Request #20-17(January 8, 2020, 9:17am),Request #20-32(January 13, 2020, 2:34pm), Request #20-35(January 13, 2020, 2:34pm),Request #20-39(January 14, 2020, 11:22am),Request #20-129(February 7, 2020, 8:18pm),
Areas That Can Be Archived:
Request #20-43, Request #20-46
Request #17-427 (December 26, 2017, 1:41pm)
Request #18-363 (May 29, 2018, 5:27pm)
Request #19-261 (March 27, 2019, 7:36am)
Request #19-75 (November 2, 2018, 12:47pm)
Request #18-694 (October 2, 2018, 10:42pm)
Request #19-510(June 10, 2019, 11:22am)
Request #19-726(August 14, 2019, 11:13am)
Request #20-37(January 14, 2020, 9:55am)
Request #19-1070(December 5, 2019, 10:24am)($375.00 paid online
January 29, 2020, 9:24am)(large scope)
Request #19-1069(December 4, 2019, 8:34pm)
Request #19-437 (May 18, 2019, 11:29am)
Request #19-538 (June 20, 2019, 6:55am)
Request #19-438 (May 18, 2019, 11:38am)
Request #19-725 (August 14, 2019, 11:11am)
Request #20-28 (January 11, 2020, 2:25pm)
Request #20-29(January 11, 2020, 2:42pm)
Request #20-36(January 14, 2020, 9:53am)
Request #20-38(January 14, 2020, 10:39am)
Request #20-40(January 14, 2020, 1:46pm)
Request #20-47 (January 15, 2020, 10:26pm)
Request #20-48(January 16, 2020, 9:53am)
Request #20-56(January 17, 2020, 12:29pm)
Request #20-61(January 18, 2020, 8:31am)
Request #20-62 (January 18, 2020, 9:18am)
Request #20-63(January 18, 2020, 12:24pm)
Request #20-85(January 25, 2020, 7:03pm)
Request #20-86(January 25, 2020, 7:57pm)
Request #20-87(January 25, 2020, 9:34pm)
Request #20-88(January 25, 2020, 11:13pm)
Request #20-103(January 25, 2020, 11:13pm)
Request #20-189(March 3, 2020, 6:13pm)
Request #20-190(March 3, 2020, 7:01pm)
I just saw the time-
ran out of time but there is plenty of information to be helpful above-
Have a beautiful day
Best Regards, Joy A Collura
March 4, 2020, 12:59pm by the requester
Request Closed Public
Dear Requester,
There are no records found that comply with your request. This request is now closed.
Thank you.
March 4, 2020, 3:28pm
External Message Requester + Staff
Are you closing this APPEALS page?
May I send this to the Arizona State Ombudsman that you are refusing all the content of the PUBLIC RECORDS within this APPEALS?
March 4, 2020, 3:39pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
By May 2020 any areas I appealed will be all forwarded to the Ombudsman
this request was closed but should be a reference point of all areas pending as well
March 20, 2020, 12:53pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
17 days ago…
Request #20-189
Request Visibility: Unpublished
I would like all records “Elizabeth Nowicki” received to date from the City of Prescott along with her original requests for public records.
I also want the document that you notified her formally that in my public records 18-541 her private information was not redacted as well as the others I document in that request and that they were notified; I want that for my records.
non-commercial purpose with electronic return.
No rush. I know I have numerous open requests and one closed requests I challenge to be re-opened.
January 13, 2020 via web
March 3, 2020 via web
City Clerk, Fire Department, Legal Department
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
March 3, 2020, 6:13pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: City Clerk, Legal Department.
March 4, 2020, 8:17am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
March 4, 2020, 8:21am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
March 19, 2020, 9:39am
Joy A. Collura says
43 days ago…
Request #20-129
Request Visibility: Unpublished
I would like all records “Elizabeth Nowicki” received to date from the City of Prescott along with her original requests for public records.
I also want the document that you notified her formally that in my public records 18-541 her private information was not redacted as well as the others I document in that request and that they were notified; I want that for my records.
non-commercial purpose with electronic return.
No rush. I know I have numerous open requests and one closed requests I challenge to be re-opened.
January 13, 2020 via web
Request #20-32
NEW REQUEST- same thing
Yarnell Hill Fire is Permanent Records-
There is no retention schedule for a permanent record. If you destroyed such records, I want the transfer index log showing such with dates and what was destroyed.
Thank You.
Best Regards.
February 7, 2020 via web
Fire Department, Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
February 7, 2020, 8:18pm
Request Closed Public
Dear Requester,
There are no records found that comply with your request. This request is now closed.
Thank you.
February 10, 2020, 9:06am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, Legal Department.
February 10, 2020, 9:06am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Your legal department is stating they did not preserve the emails tied to Yarnell Hill Fire in regards to a PRR from Nowicki- is that correct?
The AFUE request she made- is that correct?
I just want to make sure before I file this-
You are also stating it is the second time you closed this same request for same reason and you did a reasonable search?
Best Regards,
February 12, 2020, 6:23pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Appeal this request.
March 4, 2020, 1:07pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
53 days ago….
Did you really think I was going to apply for a job at station 71 at almost 50??? right…I wondered how many of you guessed the redacted below- here is your answer 😉
Request #20-103
Request Visibility: Unpublished
All documents and records on the vehicle(s) and the staff that drove those vehicle(s) and all staff from Station 71 involved with:
Date: June 30 2013
Location: Yarnell Hill Fire
Working and or Not and Just Present Using Engine Stationed in Yarnell June 30 2013
Travel Logs, Resource Orders, Mutual Aid, Under Table Agreements, E Number, and all records… including any red card certifications or any type of Fire related certifications and any Master Records…Crew Time Report (CTR) – SF261 and, Fire Time Report (FTR) – OF 288 and, the Fire IQCS Master Record
The same records for same date June 30 2013 (Travel Logs, Resource Orders, Mutual Aid, Under Table Agreements, E Number, and all records… including any red card certifications or any type of Fire related certifications and any Master Records…Crew Time Report (CTR) – SF261 and, Fire Time Report (FTR) – OF 288 and, the Fire IQCS Master Record) for Scott Luderman.
closed Request #18-787
I challenge this request being closed.
Requesting as well any communications to and from the Arizona State Ombudsman to CITY OF PRESCOTT records dealing with any of my requests especially this one closed 17-787
Non-commercial- either in person appointed inspection of records and take my own notes or electronically as we have been doing. thank you, Joy
Read less
Request 18-787 – NextRequest.pdf
Request 20-103 – NextRequest – Modern FOIA & Public Records Request Software.pdf
January 28, 2020 via web
Fire Department
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 28, 2020, 6:11pm
External Message Requester + Staff
the wrong file attached – try again
January 28, 2020, 6:13pm by the requester
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 29, 2020, 9:15am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 29, 2020, 9:27am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
56 days ago…
Request #20-88
In one of my PRRs to YCSO – they reported their storage area had a fire.
Would your Fire Dept(s) have a record and or records of that storage area location having such a fire in the past five years?
(37) Sent _ [email protected] _ ProtonMail.pdf
YCSO notification number two.pdf
January 25, 2020 via web
Fire Department
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 25, 2020, 11:13pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 27, 2020, 9:32am
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Please provide the address of the facility and a narrower date range to enable a successful record search.
Thank you.
January 27, 2020, 10:17am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
the area YCSO states is one of their PRR storage areas between years 2013-2018
January 27, 2020, 6:57pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
How would I know where the location is for the records if there is more than one – the City of Prescott would know before me who lives in Congress.
Just state YCSO Records / Storage location with FIRE.
January 27, 2020, 6:59pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I cannot search Fire’s records without being provided an address. I’ll need an address before I can perform a search as your requested date specification is too board. We cannot perform searches based on business names.
Thank you.
January 30, 2020, 2:22pm by Jaimie Sventek, Business Manager (Staff)-
External Message Requester + Staff
I will email Dwight right now and or one of the YCSO PRR folks and have them identify it to me- keep ya posted.
January 30, 2020, 2:31pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
I provided the email I sent to YCSO Records and await their reply.
Thank you
Best Regards.
January 30, 2020, 2:44pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Still no reply from YCSO- maybe you can add their department to this request or are they County?
March 4, 2020, 1:05pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office is not directly related to the City of Prescott.
Thank you.
March 4, 2020, 2:40pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 3:32 PM
[email protected]
Notified them again about our PRR request (attached email)
March 4, 2020, 3:37pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
56 days ago…
Request #20-87
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Non Commercial Purpose
Electronic Return
Records Requested:
1. FEMA State Agreements for Fire Management Assistance Grant Program with City of Prescott and or any of their Fire Departments and or including Granite Mountain Hotshots.
2. Cost Appointment Agreement Records with City of Prescott and or any of their Fire Departments and or including Granite Mountain Hotshots.
3. Limited Delegation of Authority Records
4. Brian Lauber records with any delegation of authority with the CITY OF PRESCOTT and any Fire Dept and or GMHS .
5. Preliminary Cost-Share Agreements with the City of Prescott and or any of their Fire Departments and or including Granite Mountain Hotshots.
6.January 2004 Joint Powers Agreement and or KR-04-0001-LNR-FIR and or Alan Quan
7. Arizona State Land Department Fire Management Division Cooperative Intergovernmental agreement.
8. Horshoe 2 ( May- June 2011) Crew Evaluations for GMHS crew / Eric Mash and or Eric Marsh
9. FEMA Indian Fire (2004) Executive Summary
January 25, 2020 via web
City Clerk, Fire Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 25, 2020, 9:34pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 11:08pm by the requester
Department Assignment Public
Added: City Clerk, Fire Department.
January 27, 2020, 9:31am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 27, 2020, 9:31am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
56 days ago…
Request #20-86
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Non Commercial Request
Electronic Return
All email or communications with the names:
Eric Shane Marsh / Eric Marsh / Eric Mash for April 2013, and May 2013, and June 2013
I have noticed in some records his name is misspelled (attached)
January 25, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 25, 2020, 7:57pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 11:09pm by the requester
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, IT.
January 27, 2020, 9:30am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 27, 2020, 9:31am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
Opened this 56 days ago…
Request #20-85
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Non Commercial Request
Electronic Return
All email or communications with the names:
Patti Crouse and or Marlin Dale Kuykendall / Marlin Kuykendall / Kookie / any misspelling of his first and or last name and or Dana De Long tied to Yarnell Hill Fire and or Granite Mountains Hotshots and any other slang to such name like Crew 7 and or GMHIC / GMIHC and or Elizabeth Nowicki .
Date Range Provided: 2013- to present.
January 25, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 25, 2020, 7:03pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 11:08pm by the requester
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, IT.
January 27, 2020, 9:29am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 27, 2020, 9:30am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
IT has reviewed your request. They report back stating they cannot predict any misspellings as you have stated in your request. IT can run a search for the names provided, but will not be able to surmise misspellings. We will need you to request exactly what you want without any room for guessing on our part.
We can just run the request as is without the portion “any misspellings”. Please let us know if we may proceed as proposed.
January 28, 2020, 2:36pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Please also provided a date range for the search.
Thanks again.
January 28, 2020, 2:37pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Please also provided a date range for the search. 2013 to present
IT has reviewed your request. They report back stating they cannot predict any misspellings as you have stated in your request. IT can run a search for the names provided, but will not be able to surmise misspellings. Understood. It is a name that could easily have misspellings so that was why I added that. Some may say Marlyn or Marlen so that is the jist of what I was getting at.
We can just run the request as is without the portion “any misspellings”. that is fine but add Marlyn or Marlen and remove any misspellings
Please let us know if we may proceed as proposed. proceed as adjusted above-
January 28, 2020, 4:02pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Thank you for the clarification, it is very helpful. We will proceed.
January 29, 2020, 8:04am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
63 days ago…
Request #20-63
Request Visibility: Unpublished
After reviewing all the PRRs today
I am pulling a PRR Non Commercial Request with electronic return for ALL of Ralph Lucas emails with topics: GMHS, Granite Mountain Hotshots, Crew 7, Marty Cole, Tony Sciacca, Dennis Light, Darrell Willis, Duane Steinbrink, “Jamie”, “Light”, “Cooley”, HG / Honor Guard, Yarnell / Yarnell Hill Fire, KC Yowell, Frisby, “Brown”, Troy Steinbrink, “Cougan”, Abel, “Fred”, …Thompson
Thank you
Best Regards.
January 18, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 18, 2020, 12:24pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, IT.
January 21, 2020, 11:25am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 21, 2020, 11:25am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
IT has reviewed your request and determined that the keywords that you list, such as: “Jamie”, “Light”, Frisby, “Brown”, Abel, “Fred” and Thompson” are much too broad and garner hundreds of thousands of emails that will not pertain to your other listed criteria. Using such keywords will make the request next to impossible to fill.
IT will use their expertise and run an email harvest that pertains more closely to the following criteria that you provided, such as:
“Ralph Lucas emails with topics: GMHS, Granite Mountain Hotshots, Crew 7, Marty Cole, Tony Sciacca, Dennis Light, Darrell Willis, Duane Steinbrink, “Cooley”, HG / Honor Guard, Yarnell / Yarnell Hill Fire, KC Yowell, Troy Steinbrink, “Cougan”, Schoeffler.
Thank you.
January 23, 2020, 8:37am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
IT has reviewed your request and determined that the keywords that you list, such as: “Jamie” –
then revise but not omit — Ralph Lucas emails with topics:
SPECIFIC: Jaimie Sventek
SPECIFIC: Dennis Light
SPECIFIC: Brian Frisby
SPECIFIC: True Heart Brown
SPECIFIC: Fred Schoeffler
January 25, 2020, 10:05pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 11:10pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
that was weird
it just a portion of this comment
63 days ago I requested…
Request #20-61
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Request #20-46 closed so revising it as follows:
Records:any Public Records including emails made by anyone named Charlie Cook, Charles Cook, Chuck Cook, or spelled with and “e” Cooke in regards to Granite Mountain Hotshots / Crew 7 and or Yarnell / Yarnell Fire and or any email tied to opposing concerns in any fashion to any area.
Non Commercial Request
Electronic Return
January 18, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT, Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 18, 2020, 8:31am
Department Assignment Public
Added: IT, Legal Department.
January 21, 2020, 11:15am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 21, 2020, 11:17am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I would like to inform you that, we can do a query with the name, but without Mr. Cook’s email address, one cannot be certain we have captured all emails by Mr. Cook. This is just information for you, not a questions or request for your response.
IT will proceed with an email harvest once this request comes up in their que.
Thank you.
January 21, 2020, 11:23am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 22, 2020, 10:18am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 11:11pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I cc’d it here too from other request:
External MessageRequester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Thank you for the notice of the incorrect entries, they have been moved to 20-61 regarding the request for “Cook” or “Cooke”.
Thank you.
March 19, 2020, 9:34am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message HideRequester + Staff
you stated:
The media log is in paper format, so you will need to pay for the copies. I will need to go back into the storage facility and gather those documents and let you know how many pages.
I have yet to see an invoice
may have got LOST because this is in wrong request you replied in and this one was closed
please move to proper request
I am awaiting invoice
thank you
best regards
March 19, 2020, 5:57am by the requester
March 19, 2020, 9:53am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Requester + Staff
Sounds good, thanks.
March 19, 2020, 11:31am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
63 days ago I requested…
Request #20-61
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Request #20-46 closed so revising it as follows:
Records:any Public Records including emails made by anyone named Charlie Cook, Charles Cook, Chuck Cook, or spelled with and “e” Cooke in regards to Granite Mountain Hotshots / Crew 7 and or Yarnell / Yarnell Fire and or any email tied to opposing concerns in any fashion to any area.
Non Commercial Request
Electronic Return
January 18, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT, Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 18, 2020, 8:31am
Department Assignment Public
Added: IT, Legal Department.
January 21, 2020, 11:15am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 21, 2020, 11:17am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I would like to inform you that, we can do a query with the name, but without Mr. Cook’s email address, one cannot be certain we have captured all emails by Mr. Cook. This is just information for you, not a questions or request for your response.
IT will proceed with an email harvest once this request comes up in their que.
Thank you.
January 21, 2020, 11:23am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 22, 2020, 10:18am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 11:11pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I cc’d it here too from other request:
External MessageRequester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Thank you for the notice of the incorrect entries, they have been moved to 20-61 regarding the request for “Cook” or “Cooke”.
Thank you.
March 19, 2020, 9:34am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message HideRequester + Staff
you stated:
The media log is in paper format, so you will need to pay for the copies. I will need to go back into the storage facility and gather those documents and let you know how many pages.
I have yet to see an invoice
may have got LOST because this is in wrong request you replied in and this one was closed
please move to proper request
I am awaiting invoice
thank you
best regards
March 19, 2020, 5:57am by the requester
March 19, 2020, 9:53am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
I am a very pure person who has now been showing these “unpublished” PRRs to you all.
I have not seen anyone do the same as I have offered and I did all the online digital ones and did not exclude any– still working on a few more to post I think that is all that are left.
Is it hard? Just time consuming and I can think of so much more OTHER stuff I need to be doing…
I met this man that I pulled 64 days ago the record request- I met him last week in the PCU/ICU area of Yavapai Regional-
I was visiting someone there.
I did not know it was YOU until I asked out in the parking lot.
I wonder all the while I talked with another – KC – if he (Jeff) knew it was me who pulled this request on him?
Sorry, sir. I just need to document and know “how” this crew truly was made and the other 19 folks as well need to know- they are not supporters of any family using other family member’s loved one for their organization(s) as they have and they appreciate how generous I have been to them in person on sharing vs. their so-called family advocates- I do this for myself and for them and the kids and the homeowners and pretty much all of us who are still affected by this.
Request #20-56
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Jeff Archer
Jeffry Archer
Jeffery Archer
Records defined:
For the purposes of this request, the term “record,” regardless of form or format, shall mean: (1) any written, printed, or typed material of any kind, including without limitation all correspondence, memoranda/memorandum, notes, messages, letters, cards, facsimiles, papers, forms, telephone messages, diaries, schedules, calendars, chronological data, minutes, books, reports, charts, lists, ledgers, invoices, worksheets, receipts, returns, computer printouts, printed matter, prospectuses, statements, checks, statistics, surveys, affidavits, contracts, agreements, transcripts, magazine or newspaper articles, or press releases, including drafts; (2) any electronically, magnetically, or mechanically stored material of any kind, including without limitation all electronic mail or email; (3) any audio, aural, visual, or video records, recordings, or representations of any kind; (4) any graphic materials or data compilations from which information can be obtained; and (5) any materials using other means of preserving thought or expression.
SCOPE of topics within records tied to that name to narrow it down:
Yarnell and / or Granite Mountain Hotshots (priorly known as Crew7) and / or Duane Steinbrink and / or Chief Ben Palm and / or Chuck Tidey and/or Marty Cole and / or Darrell Willis and or Type 1 and or Nowicki and or Craig Knapp and or Patrick McGroder and or Tony Sciacca.
Non Commercial Request
Electronic Return
January 17, 2020 via web
Fire Department
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 17, 2020, 12:29pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Please consider narrowing the request as it is to broad when you add the definition of “record”. Narrowing a request can help the City expedite filling requests. You can always ask for more once you get the narrowed request filled.
What document are you looking for in relation to Mr. Jeffrey Archer?
Thank you.
January 17, 2020, 1:19pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 17, 2020, 1:20pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am good with that scope range- I narrowed it down best in original so I can review through there the need I have on that topic.
I did define records with a highlight to emails.
Yeah I have some missing links and I think Archer’s areas may provide such. To pinpoint an exact document- it is just more likely I will find what I need in general specified scope in original request.
Thank You.
Best Regards.
I am in no hurry-
January 17, 2020, 1:26pm by the requester
xternal Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
This request is too broad. Please specify what public record documents you want and possibly from what department. Staff cannot possibly fill this request the way it has been submitted. I see your “definition” of record and that does not help a staff person fill the request. We have no real idea of what public record document you seek.
Thank you.
January 22, 2020, 10:22am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am going to keep the large scope with some topics to help you narrow it down because I defined the meaning of RECORD because I am trying to locate the document that made GMHS a type 1 and or 2 from CREW 7. It has to be there in archived records or in some email or some note taking or form so I defined RECORDS properly because I have no clue where it will be but it has to exist if the GMHS became a Type 1 or 2 and he (Archer) is known as the only signature and there should have been more than one so “fact checking” looking for this document. I have spent this week looking at all the unredacted files at State Records where I am getting to see some answers but none yet on this area but if I find it- I will let you know.
So best I can narrow it is-
Archer tied to GMHS / Crew 7 and or Yarnell in any way and or Signatures tied to GMHS and or station 71 and or Marty Cole and or Tony Sciacca.
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 11:16pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
IT will do an email search as you have requested and the City will look for the “document that made GMHS a type 1 and or 2 from CREW 7”
Thank you.
January 28, 2020, 3:03pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
65 days ago I opened this request
Request #20-48
Request Visibility: Unpublished
I am asking for all emails, documents, letters with the name Wade Ward tied to any of these names in any order or combination or there of: Amanda Beno Marsh Lohman, Amanda, Amanda Beno, Amanda Marsh, Amanda Lohman and or Joy A Collura and or just the word “Joy” and or Yarnell and or Yarnell Hill Fire and or Nowicki and or Willis and or Steinbrink and or Lucas and or Marty Cole.
City of Prescott:
For the record, I never received any letter from Wade Ward in regards to Amanda Beno Marsh. All my emails in 2013 from Amanda were kind. The shift began when I started in 2014 pulling PRRs and FOIAs because I overheard a City Official at a store say he did not agree with Holly’s article and they needed more to go by- THAT WAS WHY I PULLED MY FIRST RECORDS with other entities. Your entity never entered my world until years later because I liked the Mayor K saying we had “common sense” the hikers and I did not like HOW the City was treated on the aftermath so I stayed clear for long time pulling any records to CITY OF PRESCOTT.
Every moment I had with Wade Ward was pleasant and NEVER once did he tell me what is written in this email. NEVER.
Learning about it for the first time in 18-541 PRR. I did not even know Nowicki at the date of this letter. She started sifting in late Fall 2013, start of Winter stating to heal our pains she was sending us the CELL PHONE RECORDS. She never did.
I want that noted FOR THE RECORDS the above information.
0345_Sender_Ward,Wade – FirstRecipient_ean[redactedhere] – Subject_Please consider – 10-09-20…
January 16, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 16, 2020, 9:53am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, IT.
January 16, 2020, 5:06pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 16, 2020, 5:07pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The portion of your requests that states “all … documents, letters with the name..” is too broad. We can look to fill the “email” portion of your request as that is specific. However, we will need a time frame for the IT Department to search. Please provide a time frame.
Secondly, please tell us what public record document you seek when you refer to documents and letters. The term “all” makes this too broad and impossible to fill.
Thank you.
January 22, 2020, 10:31am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I did define it.
Subtopics (all name spellings in original request):
All individually named or in combination if found:
1. Joy / Joy Collura
2. Amanda Marsh
3. Nowicki
4. Willis
5. Steinbrink
6. Marty Cole
Actually to be specific, I can do that for some areas:
like the Ward to Nowicki with the use of “joy” letter – if there is any other record leading up to that sort of communication to figure HOW my name was tied into it.
Emails from Ward to the rest of the names with the date range May 2013 to one month after his date of resignation when he went to APS.
January 25, 2020, 9:18pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 11:19pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Request #20-47
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Records:any Public Records Request(s) made by anyone named Tom Steele and or Thomas Steele and or Tom A Steele and the return he got of those records.
Any emails or documents with the name listed above and or email steelet[redactedhere] tied to the Yarnell Hill Fire or Granite Mountain Hotshots / Crew 7 and or Amanda Beno Marsh or Julianne Ashcraft
Non Commercial Request
Electronic Return
January 15, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT, Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 15, 2020, 10:26pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: IT, Legal Department.
January 16, 2020, 3:58pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 16, 2020, 4:01pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 22, 2020, 10:16am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 11:20pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
66 days ago I opened this request and closed days later.
hashtag #Cook or #Charlie Cook, #Charles Cook, #Chuck Cook,
I need to speak with you if you were that name above at public meetings in 2013 upset in the Yavapai County area-
We need to talk so I can show you some documents
Request #20-46
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Records:any Public Records Request(s) made by anyone named Charlie Cook, Charles Cook, Chuck Cook, or spelled with and “e” Cooke and the return he got of those records.
Non Commercial Request
Electronic Return
January 15, 2020 via web
Fire Department, Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 15, 2020, 10:21pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Legal Department.
January 16, 2020, 3:54pm
Request Closed Public
January 16, 2020, 3:56pm
Request Reopened Public
January 16, 2020, 3:56pm
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I have one more place to check before confirming, no record found. I will get hopefully find the result soon.
January 16, 2020, 3:57pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 17, 2020, 2:08pm
Request Closed Public
Dear Requester,
There are no records found that comply with your request. This request is now closed.
Thank you.
January 17, 2020, 2:11pm
Joy A. Collura says
67 days ago I opened this based on an ongoing other request to do so-
Request #20-43
Request Visibility: Unpublished
as stated in 18-541
7. All emails and documents and records and texts with the name AMANDA BENO MARSH LOHMAN / AMANDA MARSH / AMANDA BENO MARSH / AMANDA LOHMAN and tied to YARNELL
For the purposes of this request, the term “record,” regardless of form or format, shall mean: (1) any written, printed, or typed material of any kind, including without limitation all correspondence, memoranda/memorandum, notes, messages, letters, cards, facsimiles, papers, forms, telephone messages, diaries, schedules, calendars, chronological data, minutes, books, reports, charts, lists, ledgers, invoices, worksheets, receipts, returns, computer printouts, printed matter, prospectuses, statements, checks, statistics, surveys, affidavits, contracts, agreements, transcripts, magazine or newspaper articles, or press releases, including drafts; (2) any electronically, magnetically, or mechanically stored material of any kind, including without limitation all electronic mail or email; (3) any audio, aural, visual, or video records, recordings, or representations of any kind; (4) any graphic materials or data compilations from which information can be obtained; and (5) any materials using other means of preserving thought or expression.
I strongly believe my statement
“Definitely lacking important emails between Willis and Amanda Beno Marsh Lohman on Nov 2014 thru January 2015. He told us she emailed him for his support and we have external witnesses who heard him state that so there is those documents. ”
falls into staying in and fulfilling the Large Scope 18-541 request but willing to make new request but I did state “all” so I do not know why the statement above got this statement below
“You will need to make a new request for it. I can only search for records that were listed in the original request portion of the request for this particular public record request. ”
Either way- covered my basis.
Non commercial purpose request with electronic return
January 14, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 14, 2020, 3:18pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: IT.
January 14, 2020, 3:19pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Our Information Technology Department confirms that the names you have listed were included in the email harvest for 18-541 along with the phone numbers you listed in that older request.
In regards to the remaining portion of the request for “any and all” with a listing of a voluminous criteria and array of documents, there is no way we can fill a request so vague and large. Please tell us what public record documents you seek.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 4:14pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
to confirm the IT states there is no more Nov 2014 thru January 2015 with her name and what I got is just that – nothing further. Nothing in the trash recovery area either. Confirmed.
I will take that as final there is none for Nov 2014 thru Jan 2015 area.
Specifically I can exclude any emails tied to her Eric Marsh Foundation and her annual Retreat data and any area tied to her foundation matters or Honor Guard matters but will keep the large volume scope on her name tied to Yarnell Hill Fire as well as any communications between her and the name “Marsha”
I think excluding her foundation should make it less voluminous.
January 15, 2020, 8:43am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms Collura,
I have contacted IT to confirm your inquiry. You may want to also consider that the two parties may have communicated through personal means, rather than through a City venue. The City does not have access to personal emails unless those emails pass through to a City related email system at some point. I believe even if emails have been put into a “trash” function on an employee’s email account, IT would still capture such. I will confirm that as well with IT.
I will let you know IT’s response when it comes through.
Thank you.
January 15, 2020, 10:12am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms Collura,
I have contacted IT to confirm your inquiry. You may want to also consider that the two parties may have communicated through personal means, rather than through a City venue. right but if in that City venue her personal email is in there with ANY area tied to Yarnell or my name – I can view it even if other persons emails are in there if it some way went to a FORWARD of a city employee because for example Willis has used both personal and professional and I have seen both his emails in records released because it is tied to fire- so you are confirming that you do not have any further emails for Nov 2014 to an 2015 is my takeaway- thank you. The City does not have access to personal emails unless those emails pass through to a City related email system at some point. I believe even if emails have been put into a “trash” function on an employee’s email account, IT would still capture such. I will confirm that as well with IT. sounds good- thank you
I will let you know IT’s response when it comes through .thank you
January 15, 2020, 10:59am by the requester
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 17, 2020, 2:11pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
When it was mentioned that the two parties may have communicated via personal email, I meant that they may have only used their personal email accounts without anyone else from the City included. We cannot reach into someone’s personal email accounts, unless somewhere in the email chain it came through someone’s City issued email. If the email came through the City in any way, it would have been included.
Still, this request will go to IT for review.
Thank you.
January 17, 2020, 2:18pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The IT Department has responded with:
So the search criteria was for anything in email text with the following names:
“Elizabeth Nowicki” “Holly Neill” “Deanna Thompson” “Amanda Beno” “Marsh Lohman” “Amanda Marsh” “Amanda Beno Marsh” “Amanda Lohman”
From the date 6/30/13 to present (the emails will be date stamped)
So this would have included everything with those names in that date range not just tied to the term Yarnell.
Because your request came in after 2015, it is safe to assume the email search has already produced all that the City has available.
In regards to “all” and you definition of a record, we cannot search for a public record based off of a definition. Please tell us what public record document you seek. If you are uncertain as to what document you are seeking, you can always request that in a new request.
This request is considered filled previously via 18-541.
Thank you.
January 22, 2020, 10:54am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Request Closed Hide Public
Your public records request has come into our system as a duplicate, this request will be closed and we will respond to the other request. 18-541.
Thank you.
January 22, 2020, 10:54am
External Message Requester + Staff
I found my answer from another area / entity on this topic.
Ok, request closed.
Thank you.
January 25, 2020, 9:51pm by the requested
Joy A. Collura says
67 days ago I opened this request
Request #20-40
Request Visibility: Unpublished
I would like all records “John N. MacLean / John Norman MacLean” , “Deanna Thompson”, “Holly Henderson Neill / Holly Neill” received to date from the City of Prescott along with their original requests for public records.
I would like to have the index logs of all full names or entities including SAIT SAIR and ADOSH – actually all who pulled records for Yarnell Hill Fire or Granite Mountain Hotshots or Crew7 from CITY OF PRESCOTT but only the above named on the actual items they received plus original request but I need to look at who asked for what and when. Yet the named folks above I need to pull what they received and the original request.
Recap- Full Index Log since 2013 who asked for the records on Yarnell Hill Fire or Granite Mountain Hotshots or Crew7 from CITY OF PRESCOTT plus all records “John N. MacLean / John Norman MacLean” , “Deanna Thompson”, “Holly Henderson Neill / Holly Neill” received to date from the City of Prescott along with their original requests for public records.
non-commercial purpose with electronic return.
No rush. I know I have numerous open requests.
January 14, 2020 via web
Fire Department, Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 14, 2020, 1:46pm
External Message Requester + Staff
to make further clarification-
Index Log for 2013 means January 2013 to present not June 30 2013 to present
January 14, 2020, 1:50pm by the requester
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, Legal Department.
January 14, 2020, 4:55pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 4:55pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:44pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Let the good times roll…
Request #20-39
Request Visibility: Unpublished
tstein[redacted here] (Troy’s alternate email that has any YHF information used at work or in your system-)
Also any emails with this email with the topic Yarnell Hill Fire, June 30 2013, Granite Mountain Hotshots, GMHS7 Crew 7, any of the Granite Mountain Hotshots Alumni (living or deceased) tied to topic: fire.
this is a non-commercial purpose
electronic return-
thank you.
Best Regards.
January 14, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 14, 2020, 11:22am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, IT.
January 14, 2020, 4:55pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 4:56pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:44pm by the requester
——— External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
IT has reviewed your request and there are issues with the way you have composed your search criteria. IT has responded with:
I can search for any emails coming to/from tstein[redacted here] to a city email address.
I can only search for terms that are given to me, so topics like, “any YHF information”, “or having to with fire”, aren’t searchable options.
She will need to give me a list of what she wants me to search for.
Also, she will need to give me a list of the Granite Mountain Hotshots Alumni (living or deceased) she wants me to search for.
So far the list I have is “Yarnell Hill Fire” “June 30 2013” “Granite Mountain Hotshots” “GMHS7” and “Crew 7”.
Please be specific in your request. IT cannot work with too broad of search terms and will also need you to specify what names or terms need to be searched. Unfortunately, we cannot assume what you would like searched.
Thank you.
January 28, 2020, 1:41pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
[JOY Reply’s]
what is the professional IT your system uses and who is the full name working on my requests from IT? I have never on any other name had this concern of such “scope” so why now on Troy’s email? I want all emails pertaining to Yarnell Hill Fire to and from Troy’s government email or this email enclosed that went to a government email. This scope is direct. Now for the GMHS Alumni – you will have to “explain” to your IT you illegally redacted such list from all prior requests so they will have to go through you to obtain that- I have names from other PRRs and FOIAs and Arizona State Archives Records but that is not my duty to offer it to IT when City of Prescott since 2016 used “still searching” as their reply to me but have not yet provided me such list. I do not have to provide such list to IT but City of Prescott did illegally redact in emails such list so they can answer IT.
has reviewed your request and there are issues with the way you have composed your search criteria. IT has responded with:
I can search for any emails coming to/from tstein[redacted here] to a city email address. Then do so-
I can only search for terms that are given to me, so topics like, “any YHF information”, “or having to with fire”, aren’t searchable options.
She will need to give me a list of what she wants me to search for.I gave the topics.
Also, she will need to give me a list of the Granite Mountain Hotshots Alumni (living or deceased) she wants me to search for. then IT can obtain it from you since your dept illegally reacted it.
So far the list I have is “Yarnell Hill Fire” “June 30 2013” “Granite Mountain Hotshots” “GMHS7” and “Crew 7”.
Please be specific in your request. I was specific. I want to review any government email that is tied to Yarnell Hill Fire and or the GMHS Alumni.
IT cannot work with too broad of search terms I have other requests where they have done it for other people with same topics so please do not feel all of a sudden on Troy’s such unless you have a new IT person and if that is the case than please provide the IT System used and both or multiple full names who is stating these comments just on Troy’s and no prior other name I have provided with same topics was shown to be too broad- and will also need you to specify what names or terms need to be searched.anything to do with Yarnell and or Yarnell Hill Fire and or GMHS (living or deceased) Unfortunately, we cannot assume what you would like searched. and nor do I have to be shown this explanation solely on Troy and never before on any other asking the same inquiry so I am owed some further explanations.
Thank you.
January 28, 2020, 3:43pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
My apologies if I seem with mood yet please note it is the CITY OF PRESCOTT records dept who since 2016 stated they are searching for the GMHS alumni list but one of these requests showed TOO MANY areas that you illegally redacted it so yeah once CITY OF PRESCOTT fixes their illegal actions than I can provide IT with such list.
It is wrong that this IT has not used this with older requests when it is the same scope just different name and or email. Why did the CITY OF PRESCOTT records close Troy’s request calling it a duplicate when it was not. I am owed explanations.
January 28, 2020, 3:50pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
From an open request I can help IT with what I have been shown so far from GMHS ALUMNI names provided but really IT needs to look at the Alumni List that was redacted in Request #18-541 and while there, they can make it legal and lift the redactions. Here is what I have but I want the complete list not yet provided to me-
All personnel file records on these men even if it lays outside the Granite Mountain Hotshot areas – any area the City of Prescott shows these names with proper redaction:
Shane Arollado
Matthew Barton
Scott Bowers
Brandon Bunch
Austin Carmen
Matt DeMenna
Brady Higgs
Justin Kaoni
Aaron Lawson
Elliot Logan
Daniel Loghry
Chase Madrid
Phil Maldonado (Maldo)
Carl Mathhes
Daniel McCarty
Austin Mork
Eric Naumetz
Ian (Whalen) Owens
Renan Packer
Geoff Phelan
Sean Balboa
Jake Hannah
Wade Tait
January 28, 2020, 5:28pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Thank you, we will work with what you provide.
January 29, 2020, 8:00am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
and again why am I being denied the GMHS Alumni records – I challenge this area. In 2016 you stated it was being searched and in recent open request it is illegal to redact as it was done on so many areas along with many missing attachments. I need confirmation as I am challenging you on this to not go with what I provide only but to lift the redactions on other request and as well use those names and provide them to me as well. It is an area I will challenge for currently it is illegal to have it the way it is. Please confirm are you still in “fixing” mode that area or am I being denied the records? For my records I need such answers.
Thank you.
Best Regards.
January 29, 2020, 9:43am by the requester
Request Closed Public
Dear Requester,
There are no records found that comply with your request. This request is now closed.
Thank you.
February 26, 2020, 11:05am
External Message Requester + Staff
I am appealing this #20-39 request.
March 3, 2020, 6:55pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Did I just see OPEN for a record tied to a Steinbrink?
Yes, you did. 67 glorious days it has been. 🙂
There is a God…
duh…I knew that.
Someone getting tired of me not accepting the “close” methods you got wrapped down so quick?
Glad we have one open still…
Request #20-38
Request Visibility: Unpublished
All emails / and or letters for Troy Duane Steinbrink with topic:
Yarnell or Granite Mountain Hotshots or Duane Steinbrink.
this is NOT a duplicate to 20-37 [emphasis added]
the other is the father to Troy Duane Steinbrink
Request 20-35 – NextRequest – Modern FOIA & Public Records Request Software.pdf CLOSED.pdf
January 14, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 14, 2020, 10:39am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 14, 2020, 10:53am
Department Assignment Public
Added: IT.
January 14, 2020, 10:53am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 10:53am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
my apologies-
this is a non commercial purpose request with electronic return
January 14, 2020, 11:01am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:41pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
March 20, 2020, 9:58am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Remember my last request it was the same lingo but instead the last one had Willis name and this one has Steinbrink- look at Willis is STILL OPEN yet Steinbrink- even though I asked a IT inquiry was closed within 27 days and they were opened the same day…read on:
You gotta appreciate someone you know working the Public Records areas – “right??? ” just saying”
God Bless ya Steinbrinks
Thank God I have Craig filling in me in … and no not your bro, Gary …different Craig…
Let’s go … let’s make a move…
Request #20-37
Request Visibility: Unpublished
All emails / and or letters for Duane Steinbrink with topic:
Yarnell and / or Granite Mountain Hotshots and / or Eric Marsh Foundation / “Amanda” and / or Chief Ben Palm and / or Chuck Tidey.
Non-commercial purpose
electronic return.
January 14, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 14, 2020, 9:55am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 14, 2020, 10:02am
Department Assignment Public
Added: IT.
January 14, 2020, 10:26am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 10:28am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:40pm by the requester
Request Closed Public
Dear Requester,
There are no records found that comply with your request. This request is now closed.
Thank you.
February 10, 2020, 8:53am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Will your IT team “confirm” this is accurate that your IT system has zero email from Duane Steinbrink tied to the topics?
just need positive clarification.
thank you
best regards
March 20, 2020, 9:45am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
I opened this request 67 days ago
I do not know if you noted yet – Willis is not “as protected’ as the Steinbrinks on these records releases
if you saw in all my requests- “just saying” –
maybe some bias happening when you lay on Social Media as a friend
but then again think about the request I was protecting down below where I said I want to work at that station just getting my structure fire training and EMT first but yeah even they closed that request remember that –
which indirectly that guy is a Steinbrink too in his own way- he is married to Duane’s daughter.
Come on Arizona State Ombudsman- wake up to see what’s happening…
I know you are busy
yet let me hashtag # Danee Garone here and heck why not hashtag # Jay Kurth’s professional backyard CAPLES RX while I am at it—
Help me with these odd requests being unfulfilled-
Request #20-36
Request Visibility: Unpublished
All emails / and or letters for Darrell Willis with topic:
Yarnell and / or Granite Mountain Hotshots and / or Duane Steinbrink and / or Chief Ben Palm and / or Chuck Tidey.
Non-commercial purpose
electronic return.
January 14, 2020 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 14, 2020, 9:53am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, IT.
January 14, 2020, 10:26am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 10:27am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:40pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
March 20, 2020, 9:24am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
While my old request remains stagnant
Request #20-35
Request Visibility: Unpublished
All emails / and or letters for Troy Duane Steinbrink with topic:
Yarnell or Granite Mountain Hotshots or Duane Steinbrink.
January 14, 2020 via web
Fire Department
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 14, 2020, 9:51am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
should have stated:
All emails / and or letters for Troy Duane Steinbrink with topic:
Yarnell and / or Granite Mountain Hotshots and /or Duane Steinbrink.
Non commercial request
Electronic return.
January 14, 2020, 9:57am by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
This seems to be a duplicate request. Please see 20-37.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 10:29am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 14, 2020, 10:30am
Request Closed Hide Public
Your public records request has come into our system as a duplicate, this request will be closed and we will respond to the other request. See request 20-37.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 10:32am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
The name in 20-37 is the father of Troy Duane Steinbrink – Duane Steinbrink.
OPEN this up again, please.
It is not duplicate.
Those are two different people.
January 14, 2020, 10:36am by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
I made a new request since this was closed as a duplicate and it is not a duplicate.
January 25, 2020, 10:39pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Link to View document
0050_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_troy.steinbrink @ – Subject_FW_ Granite M…
Link to View document
0018_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie – FirstRecipient_troy.steinbrink @ – Subject_Days of …
I am reviewing request
saw the above email thread
there is emails showing in there so far for Troy so I want to APPEAL the IT on my requests on Troy
I definitely want to review his email threads on GMHS or Yarnell or Crew 7 or Duane
March 19, 2020, 12:22pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
I appeal this request
March 20, 2020, 8:28am by the requester
Joy A Collura says
Let this song get you off your feet and dance and smile … I mean for those that have legs 😉
decisons, decisons, decions…
Belt the song out-
and smile.
Look at video and look at those men smile…
freaking contagious huh
Joy A Collura says
I have been singing that Spinner song over and over since 3:34am
I cannot get the song out of my head
I keep thinking of my Aunt Eydie and my mom going to the Solid Gold shows back in the day and how smoking hot my mom looked dressed up
remember that show
h t t p s://youtu.b e/Pge_uGSADDc
h t t p s://youtu.b e/ltSpd7Rh_sM
Joy A. Collura says
I opened this 68 days ago
Request #20-32
Request Visibility: Unpublished
I would like all records “Elizabeth Nowicki” received to date from the City of Prescott along with her original requests for public records.
I also want the document that you notified her formally that in my public records 18-541 her private information was not redacted as well as the others I document in that request and that they were notified; I want that for my records.
non-commercial purpose with electronic return.
No rush. I know I have numerous open requests and one closed requests I challenge to be re-opened.[more than one]
January 13, 2020 via web
Fire Department, Human Resources, Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 13, 2020, 2:34pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, Human Resources, Legal Department.
January 13, 2020, 3:48pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:37pm by the requester
Request Closed Hide Public
Dear Requester,
There are no records found that comply with your request. Staff has been to storage and has not found any original public record requests within the boxes from Ms. Nowicki. If there was an official record request, it would be past retention at this point. This request is now closed.
Thank you.
February 7, 2020, 9:03am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I just spent today in downtown Phoenix learning what is suppose to be kept after this historical fire – this area is one.
All records to YHF are permanent records-
I will make new request referring back to this request.
I will be away until March but logged on one last time to see the weather updates and saw your email.
February 7, 2020, 8:15pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I would like to see the destruction of records on this topic of Nowicki because we know she made requests
we just never know if they were fulfilled
so if you destroyed any records – I want that receipt
March 20, 2020, 8:19am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
70 days ago I opened this
Request #20-29
Request Visibility: Unpublished
I need to ask for non-commercial purpose electronic return:
In request 18-541 I read this:
“From: Willis,Darrell To: Holly Neill Sent: Sat, Nov 9, 2013 8:24 pm Subject: Re: records Holly the records are in the City Attorney’s office and I will have to request them. Shouldn’t be a problem will check with them on Tuesday. What are you looking for if you don’t mind me asking? OSHA also reviewed them. ”
[emphasis added]
I am asking for Eric Shane Marsh and Darrell Willis ALL phone record(s) / record(s) for June 30, 2013 that OSHA reviewed and or received.
For the purposes of this request, the term “record,” regardless of form or format, shall mean: (1) any written, printed, or typed material of any kind, including without limitation all correspondence, memoranda/memorandum, notes, messages, letters, cards, facsimiles, papers, forms, telephone messages, diaries, schedules, calendars, chronological data, minutes, books, reports, charts, lists, ledgers, invoices, worksheets, receipts, returns, computer printouts, printed matter, prospectuses, statements, checks, statistics, surveys, affidavits, contracts, agreements, transcripts, magazine or newspaper articles, or press releases, including drafts; (2) any electronically, magnetically, or mechanically stored material of any kind, including without limitation all electronic mail or email; (3) any audio, aural, visual, or video records, recordings, or representations of any kind; (4) any graphic materials or data compilations from which information can be obtained; and (5) any materials using other means of preserving thought or expression.
[emphasis added]
0679_Sender_Holly Neill – [email protected] – Subject_records – 11-10…
January 11, 2020 via web
Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 11, 2020, 2:42pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Legal Department.
January 13, 2020, 10:49am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 13, 2020, 10:49am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:37pm by the requester
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
Joy A. Collura says
I opened this 70 days ago
Request #20-28
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Wow, this going through the records is interesting.
Time consuming. You should know you searched and gathered and did some hard work yourself.
I need to ask for non-commercial purpose electronic return:
any record(s) – tied to Wildfire GMIHC Learning and Tribute Center Meetings.
All that includes these Entity IDs:
“Wildland Fire Museum / Learning Center” , LLC Entity ID: S9040065 (GRANITE MOUNTAIN INTERAGENCY HOTSHOT CREW that was tied to CITY OF PRESCOTT), 22547601(Statutory Agent
Jason Lohman; spouse to Amanda Beno Marsh Lohman), Inactive (4/14/2018) N22430477 (GRANITE MOUNTAIN INTERAGENCY HOTSHOT CREW (GMIHC) LEARNING A CHARLES ANTHONY SHAW) and do you have the document file of their open meeting document history(ies) ( should be more documents than this as shows on:
For the purposes of this request, the term “record,” regardless of form or format, shall mean: (1) any written, printed, or typed material of any kind, including without limitation all correspondence, memoranda/memorandum, notes, messages, letters, cards, facsimiles, papers, forms, telephone messages, diaries, schedules, calendars, chronological data, minutes, books, reports, charts, lists, ledgers, invoices, worksheets, receipts, returns, computer printouts, printed matter, prospectuses, statements, checks, statistics, surveys, affidavits, contracts, agreements, transcripts, magazine or newspaper articles, or press releases, including drafts; (2) any electronically, magnetically, or mechanically stored material of any kind, including without limitation all electronic mail or email; (3) any audio, aural, visual, or video records, recordings, or representations of any kind; (4) any graphic materials or data compilations from which information can be obtained; and (5) any materials using other means of preserving thought or expression.
Read less
0680_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_Sventek – Subject_Second Stakeholder Meeting – 09-05-20…
Wildland Fire Museum-Learning Ctr Stakeholders Mtg Notes August 12 Final.pdf
January 11, 2020 via web
Fire Department, City Manager
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 11, 2020, 2:25pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 13, 2020, 10:47am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 13, 2020, 10:47am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:35pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Please declare what documents you are seeking. The term you used, “any record(s)”, is too broad and does not tell the City what document to produce, as we do not know what document to provide.
Are you seeking meeting minutes?
Please be specific when telling us what document you want.
Thank you.
January 28, 2020, 3:16pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
it is defined in original request:
For the purposes of this request, the term “record,” regardless of form or format, shall mean: (1) any written, printed, or typed material of any kind, including without limitation all correspondence, memoranda/memorandum, notes, messages, letters, cards, facsimiles, papers, forms, telephone messages, diaries, schedules, calendars, chronological data, minutes, books, reports, charts, lists, ledgers, invoices, worksheets, receipts, returns, computer printouts, printed matter, prospectuses, statements, checks, statistics, surveys, affidavits, contracts, agreements, transcripts, magazine or newspaper articles, or press releases, including drafts; (2) any electronically, magnetically, or mechanically stored material of any kind, including without limitation all electronic mail or email; (3) any audio, aural, visual, or video records, recordings, or representations of any kind; (4) any graphic materials or data compilations from which information can be obtained; and (5) any materials using other means of preserving thought or expression.
January 28, 2020, 4:08pm by the requester
Department Assignment Public
Added: City Manager.
January 29, 2020, 9:09am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
March 20, 2020, 8:06am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
this was 73 days ago- they handled yet another of my requests but my oldest one stays stagnant and open and not complete
Request #20-17
Request Visibility: Unpublished
I would like the document of items CITY OF PRESCOTT has purged since 2013; itemized with date and records removed from their system may it be paper form, photography, audios, or digital electronic due – ANY documents- to RETENTION SCHEDULE or any other reason(s) pertaining to the specific topic(s): “Forests, wildfires and forest management”,”Fire”, “YARNELL FIRE”, “YARNELL HILL FIRE”, “GRANITE MOUNTAIN HOTSHOTS (GMHS)”, “GRANITE 7”, “CREW 7”, “Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew (GMIHC)”, “City Manager of Prescott, Forest Supervisor of the Prescott National Forest, and Prescott Fire Department Staff tied to fuels management”, “Prescott City Council, Yavapai County, Arizona State Land Department, and Prescott National Forest tied to fuels management”, ” Prescott Area Wildland Urban Interface Commission (PAWUIC)”, “Fuels Management Crew”, “the Fuels Management Crew evolved into Crew 7”, any documented Type 1 and or 2 Initial Attack Crew, any document that shows your system either moved ANY records to Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records, Marty Cole’s home, Tim McElwee’s home, Todd Rhine’s home, Troy Steinbrink’s home, Dan Bauman’s home, any of the Marsh / Lohman’s home, Duane Steinbrink’s home, Darrell Willis’s home or any other location or hom and / or destroyed and its itemized content of what was relocated. Those document I want for my records.
Thank you
Best regards,
Joy A Collura
January 8, 2020 via web
City Clerk, Fire Department
Certificate of Records Destruction Fire Department 2015 03 24.pdf
Link to View document
Certificate of Records Destruction Fire Department 2016 02 04.pdf
Link to View document
Certificate of Records Destruction Fire Department 2017 08 11.pdf
Link to View document
Certificate of Records Destruction Fire Department 2018 01 23.pdf
Jamie Sventek – Business Manager
54 pounds destroyed
Certificate of Destruction shows actual receipt
March 24, 2015
SIR SPEEDY – destroyed – 3/26/15 8:00 (EMS reports and various other file and records
2015 Public Safety Fire Dept.
Prevention Program 000-12-25 item#1 records start and end date 12/05 paper 1 file
Council Agenda Memos 000-12-16 Item#6 9/05 – 11/05 paper 1 file
Truck Estimates 000-11-54 item#10 2005-2005 paper 1 file
Prevention Goals 000-12-23 item#10 1994-1994 paper 1 file
Safety Inspections 000-11-8 item#5 1992 to 1992 paper 1 file
Planning Meeting 000-11-8 item#15 1988 to 1990 paper 1 file
Incident Reports 000-12-23 item#15 1987-1987 paper 1 file
Inspections 000-12-23 item#16 1987-1987 paper 1 file
Correspondence 000-12-15 item#10 1987 to 1990 paper 1 file
Drug Check off Sheets 000-12-23 item#5 3/11 – 12/13 paper 1/8 box [ did you all note that everything else was from the 80’s 90’s except this one was 2011 to 2013 – sure hope they did not feel privvy to wipe out any of GMHS documents to some RETENTION SCHEDULE? ]
2016 Public Safety Fire Dept.
Certificate of Destruction shows NO actual receipt
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Records Adults 000-12-23 6a. July 2009 December 2009 Paper 1 Box
and Drug Box Check Sheets / Inventory Records GS 1024 10358_ March 2011 December 2014 Paper 13 Files
Jaimie Sventek
February 4, 2016
2017 Public Safety Fire Dept.
Certificate of Destruction shows NO actual receipt
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Adults 000-12-25 1 Jan 2011 June 2011 Paper 1 Box
Accounts Payable Records GS 1017 10057 July 2013 June 2014 Paper 1 Box
Jaimie Sventek
August 11, 2017
2018 Public Safety Fire Dept.
Certificate of Destruction shows NO actual receipt
Drug Box Check Sheets GS 1024 10358 January 2015 December 2016 Paper 12 Files
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Records – Adults GS 1024 10359 July 2011 December 2011 Paper 1 Box
Public Records Requests GS 1018 10299 July 2008 December 2016 Paper 1/2 Box
Jaimie Sventek
January 23, 2018
Point of Contact
Sarah Siep [note: a newbie on the requests versus the usual names]
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 8, 2020, 9:17am
External Message Requester + Staff
“digital electronic due”
redacting the word “due”
January 8, 2020, 9:21am by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
hom is home
January 8, 2020, 9:23am by the requester
Department Assignment Public
Added: City Clerk.
January 8, 2020, 10:12am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 8, 2020, 10:15am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 8, 2020, 10:41am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
clarity- this is a non commercial request with electronic return
January 8, 2020, 10:43am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Laura is investigating this now-
It forwarded to her-
I will enclose the snip it that was sent to me Thursday, January 9, 2020 1:16 PM
by Richard Carroll
Records Analyst
Arizona State Library, Archives and Records Management
attach snip it on left of screen
January 9, 2020, 1:50pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
The return investigation results were hard for me to read. I do not know why you used RETENTION SCHEDULE on the types of requests I made-
According to C-38116, C-38117 (Office of the State Forester) they should be permanent those tied to YHF.
So as of today- officially the areas that were looked into for CITY OF PRESCOTT:
“The City of Prescott has not transferred anything to our facility since the 1970s.”
that is the latest update.
January 9, 2020, 2:53pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
page 7:
January 9, 2020, 7:26pm by the requester
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Certificate of Records Destruction Fire Department 2018 01 23.pdf
January 17, 2020, 2:03pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Certificate of Records Destruction Fire Department 2017 08 11.pdf
January 17, 2020, 1:59pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Certificate of Records Destruction Fire Department 2016 02 04.pdf
January 17, 2020, 1:59pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Certificate of Records Destruction Fire Department 2015 03 24.pdf
January 17, 2020, 1:58pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The City Clerks’ Office has provided “4 destruction forms related to the Fire Department showing destruction of records by the Fire Department, which includes documentation from 2016 06 13 through today 2020 01 16.
It is noteworthy to add that the State of Arizona does not require us to report specific documents titles, contents etc. Our requirement is to report the specific category of records as outlined by the State Retention Schedule, the quantity of records destroyed and the date range included.
We have our own Records Center for storage therefore we have not sent documents to the State archives for storage during this time period.
Additionally, we do not move files to the homes of employees or others. Records are maintained either within the department that generated them or in the City’s Records Center which is managed by the City Clerk.” Per the City Clerk’s Office.
January 17, 2020, 2:07pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Request Closed Public
Your public records request has been completed and closed. Please LOG IN to view the request and any documents entered.
Thank you.
January 17, 2020, 2:07pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The City Clerks’ Office has provided “4 destruction forms related to the Fire Department showing destruction of records by the Fire Department, which includes documentation from 2016 06 13 through today 2020 01 16.
It is noteworthy to add that the State of Arizona does not require us to report specific documents titles, contents etc. Our requirement is to report the specific category of records as outlined by the State Retention Schedule, the quantity of records destroyed and the date range included.
We have our own Records Center for storage therefore we have not sent documents to the State archives for storage during this time period.
Additionally, we do not move files to the homes of employees or others. Records are maintained either within the department that generated them or in the City’s Records Center which is managed by the City Clerk.” Per the City Clerk’s Office.
Good to know.
Now then you are aware all records tied to Yarnell Fire and GMHS are permanent records and you used the RETENTION SCHEDULE on request tied to YHF.
You do understand that, correct?
You cannot destroy any records so then I asked a long time ago for all records for GMHS and you lacked the Safety File tied to the GMHS, so do I need to place a spcecif request for that file since it lacked in my original one years ago?
January 17, 2020, 2:13pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Please make the new request as you have indicated.
This request is closed.
Thank you.
January 17, 2020, 3:04pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
January 17, 2020, 2:14pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
ON 2015- you showed actual destruction receipt along with index log- where is 2016-2018?
March 20, 2020, 7:46am by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
I appeal this one based on the content I asked for would not fall under retention schedule but permanent archival.
March 20, 2020, 7:47am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Request #20-15
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Any Public Records Release, Index Log and/or Records and/or Documents to “Marty Cole” pertaining to “Granite Mountain Hotshots ( GMHS )” and/or “Crew 7” and/or “Granite 7” and/or “Granite Mountain 7”.
Any historical documents that were released to Marty Cole from 2000-present. I would like the index log showing that release.
Thank You
Best Regards,
Joy A Collura
January 7, 2020 via web
City Clerk, Legal Department
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 7, 2020, 1:08pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: City Clerk, Legal Department.
January 8, 2020, 7:52am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 8, 2020, 7:53am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
clarity- this is a non commercial request with electronic return
January 8, 2020, 10:45am by the requester
Request Closed Public
Dear Requester,
There are no records found that comply with your request. This request is now closed.
Thank you.
January 17, 2020, 1:22pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
On this one, I would like to ensure you are comfortable with that closing response.
This may be an area I take to the next level so I want to make sure you fully checked on this one.
Thank You
Best Regards.
January 17, 2020, 1:31pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am in Fire Season Training starting Monday but this closed request may at some point be a public focus so that was why I wanted to double make sure you fully checked this out on Marty Cole.
I need to fact check your area and ensure you know at some point this will be a public focus.
So if you are okay with closing this and all was checked then I am okay.
January 18, 2020, 8:46am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
There was not an INDEX/LOG in storage. I did find a partial list of requesters, which could possibly serve as a INDEX/LOG, but they were all from the media.
Yes, any index log showing all who has asked about YHF and or GMHS even list of media names
January 18, 2020, 10:21am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Very important that this CLOSED request gets a FINAL comment from my January 18, 2020, 8:46am comment down below before I escalate this to next area.
This is a rather important inquiry that may require even asking Mr. Cole himself on this request.
Thank you. Best Regards.
Closed to me is stating you do not have any document showing historical documents given to Mr. Cole in regards to the names I showed especially the Safety File.
That is how I define closed.
January 25, 2020, 6:54pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:30pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
you stated:
The media log is in paper format, so you will need to pay for the copies. I will need to go back into the storage facility and gather those documents and let you know how many pages.
I have yet to see an invoice
may have got LOST because this is in wrong request you replied in and this one was closed
please move to proper request
I am awaiting invoice
thank you
best regards
March 19, 2020, 5:57am by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Thank you for the notice of the incorrect entries, they have been moved to 20-61 regarding the request for “Cook” or “Cooke”.
Thank you.
March 19, 2020, 9:34am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
74 days ago I opened this
Request #20-14
Request Visibility: Unpublished
record retention schedule mentioned as final reply in Request #18-787
non commercial- electronic return request.
thank you
Best Regards,
Joy A Collura
January 7, 2020 via web
Fire Department
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 7, 2020, 12:54pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
January 7, 2020, 4:54pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 7, 2020, 4:55pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The Fire Department informs me they follow Arizona State Retention Schedules. Please follow the link provided to view the retention schedules.
Thank you.
January 8, 2020, 8:11am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Request Closed Public
Your public records request has been completed and closed. Please LOG IN to view the request and any documents entered.
Thank you.
January 8, 2020, 8:11am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I have already did my record search through them ( Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records ) years ago.
I was told and redirected to go to you direct the “custodian of the records.”
So do you have the release document that you released all the documents to them for preservation purposes being this was a National tragedy and has historical value.
Like GlendaleFD- they have an official purge document of their documents they destroyed due to retention schedule and it lists all they purged itemized so may I see that document with date that it happened with City of Prescott so I have it for my records. I have GlendaleFD official purge record and they were only allowed to purge certain sections not all and I got the remaining records that were not purged.
June 30, 2013 falls under “historical significance” and all records do not fall under normal retention protocol and the records I request would fall under historical significance.
I will call them again soon to get a recorded update to get them to state it clearly falls that you are exempt or not on this area on the national tragedy of Yarnell Hill Fire and the death of 19 men because the link below states “Forests, wildfires and forest management are records with significance historically and are permanent.”
this #20-14 should not be closed.
I have the right to challenge the decision sent to me that they followed the state retention because if that is facts than there would be a document that you moved them to Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records for preservation being they preserve Forests, wildfires and forest management records as shown in link and I was told by them years ago you are the custodians with the records; none have been forwarded to them back then so I would use this document where you transferred it to them and match date I was told you had the records. I would like the document to match up to when they told me you had the records- that has value to me especially when it took you as long as it did to return with RETENTION SCHEDULE when you already could have stated that when you were in redaction stage of Scott Ludeman’s file. Right?
I am greatly disappointed that you would find RETENTION SCHEDULE and redirect me to that link and not be aware the very area I asked for is tied to a National Tragedy with historical significance. I am not satisfied with that as an answer.
January 8, 2020, 8:52am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Laura is investigating this now-
It forwarded to her-
I will enclose the snip it that was sent to me Thursday, January 9, 2020 1:16 PM
by Richard Carroll
Records Analyst
Arizona State Library, Archives and Records Management
attach snip it on left of screen
January 9, 2020, 1:53pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
The return investigation results were hard for me to read. I do not know why you used RETENTION SCHEDULE on the types of requests I made-
According to C-38116, C-38117 (Office of the State Forester) they should be permanent those tied to YHF.
So as of today- officially the areas that were looked into for CITY OF PRESCOTT:
“The City of Prescott has not transferred anything to our facility since the 1970s.”
that is the latest update.
January 9, 2020, 5:57pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
107 days since I opened it.
Request #19-1070
Request Visibility: Unpublished
All personnel file records on these men even if it lays outside the Granite Mountain Hotshot areas – any area the City of Prescott shows these names with proper redaction:
Shane Arollado
Matthew Barton
Scott Bowers
Brandon Bunch
Austin Carmen
Matt DeMenna
Brady Higgs
Justin Kaoni
Aaron Lawson
Elliot Logan
Daniel Loghry
Chase Madrid
Phil Maldonado (Maldo)
Carl Mathhes
Daniel McCarty
Austin Mork
Eric Naumetz
Ian (Whalen) Owens
Renan Packer
Geoff Phelan
Sean Balboa
Jake Hannah
Wade Tait
December 5, 2019 via web
Fire Department, Human Resources
Paid: $375.00 on 01/29/20
Point of Contact
Melissa Fousek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
December 5, 2019, 10:24am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
the READ MORE still does not expand so placing the names on this area fo rme to see later-
All personnel file records on these men even if it lays outside the Granite Mountain Hotshot areas – any area the City of Prescott shows these names with proper redaction:
Shane Arollado
Matthew Barton
Scott Bowers
Brandon Bunch
Austin Carmen
Matt DeMenna
Brady Higgs
Justin Kaoni
Aaron Lawson
Elliot Logan
Daniel Loghry
Chase Madrid
Phil Maldonado (Maldo)
Carl Mathhes
Daniel McCarty
Austin Mork
Eric Naumetz
Ian (Whalen) Owens
Renan Packer
Geoff Phelan
Sean Balboa
Jake Hannah
Wade Tait
December 5, 2019, 10:25am by the requester
Department Assignment Public
Added: Human Resources.
December 5, 2019, 11:12am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process will take quite awhile due to the extreme voluminous requested material.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
December 5, 2019, 11:14am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The City of Prescott deems the majority of an employee’s personnel records confidential. The City is a political subdivision of the State of Arizona. The State of Arizona limits review of State employee personnel files made under a public records request to the following:
Name of employee;
Date of employment;
Current and previous class titles and dates of appointment to the class;
Current and previous agencies to which the employee has been assigned and the location of the main office for each agency;
Current and previous salaries and dates of each change;
Name of employee’s current or last known supervisor; and
Records that are reasonably necessary or appropriate to maintain an accurate knowledge of the employee’s disciplinary actions, including the employee responses to all disciplinary actions, unless providing this information is contrary to law. See Arizona Administrative Code Title 2, Ch 5.
Additionally, the privacy interests an employee has in other aspects of his/her personnel file militates against providing the entire file. It is also in the City’s best interests in having a full and open employee evaluation process to limit provision of the entire personnel file. Thus, the City’s policy in providing personnel records made pursuant to the Arizona Public Records laws is the same as required by the State of Arizona pursuant to the Administrative Code cited above.
The City will provide what is available for release.
Thank you.
December 5, 2019, 11:14am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms. Collura,
If you would be so kind as to tell us if there are specific documents you are seeking from the 23 listed people’s personnel files, that may help speed up the process.
Thank you.
December 5, 2019, 11:16am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am looking for application when hired, I am looking for resignation / termination letter, I am looking for with the proper HIPPA redactions notice of Injury reports, Certifications, Red Card, Promotions, Annual Reviews, Master Record.
This is a Non-Commercial electronic return request- if any area needs to be printed versus electronic just let me know.
December 5, 2019, 1:03pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
All municipal workers including for example Waste Management type jobs or any type not just tied to the fire department. If they belong to any other employment areas besides “Granite Mountain Hotshot (GMHS)” – I want to review the history tied to the City of Prescott. Any job position. This is not a request asking solely for their GMHS records but all tied and extended outside such.
December 5, 2019, 1:08pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
A box with the records of the applicants you mention has been located in storage. Just by a quick view of the box, it is about 3 reams of paper worth. Generally a ream of paper consists of 500 pages. The standard fee for a copy is 25 cents per printed page. Therefore, a quick estimate for these records (not including the any records of employees still employed with the City, which are now in electronic format) is $375.00, plus postage if you want them mailed. The fee would need to be paid before work to begin copying and redacting will proceed.
Please let me know if you would like to proceed with this request. If you decide to go ahead and get those records, I can bill you through the system here. If it is found that there are more or less copies, we can refund or request further funds to cover the copies.
Thank you.
January 17, 2020, 3:26pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
3 reams of paper worth – $375.00, plus postage if you want them mailed.
Agreed- send invoice.
In addition to those copies-
Will you scan the records and electronically place on memory stick as well and I will pre pay now for the $375 for copies plus $6.50 for them on a memory stick as well as the copies and save on postage and I will pick them up.
It would be too time consuming to place online here if it is 3 reams and too heavy to ship.
January 17, 2020, 4:20pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am online now until early Monday to pay invoice then it is hit or miss on me working on all open requests (Fire Season 2020 Training) and one area has 1 month allotment so I would like to extend past Feb 9th on that large scope to look at those records- I will post it under that request
January 18, 2020, 8:50am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Please insert invoice for the amount before Feb 1 2020- I am in gear to head out to the Academies.
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:28pm by the requester
Invoice Sent – $375.00 Requester + Staff
Prepay for estimated paper copies. $375.00. The requester understands that the cost may increase or decreased depending on the amount of copies. The charges are 25 cents per printed page, plus postage to send the copies to the requester.
No copies will be released without prior payment.
January 29, 2020, 8:08am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The invoice has been generated. The City will only provide the records in the format in which they are stored. We will not convert them into electronic format. I am informed by HR that there will be a few records that will be provided electronically.
Thank you.
January 29, 2020, 8:12am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Invoice Paid Public
$375.00 paid online
January 29, 2020, 9:24am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
January 30, 2020, 2:14pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
March 20, 2020, 6:57am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Now keep in mind before 2017 all my PRRs with City of Prescott was in paper form and I have no equipment to do that area to put it here but that was the largest scope request because that request was all of the stuff on GMHS-
even though I have not yet seen ALL to this date and you will catch me then asking for specifics-
Opened 108 days ago
Request #19-1069
Request Visibility: Unpublished
In the file attached in the ADOSH – SAIT SAIR note taking I saw other items I need to see if you already pulled for them- if I can have a public records version of:
1. Brendan McDonough Notebook used for June 30, 2013
2. I already have pending request for Willis cell records and it shows it was pulled prior so can I have that earlier to match one I got from another entity
3. any documents the City of Prescott or Prescott Fire Dept. has showing how many cell phones Willis had tied to his name on June 30, 2013
3. Eric Shane Marsh cell record that the ADOSH – SAIT SAIR received
4. HotShot Pre-Season Review Appendix C
5. With proper HIPPA redactions but the medical release for the crew to return for 2013 Season including Eric Shane Marsh
6. Full Name and Season of the Past Women Granite Mountain Hotshots or “Crew 7” / “Crew Seven”
7. The email , text, letter or audio message where Eric Shane or Jesse Steed accepted the assignment in The Yarnell Area June 28-30, 2013
December 4, 2019 via web
Fire Department
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
December 4, 2019, 8:34pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
December 5, 2019, 11:38am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or much longer due to the volume of requested material and requests already in the queue.
Please note if your records are kept electronically by the City and then provided electronically, there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies or the records are kept in hard copy only, it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Since these records are older, many of them are in paper version only. We will let you know the fee for the records once this request is next in the queue.
Thank you.
December 27, 2019, 9:22am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Send Message
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:27pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
March 20, 2020, 6:43am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
opened request October 15th, 2019 and closed Feb 18, 2020 [127 days]
I challenged it March 3, 2020 when I got back from the first two academies
and again today “appealed” it
Request #19-928
Request Visibility: Unpublished
letter from Eric Shane Marsh to Prescott Fire Dept ( PFD ) regarding problems
I would like any records in the notes in N9589 that City of Prescott or PFD has on this letter or note or email
non-commercial pursuant to A.R.S. 39-121.03
electronic email return.
October 15, 2019 via web
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
October 15, 2019, 11:07pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
October 16, 2019, 8:00am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for submitting your request. We will be processing your request and contacting you when it is complete. This process can take up to 10 business days or longer. Please note if your records are provided electronically there is no charge for the documents. However, if you requested hard copies it is .25 cents per page. If you have any questions regarding your request please contact us via this request.
Thank you.
October 16, 2019, 8:01am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
non-commercial – electronic return
October 21, 2019, 4:20pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I received this message and would like to know again why others can submit one request and be in the public but mine lay in UNPUBLISHED –
I received this:
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 11:07 PM
Hi there
Your record request #19-928 has been submitted. It is currently under review and is not available for the general public to view.
October 21, 2019, 4:23pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
any updates on any of my public records?
November 10, 2019, 4:39pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Staff is still working on all your public records request. There is only one person at the Fire Department that handles public record requests.
No one has been able to locate the letter you are requesting, thus far.
Thank you.
November 12, 2019, 9:49am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: Human Resources.
December 19, 2019, 11:09am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:26pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms. Collura,
Please be more specific as to what document you are looking for. We are unable to find a document that outlines problems or has a subject line notating “problems”.
Thank you.
January 28, 2020, 2:59pm by Melissa Fousek, HR Analyst (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
I would like any records in the notes in N9589 that City of Prescott or PFD has on this letter or note or email is defined in original request.
January 28, 2020, 4:03pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
in original request I enclosed the actual document showing you “why” I used the starting sentence like such by attaching the ADOSH file yet searching for the actual letter ADOSH requested and received in regard’s to Eric and his problems. Look at area what you provided ADOSH then is best answer I can supply.
January 28, 2020, 4:07pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
N9589 does not seem to be a document created by the City. Please be specific as to what letter you are seeking from Eric Marsh and what are the specific problems you are referring to? Do you know the nature of the letter? What should we look for? The term letter regarding “problems” is too vague to conduct a search.
Thank you.
January 28, 2020, 4:15pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
I am going by what was given and asked by ADOSH and I have confirmed with one of the investigators you provided it so look in that area.
January 28, 2020, 4:17pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms Collura,
It may be more efficient for you to request the letter from your contact since they confirm it was provided to them. If you were to provide us with a copy we can look to match it with our records.
I’m not trying to be difficult, but the requests need to be more specific, so that we can fill them appropriately.
Thank you.
January 29, 2020, 7:58am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
It may be more efficient for you to request the letter from your contact since they confirm it was provided to them. That was years ago – when discussing the fire – and they would not at their home have investigation records ??? but I believe if ADOSH received it then it would have been logged with index log with City of Prescott what you released to them so it would be found on such form. There is a letter in regards to Eric Marsh’s problems that was requested so the index log for stuff released to ADOSH would show it.
If you were to provide us with a copy we can look to match it with our records.
I’m not trying to be difficult, but the requests need to be more specific, so that we can fill them appropriately.
Thank you.
January 29, 2020, 9:32am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
If you were to provide us with a copy we can look to match it with our records.
I’m not trying to be difficult,I truly do not think either side (you or me) are at all being difficult- some areas are too broad because its like a needle in a haystack but the Index Logs of what was released to ADOSH should provide such solution(s)- I think the recent leaks from certain areas within the City coming my way, I have to “fact check” and have documents or they are just leaks but I know I inserted the image showing ADOSH’s file notes. I just want to see your end of it and what yours shows and what was provided to them about Eric’s problems. but the requests need to be more specific, so that we can fill them appropriately.
Thank you.
January 29, 2020, 9:36am by the requester
Request Closed Public
Dear Requester,
There are no records found that comply with your request. This request is now closed.
Thank you.
February 18, 2020, 10:38am
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a historic permanent record that ADOSH pulled and must be preserved permanently so how is there no records that comply with my request when I even added the actual “source” file ADOSH requested it to my PRR.
I am not understanding how there is this corresponding with ERIC SHANE MARSH and “problems” and yet you do not have it. You are the custodian record holder for the Yarnell Hill Fire and all the Alumni of GMHS including Eric Shane Marsh and this “problem” letter.
Do I need to open a new request and ask for the “record” in another way-
Is there a form or SAFENET you all do for concerns employees have?
March 3, 2020, 6:10pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
I appeal request 19-928
March 20, 2020, 6:27am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Request #19-725
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Requesting Records: Non-Commercial Request (Electronic return)
Location: 22758 S State Route 89, 22772 S State Rt 89, 22816 S State Route 89
Owners Names: [redacted]
Records Requesting: Fire Time Reports (FTR), Crew Time Reports (CTRs), After Action Reviews, Vehicles Used, Time Response Logs, Incident or Injury Reports, Letter or Person stating homeowner was clear to go back on property, Record of ownership and jurisdiction of that Structure Fire or if any entity took over ownership during that fire, copy of your Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) policy(ies), 2019 drill records for this entity, and any other records or photographs tied to this YARNELL structure fire.
any records of mutual aid agreements.
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
August 14, 2019, 11:11am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
August 14, 2019, 12:47pm
Joy A. Collura says
I hope my sharing here is helping you Marty
that it was not just you
you should not take it personal
I would send you this all behind the scenes yet when you went up to (2) S130-S190 students and jumped the gun and told those guys get to class when their exams were being graded- the other guy was not and had not mentioned YHF –
You made those guys curious that they came up later and inquired “what was all that about?” and you know what I figured when you walked away and never came back after your meeting to me that told me you have no respect for my hard work I am doing so I figured why not share it with everyone because it is frustrating alone to see how long these requests or how QUICK some get closed soon after opening them…
426 days since I opened my request
Request #19-538
Request Visibility: Unpublished
In my research and review of the public records I do not see any of the City of Prescott BILLING department that would need some kind of ‘proof of certification’ since they would be the ones BILLING the Prescott Fire Department Wildland Crew out as a full-rate Type 1 IHC Hotshot Crew following ‘certification’ so do I need to make a new request of this or is there a question form to see how come it was not included in my original request the actual sign off of 3 Superintendent Hotshots to make them a full-rate Type 1 IHC Hotshot Crew.
Let this serve as either a question to be answered by BILLINGS or make this a new request.
There is a record request that had a time frame I did give Summer 2019 when it was stated appx Nov. 2018 that I was looking for the information to arrive to me…any updates on any of the records nearing to be fulfilled so I know what areas I can best be researching next. Maybe one will be released sooner than another due to how small the request was…
Let me know…
Request #19-538 Clarification attached showing the forms I did not receive when I asked for all of the GMHS files which should have included the 1) Crew Certification Process, (2) Annual IHC Mobilization Checklist (Appendix C), (3) Annual IHC Preparedness Review Roster (Appenidix B), (4) Peer Review for Crew Certification, (5) Preparedness Review Summary and (6) Final Certification which should show names who signed them off to be a Type 1 Inter-agency Hotshot Crew and the CTR and FTRs that should cover the documents I would find my answers.
June 20, 2019 via web
Fire Department, Finance
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
June 20, 2019, 6:55am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Finance.
June 20, 2019, 11:45am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
July 2, 2019, 8:17am
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The finance department has responded that they do not have any records.
I am reading your request and I am not exactly sure what you are asking. Can you please just respond with the direct request. For Example: I am requesting invoices for cars purchased during the year 2018.
In the mean time, I have forwarded the request to Fire. I am hoping they can make sense of it.
Thank you.
July 25, 2019, 3:51pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am at a Humans Factor conference presenting in Washington DC Will be home in 2 weeks to see what request this is Unable to sign in while traveling. Best Regards, Joy A Collura Sent from ProtonMail mobile
July 25, 2019, 4:04pm by the requester via email
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am back from D.C. –
Request #19-538 Clarification attached showing the forms I did not receive when I asked for all of the GMHS files which should have included the 1) Crew Certification Process, (2) Annual IHC Mobilization Checklist (Appendix C), (3) Annual IHC Preparedness Review Roster (Appenidix B), (4) Peer Review for Crew Certification, (5) Preparedness Review Summary and (6) Final Certification which should show names who signed them off to be a Type 1 Inter-agency Hotshot Crew and the CTR and FTRs that should cover the documents I would find my answers.
August 1, 2019, 2:24pm by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
CTR- crew time report
FTR- fire time report
August 1, 2019, 2:28pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
seems the +READ MORE is not working on another request as well.
please advise technical support.
I wanted to read the full request mad part.
September 3, 2019, 1:06pm by the requester
[because I put the tech support message then I get a reply to Aug 1st 34 days later]
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
This is all that was entered:
In my research and review of the public records I do not see any of the City of Prescott BILLING department that would need some kind of ‘proof of certification’ since they would be the ones BILLING the Prescott Fire Department Wildland Crew out as a full-rate Type 1 IHC Hotshot Crew following ‘certification’ so do I need to make a new request of this or is there a question form to see how come it was not included in my original request the actual sign off of 3 Superintendent Hotshots to make them a full-rate Type 1 IHC Hotshot Crew.
Let this serve as either a question to be answered by BILLINGS or make this a new request.
There is a record request that had a time frame I did give Summer 2019 when it was stated appx Nov. 2018 that I was looking for the information to arrive to me…any updates on any of the records nearing to be fulfilled so I know what areas I can best be researching next. Maybe one will be released sooner than another due to how small the request was…
Let me know…
Request #19-538 Clarification attached showing the forms I did not receive when I asked for all of the GMHS files which should have included the 1) Crew Certification Process, (2) Annual IHC Mobilization Checklist (Appendix C), (3) Annual IHC Preparedness Review Roster (Appenidix B), (4) Peer Review for Crew Certification, (5) Preparedness Review Summary and (6) Final Certification which should show names who signed them off to be a Type 1 Inter-agency Hotshot Crew and the CTR and FTRs that should cover the documents I would find my answers.
Thank you.
September 3, 2019, 1:15pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Next Request has responded with the following in regards to the glitch you are encountering:
Sorry for the delay in responding. We’ve seen this a couple of times before, usually with a browser error or they have javascript disabled for some reason (in which case they would likely see a number of other problems on the page.) There’s no known glitch on our end though.
Best Regards,
Thank you.
September 4, 2019, 3:15pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
any current ETA on request?
…Please email me update but in addition drop a voice mail and also be aware I will be on email area maybe three times this Season… leaving a voicemail at 480 559 1971 will be heard before seeing emails if you had any immediate need to hear from me and good number to alert me of any public records updates or ETAs. Best Regards, Joy A Collura
October 5, 2019, 6:32pm by the requester
[ten days later]
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Staff is still working on the requests you made. Unfortunately, none of your requests are simple and require time to research.
Thank you for your patience.
October 15, 2019, 10:34am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Ms. Collura,
Please name the document you are requesting. Your request is confusing. Please do not attempt to explain a document, just let us know what document you are requesting.
Thank you.
December 19, 2019, 3:31pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
as in
page 14 and 15 – reading 1-11- I want the IMBEDDED REVIEW document as stated in above link is what I request but also as stated in September 2019 I want the
1) Crew Certification Process, (2) Annual IHC Mobilization Checklist (Appendix C), (3) Annual IHC Preparedness Review Roster (Appenidix B), (4) Peer Review for Crew Certification, (5) Preparedness Review Summary and (6) Final Certification which should show names who signed them off to be a Type 1 Inter-agency Hotshot Crew and the CTR and FTRs that should cover the documents I would find my answers.
the interviews only showed a JEFF ANDREWS yet there is no known yet documentation of such and I am looking for the document that this JEFF ANDREWS solely signed off on-
Let me know…
Request #19-538 Clarification attached showing the forms I did not receive when I asked for all of the GMHS files which should have included the 1) Crew Certification Process, (2) Annual IHC Mobilization Checklist (Appendix C), (3) Annual IHC Preparedness Review Roster (Appenidix B), (4) Peer Review for Crew Certification, (5) Preparedness Review Summary and (6) Final Certification which should show names who signed them off to be a Type 1 Inter-agency Hotshot Crew and the CTR and FTRs that should cover the documents I would find my answers.
Thank you.
September 3, 2019, 1:15pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
December 20, 2019, 9:39am by the requester
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Thank you, I did glean your 1-5 list from previous correspondence in this request.
Thanks again.
December 20, 2019, 9:46am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:24pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
March 20, 2020, 5:58am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
there was some folks who planned to go on the Weavers from March 23 ro April 19th, 2020
We got our first possible case in Yavapai
keep in contact here for updates:
Joy A. Collura says
Request #19-510
Request Visibility: Unpublished
[in regards to Request #19-504 to show Eric Shane Marsh document]
I need to add a document so I can get specific answer to recent email inquiry yet email and this area has no area to add a document so how can my question be answered on a specific redacted paper.
Please if this is not a way to upload the document send me the area where prior requests that have a redactions that should not….do I appeal or reask for same documents?
I will add document when I am back in area…I can email it by cell yet your system is not accepting it or showing it.
June 10, 2019 via web
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
June 10, 2019, 11:22am
External Message Requester + Staff
Sent from ProtonMail mobile
June 10, 2019, 11:24am by the requester via email
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms. Collura,
You can just call me at 928-777-1274. If you want to download a document you usually just go into the specific request at click the paper clip icon.
I am going to close this request, because it will confuse staff and it is not a public record request.
Again, give me a call if you need help or have a question.
Thank you.
June 10, 2019, 11:28am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Request Closed Hide Public
Dear Requester,
You have been referred for customer service, since your inquiry did not involve the request of a public record.
If you have any further questions regarding services, you may also call our main line at 928-777-1274.
This request is now closed.
Thank you.
June 10, 2019, 11:29am
Joy A. Collura says
if I pass on
I know I did my best and I did right by all those kids who don’t have a father
I make this public challenge since you were tied to Crew 7
You Marty- MAKE PUBLIC the safety file of CREW 7
thank you
do right and post the file.
Joy A. Collura says
Opened 9:54am and then they closed 10:35am it in the same day June 7, 2019
Request #19-504
Request Visibility: Unpublished
I need the documents/records to show who was the City of Prescott HR ( Human Resources ) people for years 2002 to 2013 that would VERIFY ’employment history’ for the Fire Departments including Granite Mountain Hotshots.
I would want this to be a non-commercial request with electronic email return.
Just fact check verifying WHO (full names and title) was the ones who verified application process for the above Fire department and Hotshots tied to the City of Prescott-
Thank you,
Joy A. Collura
June 7, 2019 via web
Fire Department, Human Resources
Point of Contact
Melissa Fousek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
June 7, 2019, 9:54am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Human Resources.
June 7, 2019, 10:00am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
June 7, 2019, 10:29am
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for your request. Unfortunately the type of record you requested is not kept by the City of Prescott. We do not perform employment verification for seasonal/temporary employees. Thank you.
June 7, 2019, 10:35am by Melissa Fousek, HR Analyst (Staff)
Request Closed Public
Dear Requester,
The documents that you have requested are not on file with City records. This request is now closed.
June 7, 2019, 10:35am
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
this was not a seasonal or temporary employee but full time so who is responsible to run those checks? Joy A Collura Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
June 7, 2019, 11:05am by the requester via email
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Who is the full-time employee you are referring to?
June 7, 2019, 11:06am by Melissa Fousek, HR Analyst (Staff)
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
In my research- various ones on the GMHS that had full time positions and a few with CITY OF PRESCOTT fire dept Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
June 7, 2019, 11:08am by the requester via email
[then point of contact switches to A. Winemiller] [emphasis added]
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
We do not have a responsive record for your request.
Thank you.
June 7, 2019, 11:26am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
You paid someone to work human resources those years I am asking the full names for those years There has to be payroll records showing a name who worked those years as human resources rep I dont follow how there is no records Human resource employee existed I am requesting any and all records of the full name or names. There has to be some sort of record of that Joy A Collura Sent from ProtonMail mobile
June 7, 2019, 11:59am by the requester via email
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms. Collura,
Your request stated, “City of Prescott HR ( Human Resources ) people for years 2002 to 2013 that would VERIFY ’employment history’ for the Fire Departments including Granite Mountain Hotshots.”
This request is asking for a public record document that spans over 11 years of employees in HR that have had duties that have undoubtedly varied from year to year. Your request is asking for a public record document that would show who was designated in HR to VERIFY employment history. The City just does not have a public record document that reflects this information.
This is request is respectfully closed. Please make a new request if you are going to request a different public record document or if you would like to modify your request.
Thank you.
June 7, 2019, 12:13pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am going through the FOIAs and City of Prescott Public Records and I noticed some files not all had sections redacted in white without any accompanying letter indicating what was being redacted and the code of why as well I attached one of many but let us just answer this one specific being it generally compliments all the other in question- I did not receive page one of ERIC SHANE MARSH check history and note below page 3 and many other pages show WHITE redactions with no added note of why and what was redacted please let me know the code used for the redaction and what was redacted.[ERIC MARSH PROFILE 3624.jpg][ERIC MARSH PROFILE 3625.jpg] thank you Best Regards, Joy A Collura [ERIC MARSH PROFILE 035.jpg][ERIC MARSH PROFILE 036.jpg][ERIC MARSH PROFILE 362.jpg][ERIC MARSH PROFILE 3622.jpg]i Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email.
June 8, 2019, 12:26pm by the requester via email
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms. Collura,
I do not see any documents attached or downloaded that you referring to in your recent inquiry about redaction. There are a few explanations that could answer why a redaction was applied. It could be that the scanner was scanning two sides of a paper and the back side is blank. Since it seems you are referring to Eric Marsh’s personnel documents, I would think any reactions would be due to privacy interest issues. This is supported in the public record statutes.
Thank you for your inquiry. Please feel free to call instead of writing any questions you have that will not require a public record document.
Thank you.
June 10, 2019, 11:11am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
attachments redone
External Message Requester + Staff
Sent from ProtonMail mobile
June 10, 2019, 11:17am by the requester via email
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms. Collura,
You may not be able to download the document because this request is closed. If you could just email the document to: [email protected]
I will look for your email and attachment there. I don’t want you to use any other request because the communication becomes messy and confusing for staff.
June 10, 2019, 11:39am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
any further information on this – I was at Butterfields in Scottsdale when you asked me to email and I did then-
Happy Fourth of July to you and all-
July 3, 2019, 10:30pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
any current ETA on request?
Please email me update but in addition drop a voice mail and also be aware I will be on email area maybe three times this Season… leaving a voicemail at 480 559 1971 will be heard before seeing emails if you had any immediate need to hear from me and good number to alert me of any public records updates or ETAs. Best Regards, Joy A Collura
October 5, 2019, 6:31pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
I just noted this was closed-
when? and why?
January 25, 2020, 10:23pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
this was a pending “challenged” request that was closed yet challenged-
March 20, 2020, 5:26am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Remember I never was doing a book or movie
I have had people ask me or to also tie into business ventures based on Yarnell
no way.
God comes first
then my health then family and friends
then Yarnell
but I think Yarnell is after God if I recap my realities 😉
my family and friends may agree too – soft smiles.
Here is one for you Marty-
A hot temper signals a cold heart. But the greatness of God’s heart gives us room to patiently live and love with Him.
Reflect & Pray
In what areas of your life do you need to practice being slow to anger? How does it make you feel that God is slow to anger with you?
Father in heaven, fill us with the Spirit of Your graciousness, compassion, mercy, and love so that others can see not just our restraint, but our love because of You.
Joy A. Collura says
Request #19-438
Request Visibility: Unpublished
308 days since request was opened
Any emails the city of Prescott received and outgoing with name DEBRA and or DEBORAH and or D. “PFINGSTON” and or Jerry Pfingston and or Gerald Pfingston and or Juliann and or Julianne Ashcraft or Ashcroft as well as a current full list to ALL sealed or not the index roster log of who requested about Yarnell Hill Fire and or Granite Mountain Hotshots and or Joy A. Collura and or Joy Collura and or Tex “Sonny” Harold Eldon Gilligan (that is his legal full name so any name near to it like Sonny Gilligan or Tex Gilligan)
May 18, 2019 via web
Fire Department, IT
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
May 18, 2019, 11:38am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
May 20, 2019, 8:37am
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
We do not fully understand what you are asking when you say, ” .. as well as a current full list to ALL sealed or not the index roster log of who requested about Yarnell Hill Fire and or Granite Mountain Hotshots..”
Are you referring to people asking for Public Record Requests?
Thank you.
May 20, 2019, 9:54am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Yes 2013 to Current index log of the topics I mentioned for asking for public records request. The person. The items requested. Including mine which are considered sealed and if any other(s) sealed that either shows one the name or the other the content requested. Or how many requests are labelled sealed asking for the topics in original request. Sent from ProtonMail mobile
May 20, 2019, 10:01am by the requester via email
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Thank you for the clarification. Please note that public record requests are not “sealed”. They are open for public and staff review at any time they are requested. The City just does not mark each and every request as published to the public, unless it is information that is sought on a regular basis by more than one person. We did start off in our electronic system as publishing all requests, but we received many complaints that is was confusing.
We will continue to work on the request. Please know that it will take a considerable amount of time due to the email element of this request.
Thank you.
May 20, 2019, 5:37pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Department Assignment Public
Added: IT.
September 3, 2019, 11:31am
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Do you want the same date range for the emails requested or can provide a new date range. I have noticed there were a lot of the emails that match this description in the older request (18-541). We could run an email harvest from the date of the last email harvest to current.
Please respond at your soonest convenience so that IT can begin their work.
Thank you.
September 3, 2019, 12:44pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff) [109 days later]
Joy’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Let me go log on to see what request. I’m on my cell Outside…putting in line and doing defensible space. Give me 30 minutes. Best Regards Joy A Collura Sent from ProtonMail mobile
September 3, 2019, 12:49pm by the requester via email
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Do you want the same date range for the emails requested or can provide a new date range.
Joy A Collura’s reply: Since I cannot open +READ MORE to see the entire original request I cannot give you the proper reply yet.
I have noticed there were a lot of the emails that match this description in the older request (18-541). We could run an email harvest from the date of the last email harvest to current.
JOY A COLLURA’S REPLY: I know I did not ask for Doug Harwood last Summer- but until the technical support fixes that +READ MORE so I can review it. I will log off and and try that.
Please respond at your soonest convenience so that IT can begin their work.
Thank you.
September 3, 2019, 1:17pm by the requester
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
“Doug Harwood” is not listed in this request. Please give a date range for the emails. Your request is copied below.
Thank you.
Any emails the city of Prescott received and outgoing with name DEBRA and or DEBORAH and or D. “PFINGSTON” and or Jerry Pfingston and or Gerald Pfingston and or Juliann and or Julianne Ashcraft or Ashcroft as well as a current full list to ALL sealed or not the index roster log of who requested about Yarnell Hill Fire and or Granite Mountain Hotshots and or Joy A. Collura and or Joy Collura and or Tex “Sonny” Harold Eldon Gilligan (that is his legal full name so any name near to it like Sonny Gilligan or Tex Gilligan)
Thank you for your response.
September 3, 2019, 1:22pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I would state the time frame would have to be for those names (DEBRA and or DEBORAH and or D. “PFINGSTON” and or Jerry Pfingston and or Gerald Pfingston and or Juliann and or Julianne Ashcraft or Ashcroft as well as a current full list to ALL sealed or not the index roster log of who requested about Yarnell Hill Fire and or Granite Mountain Hotshots and or Joy A. Collura and or Joy Collura and or Tex “Sonny” Harold Eldon Gilligan (that is his legal full name so any name near to it like Sonny Gilligan or Tex Gilligan)) TIMEFRAME: since June 30, 2013 to present. If any of the name(s) fall into that old request 18-541 and any other “open” requests but they need to stay in same request numbers not to confuse the matter plus the one from last year is the one I am really in need to clarify some research I am doing and I know it is a large scope request and I was told when did I need it by and my Washington DC training is done as I did say I wanted it by Summer 2019 yet then you stated your stance on staff and resources but this 18-541 is one of the most important requests I made to verify misinformation.
It will help me greatly in fact checking current “rumors” and as well in my research. It is very hard to go by what people perceive when there is the better way -“documentation”
I am fully aware you have a request from last Summer still working on this type of large scope and that the other request from last Summer would be fulfilled “before” this one.
September 3, 2019, 2:29pm by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I think I get what you said yesterday I’m on 3 antibiotics and clouded lately If there is an old request that has her name than go from that date I made that to now These meds stink yet they are helping. Is that what you meant yesterday that one of the names was already in an old request? If so then I do really want this request to stand individually and not tied to old on the time I made old request over a year ago to present date is the time frames. Back to sleep. I was up all night ill. Sent from ProtonMail mobile
September 4, 2019, 6:27am by the requester via email
any current ETA on request?
Please email me update but in addition drop a voice mail and also be aware I will be on email area maybe three times this Season… leaving a voicemail at 480 559 1971 will be heard before seeing emails if you had any immediate need to hear from me and good number to alert me of any public records updates or ETAs. Best Regards, Joy A Collura
October 5, 2019, 6:28pm by the requester
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Staff is still working on the requests you made. Unfortunately, none of your requests are simple and require time to research.
Thank you for your patience.
October 15, 2019, 10:36am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
March 20, 2020, 4:46am by the requester
Robert the Second says
All I could locate was this from the PFD: “Dear Requester,
Thank you for the clarification. Please note that public record requests are not “sealed”. They are open for public and staff review at any time they are requested. The City just does not mark each and every request as published to the public, unless it is information that is sought on a regular basis by more than one person. We did start off in our electronic system as publishing all requests, but we received many complaints that is was confusing.”
Okay … so then where is the answer to my question?
Joy A Collura says
wow, what are you looking to do
they state it right there sir
they do not mark each and every request as published to the public,
I made all my requests for public view because Marty took it personal and it was never personal and that task is completed.
Off PC I go soon…
Joy A. Collura says
It has been 308 days since I opened this one to “fact check and verify” from Feb to May 2019’s Our Investigation, Our Truth – by Pfingston and Hardwood
(Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 1: Why, Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 2: A Game of Catch Up – Fire Wins, Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 3: Command or Lack of Command Arrives on the Fire, Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 4: All the Dominoes Line Up to Tragedy, Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 5: Heartbreak, Frustration, Anger,Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 6: Hiking the Path, Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 7: THE Granite Mountain Hotshots, Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 8: Your Changes, Our Changes,Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 8: Your Changes, Our Changes, Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 9: Whose Taking the Risk, Our Investigation, Our Truth – Episode 10: Thank You then it fades into people who have tattoos are warriors ??? nothing else but I listen yet I go and verify and fact check what people say…I am the only one on record who has done this “this long” besides a few journalist in the start are on index logs including the continued hard work John Dougherty did and still does by having this site for all of us to speak freely. )
Pfingston’s podcast:
a few closed cases and a very old request still pending coming up on two years as this remains pending and “open”
Request #19-437
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Non commercial request
electronic received or if not able on some areas than in person inspection.
Name: Doug Harwood [emphasis added]
Area of Records: Prescott National Forest Service from 2000 to 2004 on Engines 30 and 31, and any Prescott Hotshot crew member and any area with this name going historically back to review his quals since he recently is sharing a podcast to world I want to know how he fits in my research.
type of records requesting: master record, red card IQCS qualification card, job applications, evaluations, CTRs,certificates, emails, any fire related records or any other job positions within City of Prescott and training records.
May 18, 2019 via web
Fire Department, Human Resources
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
May 18, 2019, 11:29am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
May 20, 2019, 8:37am
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Prescott National Forest Service from 2000 to 2004 on Engines 30 and 31 – No records found. The City does not keep Prescott Nation Forest Records.
May 20, 2019, 9:40am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff) [two days later]
Department Assignment Public
Added: Human Resources.
May 20, 2019, 9:57am
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
No disciplinary actions on file for Douglas Harwood
May 30, 2019, 1:32pm by Elizabeth Boawn, HR Assistant (Staff) [12 days later]
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I see that you are including “emails” in this request. This will slow down the record request release significantly. Email requests and review for public record requests take a very long time. Staff must perform the email harvest and then review each email and any attachments before it is ready for release. Additionally, I do not think emails will show “quals” (employee qualifications). It appears you are directly requesting qualifications and training, which will clearly show Mr. Harwood’s qualifications on file.
Please confirm if you still want the emails.
Thank you.
August 5, 2019, 12:08pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I acknowledge by adding emails – it slows down the process but his public podcasts has me having to review many areas including emails because some of the content of his did not add up. I need to further research public records to learn more to him.
It always bewilders me when a person is blessed enough to take on a city job and even after they leave – how the level of professionalism shows or at times I have seen at times the :lack of professionalism” – I would think if he was to podcast publicly he would have run it by the city who once employed him if it regarded his job position.
I will look into it with emails included and do acknowledge the delays.
Best Regards.
August 5, 2019, 12:55pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Hi there
A message is now available for you to see for records request #19-437:
No disciplinary actions on file for Douglas Harwood
View Request 19-437
this email came in Monday, August 5, 2019 12:00 PM but on this page it shows May 30, 2019 1:32pm so alerting the system No disciplinary actions on file for Douglas Harwood does not show on prior PDFs saved of this page so there must be a glitch possibly?
August 5, 2019, 1:39pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
this came today but the site shows different date: see: [copprr.JPG] [copprr2.JPG] Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
August 5, 2019, 1:42pm by the requester via email
any current ETA on request?
Please email me update but in addition drop a voice mail and also be aware I will be on email area maybe three times this Season…leaving a voicemail at 480 559 1971 will be heard before seeing emails if you had any immediate need to hear from me and good number to alert me of any public records updates or ETAs. Best Regards, Joy A Collura
October 5, 2019, 6:26pm by the requester
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Staff is still working on the requests you made. Unfortunately, none of your requests are simple and require time to research.
Thank you for your patience.
October 15, 2019, 10:37am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff) [151 days later]
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:22pm by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
308 days since I opened this request.
I am looking to see PRR#18-541 completely fulfilled before this request is touched. Then PRR#18-297.
Then this request.
I would like to close out and fulfill completely all old any from 2017, 2018 and 2019 this year first before addressing any newer requests.
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
March 20, 2020, 4:30am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Request #19-297
Request Visibility: Unpublished
April 5, 2019 via web
Fire Department, Legal Department
PPR Collura List 04-08-2019.JPG
Link to View document
PRR Collura – Log of Requests 04-08-19.docx
Point of Contact
Angelisa Winemiller
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
April 5, 2019, 11:38am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, Legal Department.
April 8, 2019, 12:57pm
this is a non commercial request
with request to be sent via electronically as items come in
and if it needs to be given to me all at once then please share the documented records where it is written I have to wait until the whole request is done versus getting it as it is prepared and ready. Like a formal guideline of the records request protocols.
This pertains to all requests pending – I would like the formal record where it shows I have to wait until all items are in before getting it. I want to request to release it as it arrives versus this lengthy process. Thank you.
Some requests even though are quite long yet needed and important in my fact checking
This request:
– an index of all requests I have made to date with Prescott and reason it is considered sealed or unpublished.
Any and all records
with the names Crew 7, Granite Mountain Crew 7, IA CrewType 2 IA Crew 7, GM Type 2 IA Crew 7, any Type 2 IA tied to the city of Prescott, Station 7, and Marty Cole’s entire record(s) and master record and red cards and certifications and workmen comp. and any records or notes showing his tie to crew 7. [emphasis added]
defining records to ensure to be including:
any records from the financial department that Prescott has on this crew,
Crew Time Reports,
Fire Time Reports
Red Cards
Master Records
and all worksmens compensations
In prior request you all still had not found the GMHS alumni roster
is it available now?
and in my original request I only got limited data so now being specific I want all records and include the applications for:
Ed Hollenshead
Brendan McDonough anywhere after July 2013 was he employed by the city to present time- those records if any.
Tim McElwee
Jason Bennett
Brandon Bunch
Phil Maldonado
Brad Malm
Travis McElwee
GMHS named Logan
Renan Packer
Nate Malm
Pat McCarty
Tony Sciacca
Jason Clawson
Aaron Hulburd
KC Yowell
Conrad Jackson mentions Mark and he said 12 people from Prescott (11 from Prescott Fire and 1 from Chino Valley) – may I have that record of them being assigned to June 30 to July 2nd 2013.
city of prescott links errors.JPG
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I have updated your email address on ALL requests you have made to the email address you submitted. I understand your anxious to get records requested. Please understand that there is only one person that handles records at the Fire Department and that person is also the Business Manager. To add complication that person was out for the month of March.
Thank you for your patience. We hope to fill your requests as soon as we can.
Have a great weekend.
April 12, 2019, 3:59pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff) [seven days later]
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms. Collura,
You stated the following in your records request, “Conrad Jackson mentions Mark and he said 12 people from Prescott (11 from Prescott Fire and 1 from Chino Valley) – may I have that record of them being assigned to June 30 to July 2nd 2013.” Please clarify exactly what it is that you are looking for because I am unable to determine that at this time.
Also, I would like to kindly remind you that the Prescott Fire Department does not have a GMHS alumni roster. [emphasis added]
Thank you.
April 17, 2019, 10:30am by Jaimie Sventek, Business Manager (Staff) [12 days later]
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Please respond to the following inquiry from staff.
Ms. Collura,
You stated the following in your records request, “Conrad Jackson mentions Mark and he said 12 people from Prescott (11 from Prescott Fire and 1 from Chino Valley) – may I have that record of them being assigned to June 30 to July 2nd 2013.” Please clarify exactly what it is that you are looking for because I am unable to determine that at this time.
Also, I would like to kindly remind you that the Prescott Fire Department does not have a GMHS alumni roster.
Thank you.
If you do not wish to respond and wish to withdraw this request, please indicate.
Thank you.
July 1, 2019, 4:55pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff) [88 days later]
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
PPR Collura List 04-08-2019.JPG
July 1, 2019, 4:58pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
PRR Collura – Log of Requests 04-08-19.docx
July 1, 2019, 4:58pm
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am in receipt of the current index logs. I am confused by the “due dates” offered on the open requests for many show April 2019- so please let me know where we stand on them all-
I did note out of all of them the Workmens Comp request does state DUE SOON – I am more interested in the one from last Summer 2018 and its ETA as I am heading on the road soon and would like to have that one to fact check areas vs the one that says DUE SOON which was placed in March 2019. Thank you and Best Regards, Joy A Collura
July 3, 2019, 10:05pm by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
[city of prescott links errors.JPG] I am unable to open your links so I will go log in and manually go to this #19-297 Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
July 3, 2019, 10:08pm by the requester via email
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Please clarify exactly what it is that you are looking for because I am unable to determine that at this time.
Crew Time Reports, Fire Time Reports, Resource Orders
Also, I would like to kindly remind you that the Prescott Fire Department does not have a GMHS alumni roster. [90 days later a kindly reminder from them yet the recent emails I dumped back channel show they redacted them ??? hmmm – just saying]
That was why I specifically added the names since you did not have an alumni roster and those names are included in the request. Thank you and Best Regards, Joy A Collura
July 3, 2019, 10:13pm by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am appealing the Alumni list.
Yes, I have got records from other entities a redacted list of names but I want to compare to your entities records.
yet it was your employees and according to Law…
Record Series Number: 20709
Record Series Title: Employee Summary Records
Record Description:
Listing of current and former employees including name, dates of
employment and job titles used to answer job reference questions.
Record Retention Reqirement: 15 Years
I am appealing this section of this request where I am told the City of Prescott does not have any GMHS alumni roster list.
July 17, 2019, 7:29am by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Cannot open the +READMORE button.
September 3, 2019, 2:03pm by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
any current ETA on request?
Please email me update but in addition drop a voice mail and also be aware I will be on email area maybe three times this Season … leaving a voicemail at 480 559 1971 will be heard before seeing emails if you had any immediate need to hear from me and good number to alert me of any public records updates or ETAs. Best Regards, Joy A Collura
October 5, 2019, 6:24pm by the requester
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Staff is still working on the requests you made. Unfortunately, none of your requests are simple and require time to research.
Thank you for your patience.
October 15, 2019, 10:38am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff) [194 days later]
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
This is a notification that for Feb / March 2020 if you have any areas needing me to log in to a PC please note it to 480 559 1971 voice mail area because I am away from my PC to attend school in that time period and away from technology but can use another’s cell to call my message area of the 480 number. Thank you. Best Regards.
January 25, 2020, 10:21pm by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just going through OPEN PRRs and sharing I am back from my training courses and here for any inquiries –
480 559 1971 or email on this request.
Yavapai County has its first presumptive positive case of coronavirus COVID-19 in Sedona. ( and Yavapai County issues Proclamation of Countywide Emergency ( on Thursday March 19th, 2020.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy through this phase and I comprehend this recent news message may affect the PRR areas.
Just letting you know due to this virus- all the rest of my training courses and conferences were cancelled and postponed so I am here if you had any inquiries.
March 20, 2020, 3:34am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Request #19-75
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
January 23, 2019, 6:50pm
Request #19-261
Request Visibility: Unpublished
March 27, 2019 via web
Fire Department, Legal Department
YEAR- 2012 and 2013
Link to View document
Form 300 – 2012.pdf
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
March 27, 2019, 7:36am
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department, Legal Department.
March 27, 2019, 12:54pm
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Please specify the email address you want all of your requests to be directed to. We had changed the email address on all of your requests once before. The email address on 3 closed requests are not the same as the one you are using now. Do you prefer the proton email address?
April 8, 2019, 1:37pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
[email protected] was the official for all requests. The other one is closed.
Thank you
Have a beautiful day
April 8, 2019, 1:49pm by the requester
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I have updated your email address on ALL requests you have made to the email address you submitted. I understand your anxious to get records requested. Please understand that there is only one person that handles records at the Fire Department and that person is also the Business Manager. To add complication that person was out for the month of March.
Thank you for your patience. We hope to fill your requests as soon as we can.
Have a great weekend.
April 12, 2019, 3:54pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
That sounds good I was at a safety summit in San Diego CA and the content at conference made me feel oh yeah soon I will know that answer. Thank you for the update. Joy Sent from ProtonMail mobile
April 12, 2019, 4:01pm by the requester via email
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Ms Collura,
The public entity that keeps workers compensation files is the Industrial Commission of Arizona. There records department can be reached at (602) 542-8925..
Thank you.
April 19, 2019, 2:39pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Request Closed Public
City of Prescott’s Reply
Dear Requester,
The documents that you have requested are not on file with City records. This request is now closed.
April 19, 2019, 2:40pm
Joy’s Repl,y
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
You recently redirected and closed workmens comp request yet I talk to the people…any work related injury or illness you all keep form 300 from osha so I have 2013 from you so there should be the crew 7 and GMHS prior years on file with your entity if I got the final year. So re-asking to appeal and open that request on workmens comp. Public Records Request. Thank you Joy A Collura Sent from ProtonMail mobile
April 20, 2019, 9:35pm by the requester via email
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
In April I inquired to this request that was closed and never received an update. In my learning last night what are my rights and the publics and the laws I did want to note what I learned:
Record Series Number: 20766
Record Series Title: Workers’ Compensation Records
Record Retention Requirement: 75 years
I should still see a redacted records then- please let me know.
There is a Podcast going around speaking about GMHS injuries as well as one who states there was an antler moment that was hidden then brought to light so I am fact checking for dates of those events others are publicly speaking about. Deborah Pfingston and Doug Harwood have a podcast speaking about GMHS journey and in that path I am just fact checking. Thank you. Best Regards, Joy A Collura
July 17, 2019, 7:37am by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
still awaiting the “updated” response on this request.
any current ETA on request?
Please email me update but in addition drop a voice mail and also be aware I will be on email area maybe three times this Season … leaving a voicemail at 480 559 1971 will be heard before seeing emails if you had any immediate need to hear from me and good number to alert me of any public records updates or ETAs. Best Regards, Joy A Collura
October 5, 2019, 6:23pm by the requester
Joy’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Still needs answer-
otherwise forwarding to Ombudsman’s office.
January 18, 2020, 8:54am by the requester
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Form 300 – 2012.pdf
January 22, 2020, 4:07pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Form 300 – 2012.pdf
January 22, 2020, 4:07pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
January 22, 2020, 4:07pm
opened then 24 days later closed and I challenged it and nothing.
298 days later I said I was forwarding it to the Ombudsman- SAME day I received the docs
CY2013.p d f content:
Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
OSHAS Form 300A
YEAR: 2013
Jon Paladini signed off 1-28-14
annual average number of employees 825
total hours worked 1,261,200
City – Prescott
number of cases:
number of deaths – 19
number of cases days away from work: 14
number of cases with job transfer or restriction: 7
number of cases (other): 20
number of days away from work: 372
total number of days of job transfer or restriction: 418
57 injuries
3 (other illnesses)
Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
OSHAS Form 300A
YEAR: 2012
Jon Paladini signed off 1-30-13
number of cases days away from work: 13
number of cases with job transfer or restriction: 9
number of cases (other): 7
number of days away from work: 659
total number of days of job transfer or restriction: 251
29 injuries
Joy A Collura says
that is all I got for the day
family wants online
good night
charlie says
Gary– I know your journey in this life has been harder than mine and I will always be your friend. Thank you for being a part of my journey –but there is more– the good gods of Ireland are not slackers. Nor are we and some rewards even soon should be yours–you are one real and true person that many should know.
Gary Olson says
I’m pretty sure my journey through life hasn’t been harder than yours (or Joy’s), it’s just that because you (and Joy) are so much stronger than I am…you make it look easy while I make it look harder than it really was.
In addition…I have always had an uncanny knack of making things harder and more complicated than they needed to be or really were. Both you and Joy have been true inspirations to me and I will always be your (and Joy’s’) friend as well. Friends like you (and Joy) are…priceless. 😎 And furthermore…in spite of my best efforts over the past many years…I have added a number of friends to my short Christmas card list and certainly includes you (and Joy).
And that even includes my friendship with my old rival (because he was on another crew, all other hotshot crews were rivals…not brothers because it was a zero sum game) RTS. Even though he was a slacker on the Murdoch Basin Fire of 1980 that burned high up near the tree line in the Wasatch Mountains where the Mormons had to hide their womenfolk from the invading Genghis Khan Hotshots (all of us, five hotshot crews from R-3).
I just wish I could have had you (and Joy) on my crew back in the day…we would have veni, vidi, vici all wildfires who got frisky with us! “Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline until we meet!”
Robert the Second says
You almost got it right. The Murdoch Basin Fire and the SLC National Guard Armory Staging Center was the genesis of the renowned Genghis Khan Hotshots, however, there were, in fact, five Hot Shot Crews from several Regions, and only two from R-3. The world renowned Happy Jack HS (“who were not always happy”) and the likewise world renowned Pleasant Valley Hot Shots (“who were not always pleasant”).
Both of these Crews were eventually disbanded.
Gary Olson says
Thank you RTS, I wish you would tell the whole story again because everybody may not have read it before and you told it better in the email you sent to me. I know I was standing there, but I also had an uncanny way of tuning out overhead if I wasn’t interested in what they were saying and I usually wasn’t interested in anything they had to say unless it was directly related to my assigned task and area of operations. And even then…I barely listened to them except the part where they usually said, “You’re the professional, do whatever you think is best and call me on the radio if you need anything.” It’s a pretty funny story and is definitely going to be in the greatest tome ever written about WF in general and hotshots in particular. I know thousands of memories were generated during my ten years on the line, but I can barely remember a couple of dozen of them…if I am reminded of most of them. What an E Ticket Rude it was! I will get it right in my book because I am going to cut and paste you’re email without attribution. So…
Gary Olson says
Who was in the Convair 580 then? Us and Pleasant Valley or us and Payson? If there were only two from R-3, PV and Happy Jack, how did you get there?
Gary Olson says
Oh…and one more thing. That’s RTS’s inside joke because apparently either the Fire Boss or Plans Chief said, “the Happy Jack Hotshots don’t look very happy and the Pleasant Valley Hotshots aren’t very pleasant.” That’s a real knee slapper! 😂
Gary Olson says
Although I do realize you were pissing on the grave of the Happy Jack Hotshots just because you know that’s one of my hot buttons.
Joy A Collura says
Pretty funny Gary
It is true both Sonny and I are your friend…can’t wait for Christmas 2020 to see my first Holiday card from you. (PO BOX 572 CONGRESS AZ 85332)
I will let RTS answer on him being called a friend though
You meant the Murdock not Murdoch fire right 😉 hee hee
tomato — tomatoe
hee hee
the crystal clear trout stream area where high clearance vehicles are allowed like your jeep to nowadays you can watch the new forest grow thanks to fine firefighting efforts of the year 1980… 😉
that one?
maybe if you have social media, Gary- you can then answer Brent’s inquiry:
Brent Auvermann
September 7, 2017 at 6:12 PM
Who remembers the Herbie Hamshots and the Genghis Khan Hotshots “Cut Line or Die” t-shirts?
Thank you for the “veni, vidi, vici” comment.
Jeremiah Johnson was out the year I was born- good flick.
“Keep your nose in the wind and your eye along the skyline until we meet!”
The flick reminds me of Sonny – mountain man -(now the highway man) – The story goes that he was a man of proper wit and adventurous spirit suited to the mountains. The mountain’s got it’s own ways. I don’t speak any Flathead you know. 😉
Gary Olson says
Yeah…that’s why I referenced it, I think both you and Sonny were born a couple of centuries after your time. I don’t use social media, just my website if I ever get it back up? “Watch your topknot!”
Gary Olson says
Hee. hee!
Gary Olson says
“T’weren’t the Mormons” Hee hee
Gary Olson says
Oh…and one more thing. I have been paying more attention to rifle calibers lately and you were right all along. The entire military industrial complex agrees with you. The 5.56 NATO is now considered to be an anemic, underpowered and an ineffective round that is unsuitable for today’s battlefield and they are currently actively searching for a more powerful caliber to replace it with. And I was a complete IDIOT for suggesting and then defending the .300 Blackout (or the .300 Whisper) especially the subsonic version that’s can be suppressed since you practically have to be standing next to somebody to kill them with that bullet. So..I am only going to buy guns that are chambered fir the 7.62×51 mm NATO/.308 Winchester from now on because you can buy that ammo in bulk because it’s still used by the military and is cheap compared to the 6.5 Grendel or anything else and I don’t have the patience to reload although I do have the time 😂
And I was joking the other day about going on line and buying a few thousand rounds for the coming apocalypse, but just try to buy some today. Millions of rounds have been bought up in the last couple of weeks and nothing is available anywhere. So…somebody’s not kidding around about the coming civil war and general breakdown in society. They are prepping big time with assault rifles and ammo in addition to making it impossible for me to get my groceries from Costco…or anywhere else for that matter.
Gary Olson says
Although I have always liked the Ghostbusters version of
Veni, vidi, vici the best.
Gary Olson says
Oh…and I don’t really even have a Christmas Card list, it’s just a figure of speech. So…
charlie says
Joy, you just put to shame those that would accuse you of anything nefarious. Even I did not know the absolute depths you went to in this ordeal of attempting to get facts that should be without redaction to reveal the events involving the deaths of the young heroes that followed what they believed to be competent leaders of their crew. The young ones that have suffered so terribly will know of your efforts. Your Irish Gods that look over your will reward you and old Irish Jesus smiles in heaven at your true efforts. Fuck the liars, they deserve their sleepless nights. Sleep well Joy-you are not a slacker.
charlie says
It is hard–when someone kills your best friend yet you know but can not have 100% proof what do you do. Nothing of course. Gut feelings are real, believe me. I think it is a given in all of us until when we are young the schools teach us not to trust them. But some rebel–Joy would be and example as are most psychics. Sometimes we have to go back to the drawing board and realize the drawings we were directed to draw were not those we had in mind. But a few did not draw those directed but drew the reality of their minds. They became the Psychics–most of us had later to consult them since our latent abilities had been diminish.
But in this world there are many false leaders. My opinion since George Washington things have diminished in our leaders to the point they can not admit to authoritative ordered blow jobs or smoking weed yet the public goes along with these so called leaders and their wives that want to be the follow up leaders. It is crazy indeed to a country boy with simple thinking.
Well bat hides in sciences of the mind will help, but honest down earth truth beats all the bullshit ten Universities could provide in the twilight zone of maybe. So do not distrust your common sense or let the stink of common lies dim your good smell of truth. Your integrity is gold you may not see here and now.
Joy A. Collura says
Request #1[redacted]
Request Visibility: Unpublished
November 2, 2018 via web
Fire Department
Point of Contact: Jaimie Sventek
I need this number and request to remain redacted because I plan to apply for some sort of position there and I do not want it to interfere with my chances by placing it public.
All documents and records on the vehicle(s) and the staff that drove those vehicle(s) and all staff from Station [redacted] involved with:
Date: June 30 2013
Location: Yarnell Hill Fire
Working and or Not and Just Present Using Engine Stationed in Yarnell June 30 2013
Travel Logs, Resource Orders, Mutual Aid, Under Table Agreements, E Number, and all records… including any red card certifications or any type of Fire related certifications and any Master Records…Crew Time Report (CTR) – SF261 and, Fire Time Report (FTR) – OF 288 and, the Fire IQCS Master Record
The same records for same date June 30 2013 (Travel Logs, Resource Orders, Mutual Aid, Under Table Agreements, E Number, and all records… including any red card certifications or any type of Fire related certifications and any Master Records…Crew Time Report (CTR) – SF261 and, Fire Time Report (FTR) – OF 288 and, the Fire IQCS Master Record) for S [redacted] .
Non-commercial- either in person appointed inspection of records and take my own notes or electronically as we have been doing. thank you, Joy
City Of Prescott
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
The Prescott Fire Department has located Mr. [redacted]’s Master Record. The Master Record has been sent for review for any possible redactions that may be needed. We are still researching the additional documents requested. Thank you.
November 20, 2018, 1:08pm by Jaimie Sventek, Business Manager (Staff)
[18 days later]
External Message Requester + Staff
Received and Read Recent Communication.
Okay, sounds fine.
Wishing you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
November 20, 2018, 4:39pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I noticed there is 31 public records but the one on Willis and some others I asked and was to have a Nov. 30th expectation time frame are not in that list- can you re-send that link to that request.
Thank you
November 30, 2018, 5:09pm by the requester
City Of Prescott
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am sorry, but I do not understand your message. The requests you have made are taking quite a bit longer to complete. Once each request is ready we will release documents into the requests and you will be notified via the system. We may be updating or extending time frames for completion as we continue to work. We don’t want to set them out too far, because we want to keep a close tab on the progress. Therefore, you may see the Due Date times change. The due dates are targets for check in and possible completion.
December 3, 2018, 11:26am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
[31 days later]
City Of Prescott
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Just an update. This staff is still working on the emails. Progress is closer, but still not done. Unfortunately, pressing matters come up throughout the day interrupting progress. This staff hope to be done fairly soon.
Thank you.
September 13, 2019, 1:30pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff) [316 days later]
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
any current ETA on request?
Please email me update but in addition drop a voice mail and also be aware I will be on email area maybe three times this Season … leaving a voicemail at 480 559 1971 will be heard before seeing emails if you had any immediate need to hear from me and good number to alert me of any public records updates or ETAs. Best Regards, Joy A Collura
October 5, 2019, 6:17pm by the requester [338 days later]
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Staff is still working on the requests you made. Unfortunately none of your requests are simple.
Thank you for your patience.
October 15, 2019, 10:32am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff) [348 days later]
Document(s) Released to Requester Details Public
January 7, 2020, 8:57am
Request Closed Hide Public
Dear Requester,
Please find that documents have been made available.
Per Fire records some of the records requested are outside the retention schedule. The Fire Department doesn’t have any further information or records to support this request. Additionally, they don’t have any knowledge of an Engine or personnel being at a Yarnell station.
Your public records request has been completed and closed. Please LOG IN to view the request and any documents entered.
Thank you.
January 7, 2020, 9:14am [432 days later]
Joy’s reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Good afternoon.
Wow, 431 days after I submitted my request #1[redacted], you have a “Retention Schedule” so please allow me the privilege to see this retention schedule. This is so I can make sure not to make future requests that you took that much time to come back and tell me that so I avoid asking on certain topics in the future. Once I have that copy – I can accompany it with my Station [redacted], fact checked documents I already have in my possession.
And for my records, when I went through the City of Prescott to see what they have – they have a “retention schedule” they go by but it is unknown to the requester what that is.
Please submit a copy of the retention schedule that you refer to in your response.
You had plenty of time to respond.
I am disappointed it took you that long to respond. With this new revelation stating the “Retention Schedule” and just state that because 405 days ago on November 20. 2018 1:08pm when alerting me of Mr. [redacted],’s Master Record being redacted would have been the appropriate time to do such on Station [redacted],.
Thank you for your time
Best Regards,
Joy A Collura
January 7, 2020, 11:45am by the requester
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Thank you for your response. This record request is closed, however you may submit a new request for the record retention schedule if you wish.
Thank you.
January 7, 2020, 12:52pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
You stated:
Additionally, they don’t have any knowledge of an Engine or personnel being at a Yarnell station.”
—for the record, I never stated “Yarnell station”but I did state the town of Yarnell. I was very clear on date and location and items I requested. I just wanted it for the record noted I never mentioned Yarnell Station.
January 8, 2020, 12:02pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
nvr is never
January 8, 2020, 12:03pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Wednesday, January 8, 2020 11:56 AM
Arizona Ombudsman – Citizens’ Aide Complaint was formally filed today and I attached this request as PDF my original request, as well as #20-14 Retention Schedule, #20-17 document of items CITY OF PRESCOTT has purged since 2013 and I also submitted to ARIZONA STATE LIBRARY, ARCHIVES AND PUBLIC RECORDS to get some more clarity.
I feel the response of just RETENTION SCHEDULE 431 days later was not sufficient on a National Tragedy “Historical Significance” records I was asking for and so I want someone to know we are having this concern(s) and reason I added the other(s) to the loop.
January 8, 2020, 1:38pm by the requester
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Laura is investigating this now-
It forwarded to her-
I will enclose the snip it that was sent to me Thursday, January 9, 2020 1:16 PM
by Richard Carroll
Records Analyst
Arizona State Library, Archives and Records Management
attach snip it on left of screen
January 9, 2020, 1:55pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
The return investigation results were hard for me to read. I do not know why you used RETENTION SCHEDULE on the types of requests I made-
According to C-38116, C-38117 (Office of the State Forester) they should be permanent those tied to YHF.
So as of today- officially the areas that were looked into for CITY OF PRESCOTT:
“The City of Prescott has not transferred anything to our facility since the 1970s.”
that is the latest update.
January 9, 2020, 6:31pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I knew it was somewhere the link I needed to provide earlier but I had other external areas to address but here is the document that shows YHF is not under the normal guidelines:
January 9, 2020, 6:49pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
would not allow attachment because closed so page 7
January 9, 2020, 6:49pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
this request was formally filed as a complaint with the State / Ombudsman
January 18, 2020, 8:55am by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Has the Ombudsman notified you yet on Request 18-787?
January 25, 2020, 10:07pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
made new request.
January 28, 2020, 6:11pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Just curious has the Ombudsman notified you yet on this Request 18-787?
March 19, 2020, 5:04pm by the requester
From and including: Friday, November 2, 2018
To, but not including Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Result: 431 days
It is 431 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 1 year, 2 months, 5 days excluding the end date.
Or 14 months, 5 days excluding the end date.
If something happens to me this request is the most important of many I have done
I redacted as much as I could and I know some people know the content even with redaction yet I am sad about this and the Ombudsman ignoring it all these months
so RTS if you can PULL STRINGS to any request THIS IS THE ONE…
it hurts me BAD how much Point of Contact Jaimie Sventek will go to do their best to refrain from releasing and this is an area that SHOULD HAVE been released… HURTS BAD!
Gary Olson says
Well…you certainly got inside their heads. 😂
“Dear Requester,
Thank you for your response. This record request is closed, however you may submit a new request for the record retention schedule if you wish.”
Joy A. Collura says
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
October 3, 2018, 11:32am
opened the next day after Tim’s-
1 month, 28days after I filed the request before this one – Request #18-541 –
Request #18-697
Request Visibility: Unpublished
I am requesting the following Mark [redacted] and Co[redacted] for the time period June 28 through July 2, 2013:
(1) the Crew Time Report (CTR) – SF261 and,
(2) Fire Time Report (FTR) – OF 288 and,
(3) the Fire IQCS Master Record and,
(4) Red Card Qualifications Certifications/Records for Prescott Fire Department (PFD)
(5) Task book
(6) Annual Evaluation Reviews for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 (if done)
This is a non commercial request to “in person inspect” the records or electronically send them as we have been doing.
October 3, 2018 via web
Fire Department, Human Resources
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
To clarify because the media states Co[redacted] but the one I am requesting the file for is appx. [redacted] and born as [redacted] Co[redacted] and went by an email in 2016 [redacted] @ and in 2011 [redacted] @ to ensure I get proper file. thank you, Joy
October 3, 2018, 6:25pm by the requester
City of Prescott Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The City of Prescott deems the majority of an employee’s personnel records confidential. The City is a political subdivision of the State of Arizona. The State of Arizona limits review of State employee personnel files made under a public records request to the following:
Name of employee;
Date of employment;
Current and previous class titles and dates of appointment to the class;
Current and previous agencies to which the employee has been assigned and the location of the main office for each agency;
Current and previous salaries and dates of each change;
Name of employee’s current or last known supervisor; and
Records that are reasonably necessary or appropriate to maintain an accurate knowledge of the employee’s disciplinary actions, including the employee responses to all disciplinary actions, unless providing this information is contrary to law. See Arizona Administrative Code Title 2, Ch 5.
Additionally, the privacy interests an employee has in other aspects of his/her personnel file militates against providing the entire file. It is also in the City’s best interests in having a full and open employee evaluation process to limit provision of the entire personnel file. Thus, the City’s policy in providing personnel records made pursuant to the Arizona Public Records laws is the same as required by the State of Arizona pursuant to the Administrative Code cited above.
The City will provide what is available for release.
Thank you.
June 21, 2019, 1:57pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Co[redacted] Master Record.pdf
June 21, 2019, 2:58pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
[redacted] Certifications.pdf
June 21, 2019, 3:01pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Task Book (Cover only) – IC – Type 4.pdf
June 21, 2019, 3:02pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Task Book – Acting Captain.pdf
June 21, 2019, 3:03pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Task Book – Acting Engineer.pdf
June 21, 2019, 3:09pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Task Book – Advanced FF-Squad Boss (FFT1)-redacted.pdf
June 21, 2019, 3:10pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Task Book – Probationary FF.pdf
June 21, 2019, 3:11pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Task Book – Strike Team Leader (Engine Boss).pdf
June 21, 2019, 3:15pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Task Book – Single Resource Engine (Wildland)-redacted.pdf
June 21, 2019, 3:35pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Test – Captain’s APPER ICS Simulation.pdf
Test – Drivers Test 2002.pdf
July 15, 2019, 12:59pm
Department Assignment Public
Added: Human Resources.
July 15, 2019, 1:20pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Collura PRR 18-697 – Status.docx
July 16, 2019, 1:33pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Collura PRR 18-697 – Status.docx
July 16, 2019, 1:33pm
Request Closed Hide Public
Dear Requester,
Human Resources and the Fire Department have checked their files and have nothing more to provide. As notified previously, Annual Evaluations will not be released.
Your public records request has been completed and closed. Please LOG IN to view the request and any documents entered.
Thank you.
July 16, 2019, 1:50pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I, Joy A. Collura, would like to “Appeal” the closing of this request.
Annual “Performance Evaluations” should fall into the category of “Reasonable Indication of Disciplinary Actions” –
Actual “Disciplinary Actions” against public employees end up with their own ‘paper trail’
THAT is what the law does say – we have a “reasonable right” to know about.
I would think I am entitled to be given a “reasonably accurate description” of any/all “Disciplinary Actions” that might have taken place with regards to a City employee… but simple “Performance Evaluations” I can see do NOT fall into that category and remain “protected”
unless I was law enforcement, another City or State agency, or I had that employee’s permission to see their entire personnel file.
If there have been NO ‘official’ “Disciplinary Actions” against the named employees than we can leave it at that…yet would like written note of such.
I also understand I received more documentation on ERIC SHANE MARSH than ADOSH and SAIT SAIR received or they did receive the same and they made public limited information as some from those areas confirmed I do have the “most” data on that man and above what they received/was shown and I still have not even opened my records on ERIC SHANE MARSH from other entities because yours seemed to be very strong as I fact checked with others his file in completion.
I was probably able to get so much of GMHS’s Personnel File because they were
REQUIRED to supply that stuff to the official State-appointed INVESTIGATORS and they were dead and that was why I assumed I can receive others the same manner since I had the GMHS ones. My apologies.
Best Regards,Joy A. Collura
July 16, 2019, 7:36pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
In regards to another area I am appealing-
Ma[redacted] retired April 2014 –
Official Arizona Secretary of State Document states the REQUIRED legal RETENTION PERIODS for various kinds of Arizona State, County and Municipal City RECORDS
Contact: Dr. Ted Hale, Director – Arizona State Archives and Records Management
Schedule Number: GS-1006
General Records Retention Requirements
Record Series Number: 20704
Record Series Title: Employee Personnel Records, Official copy
Record Retention Requirement: 5 years
Record Series Number: 20706
Record Series Title: Employee Personnel Records, Contract Employees
Record Retention Requirement: 6 years
How long MUST any state, county or municpal ( City ) agency keep ALL records
related to any “Historical Wildfire”?
Record Series Number: 10393
Record Series Title: Wildfire Report Records – Historical
Record Retention Requirement: PERMANENT ( FOREVER )
It has not yet been six years since Ma[redacted] retired. I would like to appeal this section of the request as well.
July 17, 2019, 7:23am by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Staff has performed a second check for records pertaining to your request. Nothing further is found.
All requirements have been met.
Thank you.
July 23, 2019, 10:22am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
I am unable to log in for two weeks to see what request this regards- I will log in as soon as I get back from DC and those conferences. Thank you Joy A Collura Sent from ProtonMail mobile
July 23, 2019, 11:01am by the requester via email
Click here to show/hide folder contents Jackson
Collura PRR 18-697 – Status.docx
Link to View document
Task Book – Single Resource Engine (Wildland)-redacted.pdf
Point of Contact
Jaimie Sventek
From and including: Wednesday, October 3, 2018
To, but not including Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Result: 286 days
It is 286 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 9 months, 13 days excluding the end date.
Just showing the turn around time for them.
Plus second request closed after OPEN Request #18-541 –
I CHALLENGED THIS REQUEST BEING CLOSED – nothing came of my appeals ???
Joy A. Collura says
Going to the next request
1 month, 27days after I filed the request before this one – Request #18-541 –
they received this Request #18-694 – October 2, 2018 via web and they were able to fully complete it in 57 days.
Mr. Cole, I never saw the agitation from Tim ever…just curious…he never showed me the same behavior for being a public servant. So how come, sir?
Request #18-694
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Requesting “Complete” Personnel File For:
[redacted] (retired) Tim [redacted] ;
may it be for Law or Fire Departments for the City of Prescott or Liaison Officer Contracted Out
and including any red card certifications or any type of Fire related certifications and any Master Records. I want the Fire Time Report Of-288 / Crew Time Report if any for this Tim [redacted] as well as his task book; copy of it.
and I said “all” yet if too large of a scope I am looking for this time frame: June 28 thru July 1st 2013, June through August 2014 on Fire Time Report Of-288 / Crew Time Report or any law officer records with such dates. But looking to “all” in the Personnel file to see when his journey began in different areas.
Non-commercial- either in person appointed inspection of records and take my own notes or electronically as we have been doing. thank you, Joy
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Law or Fire Departments for the City of Prescott or Liaison Officer Contracted Out
Law AND/or Fire Departments for the City of Prescott AND/or Liaison Officer Contracted Out
October 2, 2018, 10:44pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
and including any red card certifications AND/or any type of Fire related certifications and any Master Records. I want the Fire Time Report Of-288 / Crew Time Report if any for this Tim [redacted] as well as his task book; copy of it.
and I said “all” yet if too large of a scope I am looking for this time frame: June 28 thru July 1st 2013, June through August 2014 on Fire Time Report Of-288 / Crew Time Report or any law officer records with such dates. But looking to “all” in the Personnel file to see when his journey began in different areas.
October 2, 2018, 10:45pm by the requester———–
Department Assignment Public
Added: Fire Department.
October 3, 2018, 7:45am
Document(s) Released to Requester Details Public
November 27, 2018, 3:05pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
F[redacted] _Training Record.pdf
November 27, 2018, 3:06pm
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
We have compiled records for your request. I have received the following message from the Fire Department:
“I do not have anything for Tim as he wasn’t our direct employee. IQS records are released and sent to a federal clearing house when a person leaves an organization and we no longer have access to any type of record for that person.” As far as Fire is concerned, we have no information to provide for this request.”
Thank you.
November 27, 2018, 3:09pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Request Closed Public
Your public records request has been completed and closed. Please LOG IN to view the request and any documents entered.
Thank you.
November 27, 2018, 3:09pm
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Timothy F[redacted] pdf
November 27, 2018, 3:35pm
External Message Requester + Staff
I will look at this request file soon. I started to skim but I have a full schedule next few days thank you.
November 28, 2018, 9:08pm by the requester via email
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thanks. The City is finished with the request. It should remain available to you for at least one year. You are free to download the files and save them to your own computer and look at them at your leisure.
November 30, 2018, 9:26am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
We have compiled records for your request. I have received the following message from the Fire Department:
“I do not have anything for Tim as he wasn’t our direct employee. IQS records are released and sent to a federal clearing house when a person leaves an organization and we no longer have access to any type of record for that person.” As far as Fire is concerned, we have no information to provide for this request.”
Thank you.
MY REPLY: I am not understanding. Was he a CITY OF PRESCOTT FF or was he contracted out to STATE or was he a FEDERAL employee as a Wildland Firefighter ( WF ) and that was why you do not have any documents? I was told he was as a CITY OF PRESCOTT FF and at one time CITY OF PRESCOTT Police Officer. So I request an IQCS and or IQS “master record” for this person Tim F[redacted] and the Fire Dept is stating to me there is no records for him there at all. Just would like clarity.
November 30, 2018, 5:04pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I called HR and they confirm he was never listed in a position with the City as a Fire Fighter. Unfortunately, they do not have a database that compiles a report listing all of an employee’s position due to the age of the record.
December 3, 2018, 11:12am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
1681 – F[redacted] , TIMOTHY – TRANSFER-GL ACCOUNT – 7-17-2011_Redacted.pdf
May 9, 2019, 10:36am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Nov 2018 it was stated file is available for 1 year but now it has changed to 1 month. I am in fire season and would either need that extended the expiration date or find out why in same request it says 1 year then down to 1 month. Please explain. Joy A. Collura Sent from ProtonMail mobile
May 9, 2019, 10:57am by the requester via email
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
This request will remain available for one year pursuant to state record retention. However, it is currently set for review of documents that were released to assure the documents meet release criteria. It appears that by state law, only certain documents can be released as public record. Therefore, some documents have been retracted and will be re-released if they meet the criteria set out by the Arizona Administrative Code and Public Record Law regarding public record request for personnel records.
Thank you.
May 9, 2019, 11:48am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
The City of Prescott deems the majority of an employee’s personnel records confidential. The City is a political subdivision of the State of Arizona. The State of Arizona limits review of State employee personnel files made under a public records request to the following:
Name of employee;
Date of employment;
Current and previous class titles and dates of appointment to the class;
Current and previous agencies to which the employee has been assigned and the location of the main office for each agency;
Current and previous salaries and dates of each change;
Name of employee’s current or last known supervisor; and
Records that are reasonably necessary or appropriate to maintain an accurate knowledge of the employee’s disciplinary actions, including the employee responses to all disciplinary actions, unless providing this information is contrary to law. See Arizona Administrative Code Title 2, Ch 5.
Additionally, the privacy interests an employee has in other aspects of his/her personnel file militates against providing the entire file. It is also in the City’s best interests in having a full and open employee evaluation process to limit provision of the entire personnel file. Thus, the City’s policy in providing personnel records made pursuant to the Arizona Public Records laws is the same as required by the State of Arizona pursuant to the Administrative Code cited above.
May 9, 2019, 11:49am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
“read more” button failed here.
I have filed and downloaded the request so this can be archived.
September 3, 2019, 2:24pm by the requester
Click here to show/hide folder contents F[redacted] HR
F[redacted] _Training Record.p d f
Link to View document
Timothy F[redacted] .p d f
on to the next request – this one was 57 days to be done and was one that was completed while Request #18-541 was open. I want to see “how many” were opened after Request #18-541 – and completed,
Gary Olson says
Joy asked me downstream what I thought about Covid-19 and I told her at the time I was just really worried about everybody, especially our medical professionals who are fighting on the front because it looks like it could be bad. As it is turning out, that was the understatement of the year. In the meantime I have thought about it a lot and guess what? I have more to write on the subject and because I am in a high risk category…I feel especially qualified to state my opinion.
In the Eskimo culture in Alyeska (the Great Land & my birthplace in the U.S. Territory of Alaska) back in the old days during the brutal winters if there wasn’t enough food to keep everyone in the family alive, the old people would walk out into the storm and allow themselves to be frozen to death. That is exactly what I think we should have the courage and resolve to do now rather than destroy the economy of the entire country and cost 7 million people their jobs in the restaurant business alone.
We just can’t save all of the people all of the time. When General Eisenhower was told the expected casualty rate (which I’m sure was a huge number) because almost 1000 men died just practicing for the D-Day amphibious assault beachhead landing, he didn’t say, “Well, we can’t do that because we will lose to many young soldiers and airmen in the prime of their lives”, he just picked out a date to order to order tens of thousands of young men to go and die in addition to those who would be horribly maimed.
“Over 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded or went missing during the Battle of Normandy. This figure includes over 209,000 Allied casualties, with nearly 37,000 dead amongst the ground forces and a further 16,714 deaths amongst the Allied air forces.”
So…rather than see our country destroyed, I am more than willing to take my chances and if it my time…it’s my time. And yes…I do know that it isn’t just people with an average age of 80 usually with multiple underlying health issues who are dying, but that describes the vast majority of the dead so far. This is the first time in my I have ever gotten a flu vaccine shot. And I thought to myself, “If everyone is going to freak out about Covid-19, the least I can do is get a cheap, easily available flu shot since the flu kills up to 50,000 Americans every year and only 40% of our population even bothers to get a flu shot.” How damn dumb is that? Don’t answer that…it’s a rhetorical question.
Heyrðu! Þar lít ek nu föður mín.
Heyrðu! Þar lít ek nu móður mín,
Ok brœðu mín, ok systur.
Heyrðu! Þar lít ek langfeðgaættir af öndverðu.
Heyrðu! Þau kalla at mér,
Þau bidja mér at koma vel í lag í Helgafjöllin,
Þar er úfriðarmönnum sigrask,
Ok dugandmennina lifi at eilífu.
Ok sýttum vér ekki, en fagnum vér þeim,
Er höfðu lofligum létusk.
“Lo there do I see my father; Lo there do I see my mother, my sisters and my brothers; Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning. Lo, they do call me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.”
I mean…what are people in nursing homes living for anyway? There are worse things in life than death and living in a nursing home would be one of them. So..WTF…Over?
“The person is smart, people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it” I’m not even worried about COVID-19, I am worried about what people will do to each other because our society is heading for a bonafide melt down.
“In your darkest hour when the demons come, call on me, brother, and we will fight them together. Others don’t know what we have faced, but our brothers are here when we need them.”
This is the World War of our time and we should be willing to sacrifice just as other generations have sacrificed for us. Nobody lives forever. So…
charlie says
I second that Gary. This is ridiculous–I went to Wal Mart and the grocery shelves were almost empty and people shopping like this is the end of time. This is really not a time for the yournger set to panic and as far as the older people this virus is such that it is going to get to most of them anyway.
China has always been happy to sacrifice population and has practiced population control for years where it has even been unlawful to have beyond one child. So Mao and company as all good Communist regimes are happy to get rid of especially dissidents and in China that might be a great amount of the population–and as far as the rest of the world they are dissidents too.
However I am not one to walk out in the wind and freeze to death considering I have had my taste of death more than once. I was quite happy being dead the first time, although that ride down the tunnel the last time was not to my liking, once I was dead then it was all good again.
You can kill me but not eat me–unless you are a cannibal and with all the chemicals from the retardant and chemicals in the food and add the daily chem trails spread here by 4 regular parallel jets, I might be a dangerous to your health meal.
My son will be here shortly–he says Dad I am coming to see you because I will be afraid it might be months before I see you again–he being an RN thinks he might infest me with the disease once it hits Las Cruces. It is already north of here and in Juarez, Mexico even closer than the next town north. I am not worried but cautious as well knowing if I wanted to commit suicide all I need do is hang around the crowds. This is a designer killer virus aimed at the sick and the elderly.
Governments are good at these kinds of experiments and as Gary says Eisenhower did not worry about killing a few thousands of soldiers since it was a necessary action to get the job done during WW2. Bush 1, 2 , Obama and now Trump have not minded sacrificing a few thousand young soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq either. Well there is a big opium thing now in Afghanistan and we need those opiates–they are good for making morphine and other drugs so Big Pharma needs these products. And we damn sure are going to protect the Bush and friends interests in oil in Iraq.
Some FOIA documents that took law suits and three years to obtain show now that billions were sent to Afghanistan to rebuild it –more money than we spent on the Marshall plan to rebuild Europe after it was blasted to hell. And that is with adjustment to inflation. Yet the new documents have the low level military leaders confused as to even who the enemy is and how to spend the money as they blast away at the supposed enemy. There is money to be made in these overseas projects but they dig deeply into the taxpayer pockets. Yet he is unaware and scratching his head why so much dinero of his check is taken away before he sees it.
Once in a while these political hacks point the finger at each other, especially about election time. Go look at Guiliani’s report on the Obama scam. Well I think more than he went out of office and now is living in high cotton. Guiliani has proof that Obama provided 5 billion in aid to
the Ukraine–Biden and son part of the deal? Well when 3 billion could not be accounted for in the Ukraine, the US embassy under Obama insisted there be no Ukranian investigation in the matter. That only tells us they should have insisted on an investigation or else someone is dividing up tax payer monies and if you are insisting on no investigation then you must be one of the partakers.
But somehow our good trusting American public makes no complaint–the documents are provided on line by a journalist on the Washington Post–I wonder how long he will have a job and maybe even what his odds of survival are.
This government thing has gotten out of hand when even your FS and State officials are game to cheat and lie in such benign public positions. Sorry folks, but my vote on the next election would be just as I would vote for Willis, Amanda or any of the Prescott cronies and official investigators of the GMHS crime.–a big fat NO vote.
charlie says
And RTS don’t feel like you don’t have company in the governments refusal to provide FOIA reports. It took that Journalist 3 years and several law suits to pry the documents loose with all kinds of excuses, yet the ass running the FOIA releases said he provides the documents in a timely fashion and is very transparent. What a pack of liars we have representing us.
Gary Olson says
Amen brother. I just tried to go in Costco and the line was wrapped around the building, so I left. OMGosh! Then I went to Wal-Mart and the news has gotten it right. The shelves where I wanted to get some things were cleaned out…all bare.
OMGosh x 2!
Although I’m pretty sure that if a bakers dozen of heart attacks, a 12 gauge shotgun blast to your back that comes out your chest, plus all of them sneks you probably almost got bit by, plus everything else can’t kill you, I wouldn’t worry about COVID-19 if I were you!
I can’t wait until the sheep start eatin’ each other!
Gary Olson says
Hey Sonny,
Here is a link to that photo I found to show you. It’s a photo of me in my fathers mining gear out at the mining camp hell hole at Ambrosia Lake. The trailer in the background isn’t ours because like I wrote before, my sister remembers we used to run around and collect leaflets dropped by an airplane to fold up and stuff between the cracks in the boards of the company “house” we lived in. What a cute kid! Am I right?
I also included a photo of my oldest daughter trying to walk in my size 15 Whites with 14 inch tops. I was still on the Santa Fe Hotshots and when I came home from work and kicked off my boots, she would put them on and try to walk. She got better at it as she got older. I wish I would either have turned on a light or had a camera with a flash because the photos is bad, but…
I wonder if accountants take photos of their kids with their pocket protectors in their shirt pockets?
Buy an Apple computer everyone said. They are made so much better they won’t get infected by viruses and they never crash everyone said. They are intuitive everyone said and therefore really easy to learn how to use everyone said. You will love your Mac everyone said.
And ever since I took the leap of faith after my last PC crashed for the last time I have been saying, C’mom Mac…WTF…Over? The latest is that the website building program I spent years learning how to use and built all of my websites with, won’t run on an Apple Mac Book Pro computer.
So now I have two choices…both of them are bad. Buy a new PC just to build my website with, or buy a new program and start over from scratch learnin’ how to use it. So the bottom line is, I can’t even put photos on my website any more until I resolve this issue. And that isn’t even getting into the so called, “Apple Tax” on everything you have to buy to go with it because everything is proprietary. C’mon Mac…WTF…Over?
Anyway, I put them in my Drop Box so I hope this link works. 😎
Here goes nuthin’!
Gary Olson says
Hallelujah! Can I get an amen! It worked!
Joy A. Collura says
Amen, brother.
Robert the Second says
Only 55 comments posted today? That’s like one every five minutes or so … Is that some kind of a record or what?
I noticed that one common theme was the numerous Request Visibility: Unpublished . That means that your numerous, ongoing PFD Public Records Requests (PRR) are hidden from public view, right?
Which means the PFD and COP want to keep all that you have requested a secret, right?
What can we do to help you out? In order to get the COP and PFD to publish your PRRs we need to file our own PRRs for what specifically …?
Joy A. Collura says
as I dump the requests today on IM
those questions will be answered directly by the City
you will see
keep looking
I am making it my focus in honor of Marty Cole showing me disrespect as the eyewitness to a tragedy – he should not have walked away and allowed it to end such way because I am dumping it all in case I end up with the Virus and become a causal factor in this manufactured bullshit being threaded in this world wide web crapola
thank you Mr. Cole for todays’ activities you ca say, RTS
all he had to do was stick with me and none of this would be coming to the World’s view even though it is Public Records – he frustrated me to the point I am like hey Cole, look it is not personal – look at everyone else I pulled one on too…
you took it so personal
and after you learned why
you did not deny it or admit it
you just said that person of many decades is not your true friend
horseshit, Cole.
Robert the Second says
Joy – still looking and waiting for how and what we need to do to get your PFD PRRs so that they will be disclosed to the public instead of hidden from view by the PFD
Joy A. Collura says
here you go RTS
charlie says
Forgot to mention you and your efforts to get FOIA infor. Absolute nightmare I know you had with those along with RTS and I am certain others.
My son came out and yes there is a panic–he says even the gun stores have had a run. Kids always think they know more than we that have dealt with situations in hair raising circumstances at least with some might say. But I reminded him of his blood, that our situation is that since I was 9 I was bringing in subsistence and until I was 17 sometimes the major provider. My Dad never took welfare and had that proud Irish way of we do or die. And of course we did not die but learned that we really do not need the WalMart China canned goods that he brought a few extras of. I gave him a thousand in silver and told him that this will be a good thing–don’t worry I only have a couple hundred left. But you ought to know that paper money is quite what it is faith in nothing but paper–really not the government because our government borrows every billion they request at a percentage that goes to the world bankers that the tax payer pays. These world bankers only promise that the paper they print is backed by something in the ethereal. So one day it will be nice that you have a little gold and silver that is real because these clever world bankers might someday be found out–or maybe they do not care since they own most of the gold and silver reserves by now and if they get the price down low enough on silver they will fill their coffers with more. Now do not listen to my radical opinions– I do not want the CIA knocking on my door but I know they will not anyway, there are big fish in the pond that have some pizzaz that in my humble position actually makes theses politicos and government succors look all the better. After all I believe in flying saucers and that makes my ideas increase their great wonderful stance in defending our ideals as a US citizen.
It is quite an ordeal now–kind of like if I were ignorant enough to challenge RTS or Gary or WTKTT with their wisdom and abilities. Maybe I would be better at survival out on this desert–perhaps beat them by a month or so given we were set out there on our own–maybe even longer–but the jungle of the nick and tucks of dealing with the sharks of the city and the sharks of government I would have the longevity of a snail in boiling water.
What do I say, you fellows are all my heroes, too many do not know how your are theirs as well.. But the dead do, and the young ones that lost their precious fathers will know, and somewhere the whole of it all will know. Your efforts and your endurance to see this out to the true story is something written in heaven among whatever gods you ascribe to or do not ascribe too. The Irish gods especially I think. The Leprechaun is quite devious when you fuck with his gold–but in truth his gold would be those that fight the fires that destroy his gold.
We will survive this–Joy give them all blessing you have an ability that is special and thanks– fearlessly flood this world with truth–something it is so devoid of. Cowards will always fold when they face the truth.
Joy A. Collura says
Sonny, couple hundred silvers
what about the ones buried 🙂
Joy A. Collura says
Thread down below was getting confusing to post so starting up here.
WantsToKnowTheTruth says
MARCH 18, 2020 AT 11:47 PM
Joy A. Collura says
I am sharing the CITY OF PRESCOTT PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTS ( PRRs ) today with you all
which they “claim” are public but ALL my requests show:
Request Visibility: Unpublished
With the current Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) I think it is in the Public’s best interest everyone see what I have requested from their digital systems.
This virus can hit any of us – even seven members of a single family –
I am not a fan of this topic Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) because I think it is a manufactured farce and we have so many diseases each year we all can die from
and I am one who was 33 years old when the department of microbiology cultured for my body enterococcus faecalis – hospital-acquired that would then be one of my longest health aftermaths of MRSA – my open wound on my front chest was a “night mare” for almost two years of gangrene and pus and episodes and once I fired my doctors and I used dry sheets on the warmest setting possible. Bathe in chlorhexidine (HIBICLENS) soap or bath water with a small amount of liquid bleach, usually about 1 teaspoon for every gallon of bathwater. I got rid of it.
Seem the doctors kept it stimulated and I stopped it.
Viruses like this COVID-19 sure it is bringing much focal feculent attention right now but what is in a few months but elections…I am not a fan to cause this much disruptions to lives when we have people get much worse in numbers Viruses of other kinds so why such the hype?
I mean weeks before the YHFire the hype was Snowden and where is he now?
Months before the fire I came back to Congress Arizona due to another brain tumor when I was out pioneering with Sonny I was diagnosed with it. I am cleaning old paperwork yesterday and I found the second diagnosis sheet where I had done a maxillofacial ct scan April 2013 and Sonny took me to North Arizona then into NM to his son’s then to El Paso then home to Congress where there was a yuk event May 13 2013 and ten days later Sonny ended up in Yarnell. We went ahead and explored the Weavers, He is right we traveled far and long that month June 2013.
My husband got a job finally yesterday after how many months and how many interviews? It is the lowest paying job he ever had but it is a job, right-
Meanwhile I still do not have insurance and there is just way too many areas I have concerns to health and I still do my labs and do my tractions and body manipulations with the help of another. I have some serious bilateral limb concerns and decisions to make and right now. Decisions that are life-altering. When Marty Cole had his agitation – all I could think of was does this man even know the behind the scenes lengths I have gone for TRUTH – show me kindness and respect.
Because of him and his actions – you all get to see all the requests I have made to the City of Prescott. Had Marty been more kind and receptive you all would not be getting this- I feel like if I passed on you all did not get to see what I was doing behind the scenes besides trainign and conferences and my health.
The City of Prescott and the media owe us all more …
I am not satisfied with I almost died and Tex and yet 19 did and we are all just to accept it.
The media was there in the Sesame to Shrine areas and they should show their raw footage,
City of Prescott have a duty and role in this too.
Someone said they did not have the belief I have tumors yet do not remove them-
why not remove them?
My answers are within here:
Joy A. Collura says
Request #18-541
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Request Opened Public
Request received via web
August 6, 2018, 9:30am
Self Research Non-Commercial Request to be viewed either in person or via online as recent requests have been shown and willing to pay $50 or notify me if it is higher and break down why yet is following all Arizona Public Records Law (A.R.S…) since I am not asking this time for printed copies like in 2016. I do understand 2 of the people (Duane and Darrell) requires going back to the longer history of them to the City of Prescott versus the others so let me know if I should do a separate request on them to eliminate confusion(s) since they have a longer history.
1. Complete History and All types of professional certifications for both structural and wild land and others and evaluation reviews and resource wild land fire documents (any type of document) that had the following name:
Thomas F Cooley
Thomas F Cooley
Tom Cooley
Tom F Cooley
T Cooley
Tom Fay Cooley
Thomas Fay Cooley
if it is a common name the name closest to birth date REDACTED FOR HERE
2. Any documents with the email REDACTED FOR HERE or any email to and from the listed names above Tom Cooley with any keyword YARNELL
3. Complete History and All types of professional certifications for both structural and wild land and others and evaluation reviews and resource wild land fire documents that had the following name (any type of document): Duane Allen Steinbrink / Duane Steinbrink / Duane A Steinbrink, Troy Duane Steinbrink, Darrell Eugene Willis / Darrell E Willis / Darrell Willis and any misspellings of the name yet refer to same man.
4. All emails and documents and records and texts with the name RTS [ REDACTED FOR HERE ] …
5. All emails and documents and records and texts with the name Elizabeth Nowicki.
6. All emails and documents and records and texts with the name Holly Neill and or Deanna Thompson.
7. All emails and documents and records and texts with the name AMANDA BENO MARSH LOHMAN / AMANDA MARSH / AMANDA BENO MARSH / AMANDA LOHMAN and tied to YARNELL
For the purposes of this request, the term “record,” regardless of form or format, shall mean: (1) any written, printed, or typed material of any kind, including without limitation all correspondence, memoranda/memorandum, notes, messages, letters, cards, facsimiles, papers, forms, telephone messages, diaries, schedules, calendars, chronological data, minutes, books, reports, charts, lists, ledgers, invoices, worksheets, receipts, returns, computer printouts, printed matter, prospectuses, statements, checks, statistics, surveys, affidavits, contracts, agreements, transcripts, magazine or newspaper articles, or press releases, including drafts; (2) any electronically, magnetically, or mechanically stored material of any kind, including without limitation all electronic mail or email; (3) any audio, aural, visual, or video records, recordings, or representations of any kind; (4) any graphic materials or data compilations from which information can be obtained; and (5) any materials using other means of preserving thought or expression.
thank you
Joy A Collura
Joy A. Collura says
I am just going to show you all communications in chronological order to 18-541 and it is a large scope to and thread so bear with me.
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Please give a time frame for each email request made. Per our IT Dept.:
We do not have a way to track text messages unless they were sent out to a phone from our email system.
To track those items we would need the target cell number and the service (Verizon, Sprint, etc) although the number would be enough to see if we have these items.
For the email items I don’t see a time frame reference, the email archive goes back to April of 2013.
Please note that due to the voluminous amount of records requested, we have moved the anticipated completion date to November 30th, 2018. However, if we are finished collecting the records before then, we will release the records in their entirety as soon as we can.
Please send time frame as mentioned above so we may move forward in our search.
Thank you.
August 6, 2018, 2:07pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thomas F Cooley- as soon as you can. Fact checking information using public records.
I have in hand Tom Cooley’s … MASTER RECORD so you can omit that in search.
Duane Allen Steinbrink / Duane Steinbrink / Duane A Steinbrink, Troy Duane Steinbrink, Darrell Eugene Willis / Darrell E Willis / Darrell Willis and any misspellings of the name yet refer to same man.–> No rush, Spring 2019 (time frame for each email request made. Per our IT Dept.:). Since it is archival. I also kept it general and if it needs to be more specific because it ends up being too large just let me know so I can re-adjust the request to more specific there but if there is not much there I wanted to keep it general. Fact checking some information.
[ RTS ] and [NAME REDACTED FOR HERE] .- by Summer 2019 (time frame for each email request made. Per our IT Dept.:) using June 30, 2013 to present date today for date range for their names. (number verizon 928 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] and level 3 comm 928 [# REDACTED FOR HERE] ) I really want any type as described in my definition “records” pertaining to these [two] names.
Elizabeth Nowicki, Holly Neill, Deanna Thompson and AMANDA BENO MARSH LOHMAN / AMANDA MARSH / AMANDA BENO MARSH / AMANDA LOHMAN- Summer 2019 (time frame for each email request made. Per our IT Dept.:) using June 30, 2013 to present date today for date range for their names.
verizon 518 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] ,
verizon 202 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] ,
at&t mobile 917 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] ,
verizon 505 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] ,
Sprint 928 4[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
verizon 928 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] ,
verizon 928 [#REDACTED FOR HERE]
verizon 406 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] ,
verizon 406 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] ,
frontier 208 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] .
triangle 406 [#REDACTED FOR HERE] )
I really want any type as described in my definition “records” pertaining to these names.
CITY OF PRESCOTT —“We do not have a way to track text messages unless they were sent out to a phone from our email system”= if it was sent out that way and it includes the above names I do want it.
To track those items we would need the target cell number and the service (Verizon, Sprint, etc) ===
let me pull the numbers I have from FOIAs/Public Records/Research so that helps.
Verizon- Willis- 928-[#REDACTED FOR HERE] and 928-[#REDACTED FOR HERE] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13 and below is Willis’s tie to these numbers listed below and any others during the date range but I am fact checking currently.
Verizon- direct 928-8[#REDACTED FOR HERE] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13
verizon- 928-7[#REDACTED FOR HERE] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13
Neutral Tandem- AZ LLC 520-6[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
verizon-928-9[#REDACTED FOR HERE] and 928-9[#REDACTED FOR HERE] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13
qwest/century link- 928-4[#REDACTED FOR HERE] and verizon 805 5[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
verizon- 831 5[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
sprint- 928 7[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
verizon- 928-92[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
verizon- 928-71[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
Frontier CA verizon- 760-3[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
sprint 951-3[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
verizon 928 – 5[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
verizon 928-8[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
365 wireless 520-3[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
century link 928-4[#REDACTED FOR HERE]
“However, if we are finished collecting the records before then, we will release the records in their entirety as soon as we can.”-When time gets closer to target dates just let me know if it is easier to come in person versus the online method or whatever route works best for your business hours.
August 6, 2018, 6:11pm by the requester
Joy A Collura says
External Message Requester + Staff
I actually have to make a CORRECTION.
I have the master record for Tom Cooley up until October 2013 so I am requesting the master record as well from October 2013 to present.
August 7, 2018, 1:58pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
the other “specific” item I am wanting to see to fact check is the 2013 Granite Mountain Hotshot (GMHS) roster that ADOSH had for the GMHS 2013 where Tom Cooley is on the list to keep the type 2 IA status and discussed in the interview.
August 7, 2018, 3:19pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
added gmhs image. In that I am looking for the June 30 2013 and how this organization chart looked in names and the documents that would support to fill in the names where it belongs including Willis and GMHS and the PFD and as it shows on chart when pertaining to “all” records tied to Willis. Just an example. I know when it is kept general it is harder scope yet this is a harder research topic when I am just a housewife hiker learning the industry.
August 8, 2018, 4:00pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Just to confirm, are the last two communications from you add-ons to the original request? Or is this just supporting document to show what you are requesting?
Please be sure to make a new request for any additional documents you are seeking that are not in the original request. We cannot accept add-ons, as in general practice it would make a public record request go on and stay open indefinitely, as more and more things are added on.
Thank you
August 8, 2018, 4:38pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Just to show where and what kinds of things I am looking in return so supporting additional information because you stated I needed telephone carrier and numbers and I am only coming up with what I provided but if any additional I find I will begin a new request and as for the correction- I have the master record up until 2013 for TOM COOLEY but I will need from Oct. 2013 to present and as well the documents that I can fill in the blanks of the titles of the Prescott Organizational Chart I provided. No add-ons just showing where my mind is thinking as for as what I like to see back when it is all done being I kept it rather general and again if it becomes to large I can spend a day or three and narrow it but I did not want to narrow it and lose out on some areas if there is not much on the folks I included. > > Thank You, > Joy A Collura > >> Thank you Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
August 8, 2018, 7:36pm by the requester via email
Joy A. Collura says
City Of Prescott’s reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Ms. Collura,
Thank you.
August 9, 2018, 8:16am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
You wrote, ”
Thomas F Cooley- as soon as you can. Fact checking information using public records.
I have in hand Tom Cooley’s PERSON MASTER RECORD so you can omit that in search. ”
Does this mean to omit anything on Mr. Cooley? What does the term “Person Master Record” mean, as I am confused as to what can be omitted from the search? Can we omit #1 and #2 in your original request? Is that what you mean?
I apologize, but the request is so large and with amendments and added information, it is causing confusion.
Please clarify to help us fill this request properly.
Thank you.
August 9, 2018, 9:47am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
>> Does this mean to omit anything on Mr. Cooley? clarify here- the only thing omitted is 1980’s to 2013 MASTER RECORD for Tom Cooley but I clarified I do want the MASTER RECORD from October 2013 to present date
What does the term “Person Master Record” mean,
I hear you there. So many terminologies I had to learn myself over time and the master record looks like this enclosed one of many photos:[Tom Cooley Master Record-2a.jpg]
as I am confused as to what can be omitted from the search?
only thing to omit from request is 1988 to September 2013 MASTER RECORD for TOM COOLEY as I have that already.
Can we omit #1 and #2 in your original request? Is that what you mean?
no. clarified it above.
>> >> I apologize, but the request is so large and with amendments and added information, it is causing confusion.the added stuff you requested-
you asked me for carrier name and numbers and I answered that to my best ability and I only amended to omit a document I had and that was COOLEY MASTER RECORD from the 80’s to Oct 2013 so if it is easier to break the request into different areas by names if that helps than that is fine. I just know all I asked for I came back and gave you my best estimate of when I wanted it even though you target dated November 2018. I felt it was easier to break it up what was more important to me and how some can wait until Spring/Summer 2019 so the focus was on what I needed first to fact check. Thank you, Joy A Collura
>> >> Again, when the time comes and you search a name and it comes back very large return than reach me and let me know so we can narrow it down. I do not want to lose out on facts and documents by being specific and yet I have no clue how involved the names included will give in search return. Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
August 9, 2018, 10:18am by the requester via email
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
enclosed Coconino reply. [attachment]
the custodian records of this man Tom Cooley will be in the city of Prescott public records. I checked other areas.
September 5, 2018, 7:35pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
City Of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for your recent message, Ms. Collura. We are still working on this request. The Fire Dept is connected to the request and will see the letter you downloaded. Please understand that the City has no control over another agency’s records. Was there a specific reason you submitted the letter that you wanted us to address?
Thank you.
September 6, 2018, 8:19am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
There is nothing to address just keeping the flow of communication to the specific reason to why I added the files (2) so that the city of Prescott and its FD are aware I did my Federal area of the request and well… if the Coconino doesn’t have his records anymore ( perfectly possible after 17 years ) and U.S. Forestry has offloaded his files to the National Archives ( also perfectly possible after 17 years )… then I will be relying on NARA and the employment application and records you all provide to fact check information. I just wanted you to be in loop I looked there in case the FD was planning to I saved them that step. Thank you. Have a beautiful day, Joy A. Collura
September 6, 2018, 5:07pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Ms. Collura,
Thanks for the explanation. We will keep working.
Thank you.
September 7, 2018, 10:58am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am the requester and every-time I went to click to see if any updates because some records were to be an estimate of November 2018 ready so I am training right now and only can get to you in person on Mondays and Thursdays except next Monday from noon to business close (yet electronically sent like in the past is fine as well) so I was trying to peak to see if any updates there and I got this: [joy.JPG] Joy A. Collura Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
October 24, 2018, 7:07pm by the requester via email
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Hello Ms. Collura,
It is our standard procedure to not release information piece-meal. The City’s protocol is to release records once ALL the requested documents and/or data requested has been gathered and prepared. There is nothing uploaded yet for your request. Staff is still working on gathering, redacting and researching your request.
Thank you for your inquiry.
October 25, 2018, 1:00pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Sounds good. The files tied to my craigslistdesertwalker gmail account open fine to see the original requests. It was just this one under this email gave me that reply I inserted in last email to you the message I got where I could not view it and the other 2 files I can view the original request but this one gave me that message without being able to see the request That was all unable to view but I saved it as pdf with the date and time so next time I am near those records I can always peak at original request. No big deal. We know you said November 30th 2018 is estimated date because I wrote it down on calendar yet there was a lot in last round to inspect that I wrote back my time frames I was thinking when I was asked when stuff was needed back. I am in no hurry. Enjoy this amazing day.😊 Happy Autumn Joy A. Collura Sent from ProtonMail mobile
October 25, 2018, 1:12pm by the requester via email
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
yeah this is the one I can never access or log on to…I found the email just not able to get on. Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
November 30, 2018, 6:11pm by the requester via email
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Please try a different browser like Google or Firefox. The request loads slowly due to the amount of documents you have downloaded into it. A different browser may solve the problem.
Thank you.
December 3, 2018, 11:28am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
December 3, 2018, 12:09pm by the requester via email
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
FIGURED THE CONFUSION I RESET THE PASSWORD I AM IN Sent with [ProtonMail]( Secure Email. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
December 3, 2018, 12:56pm by the requester via email
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
December 3, 2018, 12:57pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Hello Ms. Collura,
It is our standard procedure to not release information piece-meal. The City’s protocol is to release records once ALL the requested documents and/or data requested has been gathered and prepared. There is nothing uploaded yet for your request. Staff is still working on gathering, redacting and researching your request.
Thank you for your inquiry.
October 25, 2018, 1:00pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staf
[Joy’s Reply:]
I did see feedback on Thomas Cooley but still awaiting # 3 thru 7 on original request and the above communications states you like to give data all in 1 time so is 3 thru 7 ready too?
December 3, 2018, 1:01pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
also I have noticed the request seems to be sealed from public view of master index.
Is there a reason for that? Some are sealed and some are not under my name?
December 3, 2018, 1:02pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
My apologies I just noted the attachments on left were done by me not you.
December 3, 2018, 1:04pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
City Of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Emails requested will be handled in this request not 19-75. We will let you know when they are ready and if a USB drive will be necessary to deliver the emails you requested.
Thank you.
April 17, 2019, 9:32am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Notice the date. How much time since projected request time to be filled and it is still not?
4 months, 18 days excluding the end date.
Just note it – that’s all – just note it.
Joy A. Collura says
Also note the request is STILL OPEN
It is 475 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date of what they projected to be a completed request.
Or 1 year, 3 months, 19 days excluding the end date.
just keep it in mind
I know “pro-bono” lawyers or people in Law and Justice will later “get” why I say “note” it-
However from time I opened the request it has been:
Result: 591 days
It is 591 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 1 year, 7 months, 13 days excluding the end date.
Or 19 months, 13 days excluding the end date.
“just saying” …keep it noted.
Joy A. Collura says
22 days go by from the last communication 4-17-19 talking about USB drive topic than this:
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The City is working toward providing documents for your request. Please find the following in response to any personnel records requested as we move forward.
The City of Prescott deems the majority of an employee’s personnel records confidential. The City is a political subdivision of the State of Arizona. The State of Arizona limits review of State employee personnel files made under a public records request to the following:
Name of employee;
Date of employment;
Current and previous class titles and dates of appointment to the class;
Current and previous agencies to which the employee has been assigned and the location of the main office for each agency;
Current and previous salaries and dates of each change;
Name of employee’s current or last known supervisor; and
Records that are reasonably necessary or appropriate to maintain an accurate knowledge of the employee’s disciplinary actions, including the employee responses to all disciplinary actions, unless providing this information is contrary to law. See Arizona Administrative Code Title 2, Ch 5.
Additionally, the privacy interests an employee has in other aspects of his/her personnel file militates against providing the entire file. It is also in the City’s best interests in having a full and open employee evaluation process to limit provision of the entire personnel file. Thus, the City’s policy in providing personnel records made pursuant to the Arizona Public Records laws is the same as required by the State of Arizona pursuant to the Administrative Code cited above.
We will continue to work on this request and provide records according to public record laws.
Thank you.
May 9, 2019, 1:16pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
than from their last request in May 2019 I send one July 2019..It is 67 days from May to July, but not including the end date.
Or 2 months, 6 days excluding the end date.
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I would like to show “one request” where it is an example you have provided small information over time as it came yet other requests you state you do not share the information until it is all done.
This request is almost reaching the one year annual from when I submitted it so would I be at the phase to “appeal” this request or inform State Ombudsman to find out when is an appropriate time frame for this specific request?
I understand it is a large request with other open requests and plus you have other people with requests yet this request has some information placed on here and there has not been any further communication of ETA.
Best Regards,
Joy A Collura
July 15, 2019, 6:59am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Ms. Collura,
Below is an update of your request. This request is so large that it is taking an extensive amount of time to complete. The City does not have a staff that is designated for public records only. Staff must juggle regular duties in addition to public records. In the future, it would be recommended that you request one or two things at a time rather than everything together. It is HIGHLY recommended that any request for emails be done separately. Email requests are tedious, time consuming and are usually VERY large and take a very long time to complete.
Please know that staff has run into various problems with this request including technology failures and staffing. We hope to fill your request as soon as we can. Please be aware that all documents must be reviewed and may need redaction before release, which is also time consuming.
Below is an update. This is NOT a final, there are still more emails to sort through (see below – Unsorted & Questions):
Log of Records
Requester – Joy Collura
Copyrighted Materials – 4 items
For Release – 272 items
Drafts Not For Disclosure – 6 items
HIPPA – Private Info – 10 items
Not Applicable to Request – 716 items
NOT for Release – Protected – Identity Protection, Private Info – 5 emails
Unsorted – 143 items left for review & redaction
Questions – Re-review – 401 items
Duplicates – 2 items
*Excludes documents requested, which still need review.
Thank you for your patience.
July 15, 2019, 2:13pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thank you for the clear updates and instructions for future requests. I am glad to know this. Very helpful. I had no idea it was a juggle of staff. That must make some wish I stop asking until the rest are fulfilled. I know I would want that. I know I feel that way too as I will be working solid in one area organizing on the fire I eyewitnessed than new incoming and I am like ugh…I am just ONE person so I get that. I do wish your city would put general memo out not to reach the eyewitness until further notice with their fire accounts so I too can catch up. I usually inquire and ask for records the moment I learn it so I have a time stamp when I learned information. Thank you again. Sent from ProtonMail mobile
July 15, 2019, 2:48pm by the requester via email
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
Requester – Joyce Collura [???]
My name is Joy A Collura not Joyce Collura
July 16, 2019, 8:40am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Ms. Collura,
Apologies for the misspelling of your name. Corrected.
Thank you.
July 16, 2019, 8:54am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
as you notice I am in chronological order going over one PRR – I have hundreds of requests out there in the world so welcome to my world of it is not just THAT simple- to say I asked for this and this is my path but maybe now that I saw Marty’s agitation for how many years now and I had not pulled his records in previous years so it just escalated from prior years but you all can thank him for me starting to make this area PUBLIC even though it is PUBLIC INFORMATION yet the City of Prescott has each one now labelled Request Visibility: Unpublished
You all can make your own assessments as to why-
Maybe once it is out PUBLIC they can see the lengths it has taken time wise and maybe it is time to hire someone to do that area full time being my requests could be categorized as such- a full time job. Shit, I would take that job 😉
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
actually when the page opens it shows it all then vanishes to the +READMORE button on this link request so far only at 9/3/19 220pm
September 3, 2019, 2:19pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
Unable to see +READMORE on this one so I can answer your other question on 19-438
September 3, 2019, 1:59pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
July 15, 2019, 2:13pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff) updated log-
any current ETA on request? …
Please email me update but in addition drop a voice mail … leaving a voicemail at 480 559 1971 will be heard before seeing emails if you had any immediate need to hear from me and good number to alert me of any public records updates or ETAs. Best Regards, Joy A Collura
October 5, 2019, 6:10pm by the requester
City of Prescott’s Reply TWO WEEKS LATER:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
We hope to be done with this request soon, as we are down to only 200 more emails to prepare. I will let you know when it is done. I am going to try to upload the emails and the attachments into this system. However, please understand in the past the system would not allow staff to upload the attachments, which may still be the case. If the system gives me trouble, I will contact you and ask for a $5.00 fee and mail a USB drive of the emails and attachments.
Thank you.
October 14, 2019, 8:55am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
It was 86 days “,We hope to be done with this request soon, as we are down to only 200 more emails to prepare. ” but not including the end date of the next communications asking for funds.
2 months, 25 days excluding the end date.
WTF, over?
Really? 2.3 emails a day that comes to….
I am not sure I am liking the current system when they meanwhile “worked” on various other requests of mine. ???? and other peoples PRRs.
Let’s just get this one done then go to the next, right???
City of Prescott
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I have attempted to download all the emails and their attachments to no avail. The emails will download, but the attachments will not. This is due to the attachments being contained in their own separate folders. I will need you to pay $5.00 for a USB drive, plus $1.50 for postage to get the attachments on the drive. I will download the emails without attachments into this system now and once you pay the fees, I will download all the emails and the attachments onto the USB drive and mail it out. This means you will have emails without attachments both in the system and on a USB drive with the attachments.
January 8, 2020, 3:57pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott Reply:
Invoice Sent – $6.50 Requester + Staff
Your request requires a USB drive or a CD with the information you have requested. Please remit $5.00 to cover the cost of the electronic storage device, plus $1.50 for postage. Payment must be received before the material is released to you.
Thank you.
January 8, 2020, 3:57pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott
Document(s) Released to Requester
Details Public [Request Visibility: Unpublished]
January 8, 2020, 3:58pm
and then I started dumping them to you all back channel before training began-
I felt you all should be included and some of you posted some on IM yet none of the juicy ones ever made it yet to IM yet- yet people know some peoples true colors now from the PRRs.
but yeah Holly Neill ,I did not see her for the first time at the academy – if she was there – she was not visible as she has made herself in prior years …same with Willis.
I also noted the clout feeling some got in recent years has lessened if seven people came to me at the training academy and said in prior years they were told to stay away from me and the recent emails they got before training meant the world to them from another and that it solidified what they inertly felt about Holly and Willis and MacLean and others –
hey it came from their own mouths so it is just a fact check verify to to others behaviors but no sides need to be taken in this and just cleaning up the dirty areas is all I am doing-
I am in it to figure out the facts and why people began being the FAMILY ADVOCATE so early on…;
fact check and verify is wtktt motto, right? 😉
Joy A. Collura says
What the world does not get is on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 11:56 AM hours before they “suddenly” released the records – I filed a formal complaint on another request and CC’d it to wtkkt in case something happened to me…
Danee Garone
Your online COMPLAINT FORM is not submitting (I tried many many times – just circles) so here is what I had;
Formal Complaint (Required):
I placed a public records request on November 2, 2018, 12:36pm with the City of Prescott.
By November 20, 2018, 1:08pm by Jaimie Sventek, Business Manager (Staff) they stated
“The Prescott Fire Department has located Mr. Luedeman’s Master Record. The Master Record has been sent for review for any possible redactions that may be needed. We are still researching the additional documents requested. Thank you.”
– Understood –
then this:
Request Closed Hide Public
Dear Requester,
Please find that documents have been made available.
Per Fire records some of the records requested are outside the retention schedule. The Fire Department doesn’t have any further information or records to support this request. Additionally, they don’t have any knowledge of an Engine or personnel being at a Yarnell station.
Your public records request has been completed and closed. Please LOG IN to view the request and any documents entered.
Thank you.
January 7, 2020, 9:14am
What resolution are you looking for?
I put a request into the ARIZONA STATE LIBRARY, ARCHIVES AND PUBLIC RECORDS again to see what they come up with but just giving me RETENTION SCHEDULE and no proof of purge l is not sufficient. Glendale FD showed me their purge documents and any remaining documents I received.
I need documents of such purge event like an index log of the items removed from their system and in what manner.
We are talking about a National Tragedy that has historical significance. They would not fall under normal protocol on RETENTION SCHEDULE when I almost died that day yet 19 others indeed did die and I was with the 20 men on the Weavers that day June 30, 2013. I have a right to challenge this and I have a right to know where the documents are now.
I want the documents and more specific clarity than just RETENTION SCHEDULE.
What steps have you taken to resolve the problem with the agency? Please include names of people you have worked with and other offices you reported the complaint to.
I will email you separate the attachments of it all.
I have been fully compliant and compassionate for they took 431 days after I submitted my original request #18-787 to come back with RETENTION SCHEDULE – now 406 days ago on November 20. 2018 1:08pm when alerting me of Mr. Luedeman’s Master Record being redacted would have been the appropriate time to do such on Station 71.
I am always told they do not have a “records keeper” so they have to use current staff to work on my requests yet RETENTION SCHEDULE on a National Tragedy is bogus but if they want to state that then I want the actual document that they formally disposed or transferred such-
Thank you and Best Regards
and Happy New Year
Do you have a case number, license number, or other identifier with this agency? Please include it. If this is a complaint about the Department of Child Safety (Formerly known as CPS), please include the mother and children’s names and birth dates.
#18-787 is original, #20-14 Retention Schedule, #20-17 document of items CITY OF PRESCOTT has purged since 2013
Joy A. Collura says
Ithas been 71 days from that email to Garone but not including the end date.
Or 2 months, 11 days excluding the end date.
Still not reply even from Garone to that specific complaint
I even alerted him Saturday, January 25, 2020 10:11 PM I would not be near pc during Fire Season 2020 Training and still no reply from that email.
and Tuesday, March 3, 2020 6:16 PM I wrote:
“Can I have an ETA or if back-logged what number in line I am at to have this reviewed-
I submitted it but never heard from you-
Best Regards,
Joy A Collura”
and yet STILL no replies
what the…????
what is going on?
Wtktt, am I failing to do any steps wrong? Why am I seeing this failure in the system?
Joy A. Collura says
Did you think it ended there-
I mean watch…
do you know why?
keep watching…
I have to eat lunch though so PAUSE for now
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Do you have any online payment submission areas (paypal or etc).
If not, please send me a proper mailing address to cut an online bank check for #18-541. They take 3 to 5 business days to arrive to you.
Is #18-541 in memo sufficient adding payment of external storage and postage? Or do you require to mention Public Records Request (PRR)?
January 9, 2020, 4:51am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
You should be able to click the link within the email notice of the invoice and pay online. If you wish to write a check and pay via mail, please issue the check to : City of Prescott, 221 S Cortez St, Prescott, AZ 86303. Attn: Legal
Should you have any questions please call me at 928-777-1274.
Thank you.
January 9, 2020, 7:25am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Invoice Paid Public
$6.50 paid online
January 9, 2020, 7:36am
City of Prescott Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Please confirm your mailing address.
Thank you.
January 9, 2020, 8:06am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
as shown on original request: Please mail to: Joy A Collura P.O. Box 572 Congress Arizona 85332 Thank You. Best Regards, Joy A. Collura
January 9, 2020, 8:09am by the requester via email
City of Prescott Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Index of Records.
January 9, 2020, 8:47am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Records Log – Collura 18-541.pdf
January 9, 2020, 8:47am
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
where is the redaction index log located at?
also note on Log Record below
my name is JOY A COLLURA not JOYCE
January 9, 2020, 9:00pm by the requester
City of Prescott Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Ms. Joy Collura,
The log you have already been provided a log that tells how many items released, held, etc. Apologies for the name typo.
Thank you.
January 10, 2020, 10:12am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
Ms. Joy Collura,
The log you have already been provided a log that tells how many items released, held, etc. Apologies for the name typo.
Thank you.
January 10, 2020, 10:12am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Requester + Staff
In the interest of clarity, please find another log that will hopefully clarify what was provided and what was not.
Thank you.
January 10, 2020, 10:20am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Document(s) Released to Requester Public
Records Log – Collura 18-541 – 2.pdf
January 10, 2020, 10:20am
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I should be provided a redaction log index of the reason areas were redacted because I am finding areas that should not be redacted. [emphasis added.]
Do I have to challenge it here or where do I challenge because I asked in 2016 for document of the Alumni for GMHS and there is an email with the Alumni but it is redacted and that is public records not private.
You can delete email parts but not names.
I am busy downloading all the records and was given limited time to do that [by City of Prescott] (1 month) and I am headed out for Fire Season 2020 for training soon so busy doing that then the Season happens so I need to know when I get the chance to review the records versus slowly (bandwidth) download them and I know in skimming I do have areas that need to be addressed within this request but it will be within or after my Fire Season.
Where do I write my challenges on a request-
I am owed the index log why an area was redacted-
reason an area is blocked- blacked out.
I mean one area showed [email redacted] but then they blocked the rest and in that email I can go right to [RTS] and see the rest of the names and content blacked out and there is enough documents showing his name but when he asked for documents you stated to him you had nothing so yeah there is some areas eventually I will need to challenge.
So where do I attend that so I am not bombarding the message area here.
Also the investigation at State Records so far has been interesting because they said CITY OF PRESCOTT has not transferred anything since the 70s except I found it very interesting what was transferred- so yeah let me know how you want to handle it when I get into 2020 and start reading when I question redaction(s) or do you have that index log handy required by law-
I will want that before this areas is “closed”-
January 10, 2020, 10:37am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0223_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie – FirstRecipient_Light – Subject_Joy Collura PRR August 2018.docx – 08…
0223_Sender_Reinhardt,Andrew – FirstRecipient_Bonney – Subject_Turbyfill – 02-25-2016.pdf
just note for the record-
as I downloaded there is (2) 0223
January 10, 2020, 1:01pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I need further documentation and clarification on:
I failed to see as described in original request these records for:
Duane Allen Steinbrink / Duane Steinbrink, Darrell Eugene Willis / Darrell E Willis / Darrell Willis and any misspellings of the name yet refer to same man,[redacted]
as well I did ask for record with a definition clarifying( 1) any written, printed, or typed material of any kind, including without limitation all correspondence, memoranda/memorandum, notes, messages, letters, cards, facsimiles, papers, forms, telephone messages, diaries, schedules, calendars, chronological data, minutes, books, reports, charts, lists, ledgers, invoices, worksheets, receipts, returns, computer printouts, printed matter, prospectuses, statements, checks, statistics, surveys, affidavits, contracts, agreements, transcripts, magazine or newspaper articles, or press releases, including drafts; (2) any electronically, magnetically, or mechanically stored material of any kind, including without limitation all electronic mail or email; (3) any audio, aural, visual, or video records, recordings, or representations of any kind; (4) any graphic materials or data compilations from which information can be obtained; and (5) any materials using other means of preserving thought or expression.)
As well I requested any messages sent out to a phone from your email system with the following:
I really want any type as described in my definition “records” pertaining to these names.
“We do not have a way to track text messages unless they were sent out to a phone from our email system”= if it was sent out that way and it includes the above names I do want it.
To track those items we would need the target cell number and the service (Verizon, Sprint, etc) ===let me pull the numbers I have from FOIAs/Public Records/Research so that helps.
Verizon- Willis- 928-9[redacted] and 928-7[redacted] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13 and below is Willis’s tie to these numbers listed below and any others during the date range but I am fact checking currently.
Verizon- direct 928-8[redacted] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13
verizon- 928-7[redacted] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13
Neutral Tandem- AZ LLC 520-6[redacted]
verizon-928-9[redacted] and 928-9[redacted] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13
qwest/century link- 928-4[redacted] and verizon 805 5[redacted]
verizon- 831 5[redacted]
sprint- 928 7[redacted]
verizon- 928-9[redacted]
verizon- 928-7[redacted]
Frontier CA verizon- 760-3[redacted]
sprint 951-3[redacted]
verizon 928 – 5[redacted]
verizon 928-[redacted]
365 wireless 520-3[redacted]
century link 928-4[redacted]
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Link to View document
0096_Sender_holly – FirstRecipient_r.lopez – Subject_Draft letter to Lolo Hotshot Crew – FOR REVI…
Link to View document
0096_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient__IT Help Desk_ _help @ prescott-az.g ov _ – Subject_Informa…
[this email I think was the one about YOU, RTS]
0096 has (2) 0096
Note- for the records.
January 10, 2020, 5:26pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Link to View document
0093_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_ – Subject_Survivors retreat – 02-27-2018.pdf
Link to View document
0093_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
for the record-
0093 has (2) 0093
January 10, 2020, 5:29pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0092_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie – FirstRecipient_Light – Subject_Survivors Retreat – 01-18-2017.pdf
Link to View document
0092_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Light,Dennis _dennis.light @ prescott-…
0092 has (2) 0092
January 10, 2020, 5:32pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0091_Sender_Holly Neill – FirstRecipient – Subject_any ideas – 06-03-2014.pdf
Link to View document
0091_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
0091 has (2) 0091
January 10, 2020, 5:35pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0086_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient__Melissa Bates_ – Subject_Email to gm families – 02-13-…
Link to View document
0086_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
Link to View document
Link to View document
0088_Sender_Jeremiah King – FirstRecipient_Lucas,Ralph _ralph.lucas @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_Er…
Link to View document
0088_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient__Willis, Darrell_ _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_w…
Link to View document
0089_Sender_Beegle,Francis – FirstRecipient_Lee – Subject_how do I get FOIAS_ Arizona Open Record…
Link to View document
0089_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie – FirstRecipient_Light – Subject_GMIHC Buggy – Private Photo Shoot Req…
[Amanda Beno Marsh]
86, 88, 89 have (2) 86, 88, 89
January 10, 2020, 5:39pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0084_Sender_McGroder, Patrick J. – FirstRecipient__Holly Neill_ – Subject_GM.Tox.Inquiry – 01-11-…
Link to View document
0084_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Devendorf,Don _don.devendorf @ prescot…
0084 has (2) 0084s
January 10, 2020, 6:01pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am listing this for the record because it does change the numbers of actual record counts on that log-
0078_Sender_Lee,Michelle – FirstRecipient_Beegle – Subject_how do I get FOIAS_ Arizona Open Recor…
Link to View document
0078_Sender_Roxanne Lopez – FirstRecipient__Deborah Pfingston_ – Subject_WFGI Brochure – 02-12-20…
0078 has (2) 0078
January 10, 2020, 6:18pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0075_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Light,Dennis _dennis.light @ prescott-…
Link to View document
0075_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Mecca,David _david.mecca @ prescott-az…
0075 has (2) 0075
January 10, 2020, 6:25pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0064_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_don’…
Link to View document
0064_Sender_Willis,Darrell – FirstRecipient__sonny gilly_ _sonnygilly_ – Subject_Thank you for yo…
Link to View document
0065_Sender_Hall, Wes – FirstRecipient__Hall, Wes_ _Wesley.Hall amarillo.g o v_ – Subject_FDSOA Boa…
Link to View document
0065_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Lucas,Ralph _ralph.lucas @ prescott-az…
Link to View document
0066_Sender_juliann.ashcraft – FirstRecipient__Holly Neill_- Subject_BTown letter – 09-01-2016.pdf
Link to View document
0066_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
Link to View document
0067_Sender_Crouse,Patti – FirstRecipient__Tana Kuykendall_ – Subject_RSVP deadline and how.many …
Link to View document
0067_Sender_Holly Neill – FirstRecipient_darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v – Subject_Rigs – 10-19-20…
Link to View document
0068_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_ – Subject_December News Letter – 12-29-2016 .pd f
Link to View document
0068_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis – Subject_Thank you for your presence today. – 01…
Link to View document
0069_Sender_Bryan Martyn – FirstRecipient_ – Subject_Yarnell Memorial Site Committee Meeting Agen…
Link to View document
0069_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Crouse,Patti [email protected] o v_ – Subject_Update -…
Link to View document
0070_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Crouse,Patti [email protected] o v_ – Subject_He…
Link to View document
0070_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Lucas,Bret _bret.lucas @ prescott-az.g…
Link to View document
0071_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Crouse,Patti _patti.crouse @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_RSVP dea…
Link to View document
0071_Sender_Kriwer,Eric – FirstRecipient_Wertheim,Pete _pete.wertheim @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_…
64 thru 71 all have (2) 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
January 10, 2020, 6:36pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0054_Sender_Lucas,Ralph – FirstRecipient_Light – Subject_FW_ Operational Test – 04-11-2016. pd f
Link to View document
0054_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Light,Dennis _dennis.light @ prescott-…
Link to View document
0054_Sender_Willis,Darrell – FirstRecipient__Holly Neill_ – Subject_thank you – 11-18-2013.pdf
Link to View document
0056_Sender_Don Boursier – [email protected] – Subject_Yarnell Hill Fire Operatio…
Link to View document
0056_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient__Willis, Darrell_ _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.gov_ – Subject_w…
Link to View document
0056_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Vicente,John _john .vicente @ prescott-…
Link to View document
0057_Sender_Kriwer,Eric – [email protected] – Subject_FW_ GMIHS Tribute H…
Link to View document
0057_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
Link to View document
0058_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_troy.steinbrink @ prescott-az.g o v – Subject_All Available…
Link to View document
0058_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis – Subject_Thank you for your presence today. – 01…
Link to View document
0059_Sender_Crouse,Patti – FirstRecipient__joy C_ – Subject_Update – 10-31-201…
Link to View document
0059_Sender_Vicki Boswell – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug _doug.harwood @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_…
Link to View document
0060_Sender_Crouse,Patti – FirstRecipient__Tana Kuykendall_ – Subject_update from Joy A Collura …
Link to View document
0060_Sender_Deborah Pfingston – FirstRecipient__Darrell Willis_ _darrell.willis_ – Subject_Wildla…
Link to View document
0061_Sender_Deborah Pfingston – FirstRecipient_ – Subject_November Meeting – 09-29-2014. p df
Link to View document
0061_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_don’…
Link to View document
0062_Sender_Harwood,Doug – FirstRecipient__Deborah Pfingston_ – Subject_8-hour Meeting – 01-26-20…
Link to View document
0062_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Light,Dennis _dennis.light @ prescott-…
Link to View document
0063_Sender_amandabeno – FirstRecipient_darrel.willis – Subject_Please read from Amanda Marsh Gra…
Link to View document
0063_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Luedeman,Scott _scott.luedeman @ presc…
there is (3) 54, 56s
there is (2) 57 thru 63
January 10, 2020, 6:47pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0056_Sender_Don Boursier – FirstRecipient_agraeser @ fs.f ed. us – Subject_Yarnell Hill Fire Operatio…
I would like the reason for the name being redacted- I can understand a private email but name should be there but it is blacked out
January 10, 2020, 6:55pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am not following “WHY” there is three of this and two of this and it is confusing if I try to save it to pc and I get a call then go back to it and I have to figure “which” 58 it is out of the 58s in refiling-
Plus I now have to go check log record and make sure those numbers are correct-
Most confusing release so far of a Public Record-
I mean I get it- if you got calls and stuff and went back to it yet before uploading I would have made corrections or added note to let me know-
I will recheck after I individually did all the files to make sure they match up that I got all the records downloaded.
0046_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Orman,Donna _donna.orman @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_update fro…
Link to View document
0046_Sender_Lucas,Ralph – FirstRecipient_Moser – Subject_Request from Ralph next Tuesday Evening …
Link to View document
0047_Sender_Deborah Pfingston – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug [email protected] o v_ – Subj…
[I wonder if the 2 of them realized they were writing another where the PUBLIC can read their emails? ]
Link to View document
0047_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_upda…
Link to View document
0048_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_ – Subject_c Marsh Foundation December Newsletter – 12-2…
Link to View document
0048_Sender_Cannizzaro,Karen – FirstRecipient_Benitez – Subject_S-215 Fire Ops in the Wildland Ur…
Link to View document
0048_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_Lucas – Subject_Information Only_ How we got here and … this is about the time RTS our site was blocked from their IT system based on our blog
– why block us ???
Link to View document
0048_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie – FirstRecipient_Fletcher – Subject_IAP GMIHC Memorial Events June 201…
(2) 46 and 47s
(4) 48s
0049_Sender_Lucas,Ralph – FirstRecipient_Cooley – Subject_RE_ Operational Test – 04-11-2016.p d f
Link to View document
0049_Sender_Plummer, Viola – FirstRecipient_Cannizzaro,Karen _karen.cannizzaro @ prescott-az.g o v_ -…
Link to View document
0049_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Kriwer,Eric _eric.kriwer @ prescott-az…
(3) 49s
0050_Sender_FireRescue1 Newsletter – FirstRecipient_Cannizzaro,Karen _karen.cannizzaro @ prescott-a…
Link to View document
0050_Sender_Harwood,Doug – FirstRecipient_- Subject_Alumni invite for Eric Marsh Foundation for W..
(3) 50s
0051_Sender_DeLong,Dana – FirstRecipient_Lee – Subject_how do I get FOIAS_ Arizona Open Records -…
Link to View document
0051_Sender_Holly Neill – FirstRecipient – Subject_WFGI Article – History of Granite Mountain Int…
Link to View document
0051_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie – FirstRecipient_troy. steinbrink @ p rescott-az.g o v – Subject_Frozen Yoga…
(3) 51s
0053_Sender_Crouse,Patti – FirstRecipient__joy C_ – Subject_RSVP deadline and …
Link to View document
0053_Sender_Harwood,Doug – FirstRecipient_Bates – Subject_investigation – 06-04-2014.p d f
(2) 52s
January 10, 2020, 7:07pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
You all exhausted yet on just my ONE request?
Just wondering.
I lived it the first time around so to re-do it for you all –
it is what it is
and we have Marty Cole’s distasteful demeanor to me last week to thank for this release of public records and the requests. because he took it personal..
so he does not have to take it personal…he can now add others to that list. It was never just him…Hope it helps him to get less agitated because I am tired of the melting snowflakes,,,let’s get real…
own up people…you lied Cole to me last week
Joy’s reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
there is actually (3) 46s
one was on page 6
January 10, 2020, 7:17pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0029_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Willis – Subject_Need assistance – 01-06-2015.pdf
Link to View document
0029_Sender_yarnell hikers – FirstRecipient_Lee,Michelle _michelle.lee @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject…
Link to View document
0030_Sender_Bryan Martyn – FirstRecipient_ – Subject_Yarnell Sub-Committees – 01-22-2015.p d f
Link to View document
0030_Sender_Cooley,Tom – FirstRecipient_Cornish – Subject_HS82808_6x6 Radio installation – 12-07-…
Link to View document
0030_Sender_Deborah Pfingston – FirstRecipient__Holly Neill_ _holly_ – Subject_Leonard Hunter yhf…
Link to View document
0030_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie – FirstRecipient_troy.steinbrink @ prescott-az.g o v – Subject_FW_ With si…
Link to View document
0031_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Crouse,Patti _patti.crouse @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_Update -…
Link to View document
0031_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie – FirstRecipient_troy.steinbrink @ prescott-az.g o v – Subject_Post Trauma…
Link to View document
Link to View document
0033_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug _doug.harwood @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_Su…
Link to View document
0033_Sender_Herrington,Tim – FirstRecipient_marsha.collier @ prescott-az.g o v – Subject_Run to Remem…
Link to View document
0033_Sender_Roxanne Warneke – FirstRecipient__Audrey Walleser_ – Subject_InvestigationProjectWFGI…
Link to View document
0034_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug _doug.harwood @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_Su…
Link to View document
0034_Sender_Bonney,Amy – FirstRecipient_Small – Subject_Turbyfill – 02-25-2016.p d f
Link to View document
0035_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
Link to View document
0035_Sender_Willis,Darrell – FirstRecipient__Amanda Beno Marsh_ – Subject_Family in need – 04-22-…
Link to View document
0035_Sender_Willis,Darrell – FirstRecipient__Station 71_ _station71 @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_A…
you have not made it to the limelight yet
Link to View document
FirstRecipient_Light,Dennis _dennis.light @ prescott-…
(2) of 29, 31, 34
(3) of 33, 35
(4) of 30
January 10, 2020, 7:32pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
there is page 5 another 37 so that makes it (3) 37 so not 2.
January 10, 2020, 7:27pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0037_Sender_Lee,Michelle – FirstRecipient_yarnellhikers19 @ gmail.c o m – Subject_how do I get FOIAS_…
Link to View document
0037_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_marsha.collier @ prescott-az.g o v – Subject_Bi-Weekly Upda…
Link to View document
0038_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_Hi -…
Link to View document
0038_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
Link to View document
0040_Sender_Don Boursier – FirstRecipient_agraeser @ f – Subject_Yarnell Hill Fire Operatio…
Link to View document
0040_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Crouse,Patti _patti.crouse @ prescott-az.gov_ – Subject_RSVP dea…
Link to View document
0041_Sender_Melissa Bates – FirstRecipient_Archer,Jeffrey _jeffrey.archer @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subj…
I just met him this past week in person
Link to View document
0041_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Lucas,Ralph _ralph.lucas @ prescott-az…
Link to View document
0043_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug _doug.harwood @ prescott-az.gov_ – Subject_Su…
Link to View document
0043_Sender_glen hopkinson – FirstRecipient_Willis – Subject_Memorial Design Sub-Committee – 02-1…
Link to View document
0043_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.gov_ – Subjec…
Link to View document
0044_Sender_Lee,Michelle – FirstRecipient_Beegle – Subject_how do I get FOIAS_ Arizona Open Recor…
Link to View document
0044_Sender_Lucas,Ralph – FirstRecipient_Light – Subject_Yarnell Hill Fire Staff Ride Reminder – …
Link to View document
0045_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug _doug.harwood @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_Su…
Link to View document
0045_Sender_Fred S – FirstRecipient_ – Subject_Newly released YH Fiire photos and videos…
Link to View document
0045_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_troy.steinbrink @ prescott-az.g o v – Subject_Weekly Update…
Link to View document
0045_Sender_Zelms,Alison – FirstRecipient_Wertheim,Pete _pete.wertheim @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject…
There are (2) of 37, 38, 40, 41, 44 and (3) of 43 and 45
January 10, 2020, 7:20pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
correction there is (2) 28s-
one is on the page 4
January 10, 2020, 7:42pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
correction- there is (3) 20s.
January 10, 2020, 8:02pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0020_Sender_yarnell hikers – FirstRecipient_Lee,Michelle _michelle.lee @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject…
Link to View document
0021_Sender_holly839bug – FirstRecipient__Deborah Pfingston_ deborah pfingston – Subject_B…
Link to View document
0021_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
Link to View document
0022_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_Zelms – Subject_Bi-Weekly Update – 09-11-2015.p d f
Link to View document
0022_Sender_Morales,Sarah – FirstRecipient_Higgs – Subject_Please Call – 07-09-2018.p d f
Link to View document
0022_Sender_sonnygilly – FirstRecipient_Crouse,Patti _patti.crouse @ p rescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_UPD…
Link to View document
0022_Sender_yarnell hikers – FirstRecipient_Ripley,Linda _linda.ripley @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject…
Link to View document
0023_Sender_John N Maclean – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Sub…
Link to View document
0023_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient__Willis, Darrell_ _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_w…
Link to View document
0023_Sender_Ripley,Linda – FirstRecipient_ – Subject_PRR – Fred S – 02-07-2017…
Link to View document
0024_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug _doug.harwood @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_Su…
Link to View document
0024_Sender_Cooley,Tom – FirstRecipient_Moser – Subject_Yarnell Hill Fire Stafride – 04-15-2016.p d f
Link to View document
0024_Sender_yarnell hikers – FirstRecipient_Ripley,Linda _linda.ripley @ prescott-az.g o v _ – Subject…
Link to View document
0025_Sender_Anderson,Joyce – FirstRecipient_Ripley – Subject_PRR – Fred S – 02-07-2017.p d f
Link to View document
0025_Sender_Jeremiah King – FirstRecipient_Bauman,Dan _dan.bauman @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_Read…
Link to View document
0026_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug _doug.harwood @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_Su…
Link to View document
0026_Sender_code3podcast=FirstRecipient_Light,Dennis _dennis.l…
Link to View document
0026_Sender_yarnell hikers – FirstRecipient_Lee,Michelle _michelle.lee @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject…
Link to View document
(2) of 25
(3) of 23, 24, 26
(4) of 22
January 10, 2020, 7:45pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Did you all notice how they oddly numbered them with 2 of this and 3 of that but at the end of the request – did the final count match?
We are half way there to a bogus records request
Yes, I learned a lot on this one
Not such a large scope in the future-
bear with me…
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0013_Sender_George Moyers – FirstRecipient_Cannizzaro,Karen _karen.cannizzaro @ prescott-az.g o v_ – …
Link to View document
0013_Sender_Ripley,Linda – FirstRecipient__yarnell hikers_ _yarnellhikers19 – Subject_…
Link to View document
0014_Sender_amandabeno – FirstRecipient_darrel.willis1[ fortherecordhispersonalemailwasunredacted] Subject_Please read from Am…
Link to View document
0014_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug _doug.harwood @ prescott-az.gov_ – Subject_Su…
Link to View document
0014_Sender_Holly Neill – FirstRecipient_darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v – Subject_FB post – 12-17…
Link to View document
0014_Sender_Ripley,Linda – FirstRecipient_Sventek – Subject_PRR – Fred S – 02-27-2017.p d f
Link to View document
0014_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Crouse,Patti _patti.crouse @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_He…
Link to View document
0015_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_Lucas – Subject_Information Only_ How we got here and …
Link to View document
0015_Sender_Rush,Michelle – FirstRecipient_Ripley – Subject_PRR – Fred S- 01-27-2017.p d f
Link to View document
0016_Sender_dou- FirstRecipient__City Clerk Staff_ _City.Clerk @ prescott-az. go v_ – Subject_P…
Link to View document
0016_Sender_Zelms,Alison – FirstRecipient_Paladini – Subject_Wildfire Expert Alleges Arizona Fore…
Link to View document
0017_Sender_FireRescue1 Newsletter – FirstRecipient_Haskell,David _david.haskell @ prescott-az.g o v _…
Link to View document
0017_Sender_yarnell hikers – FirstRecipient_Paladini,Jon _jon.paladini @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject…
Link to View document
0018_Sender_Ripley,Linda – FirstRecipient_Anderson – Subject_PRR – Fred S – 01-31-2017.p d f
Link to View document
0018_Sender_Sventek,Jaimie – FirstRecipient_troy.steinbrink @ – Subject_Days of …
Link to View document
0018_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Lucas,Ralph _ralph.lucas @ prescott-az…
Link to View document
0019_Sender_doug – FirstRecipient_Ripley,Linda _linda.ripley@ prescott-az.gov_ – Subject_PRR -…
Link to View document
0019_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Crouse,Patti _patti.crouse @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_new phot..
(2) of 215,16,17,19
(3) of 13, 18
(5) of 14
January 10, 2020, 8:11pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0006_Sender_Hall, Wes – FirstRecipient__Hall, Wes_ _Wesley.Hall @ amarillo.g o v_ – Subject_FD…
Link to View document
0006_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v _ – Subjec…
Link to View document
0007_Sender_joy C – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_good…
Link to View document
0007_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_troy.steinbrink @ – Subject_B..
Link to View document
0007_Sender_Olson,Stacy – FirstRecipient_McInnes – Subject_Amanda Beno – 08-27-2018.p d f
Link to View document
0007_Sender_yarnell hikers – FirstRecipient_Paladini,Jon _jon.paladini @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject…
Link to View document
0008_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_ – Subject_c Marsh Foundation December Newsletter – 12-2…
Link to View document
0008_Sender_City Clerk Staff – FirstRecipient_Beegle,Francis _francis.beegle @ prescott-az.g o v_ – S…
Link to View document
0008_Sender_Lee,Michelle – FirstRecipient__yarnell hikers_ _yarnellhikers19 – Subject_…
Link to View document
0008_Sender_Lucas,Ralph – FirstRecipient_Cooley – Subject_FW_ Wildland – 02-28-…
Link to View document
0009_Sender_Willis,Darrell – FirstRecipient_Willis – Subject_RE_ A Week To Remember, Reflect and …
Link to View document
0010_Sender_Ripley,Linda – FirstRecipient_yarnellhikers19Subject_Public Records Requ…
Link to View document
0010_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
Link to View document
0010_Sender_yarnellhikers1 FirstRecipient_Lee,Michelle _michelle.lee @ prescott-az.g o v…
Link to View document
0011_Sender_do – FirstRecipient_Ripley,Linda _linda.ripley @ prescott-az.g o v _ – Subject_PRR -…
Link to View document
0011_Sender_Jacobsen,Mary – FirstRecipient_Fousek – Subject_Wildfire Expert Alleges Arizona Fores…
Link to View document
0011_Sender_John N Maclean – FirstRecipient__Darrell Willis_ _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.gov_ – S…
Link to View document
0012_Sender_City Clerk Staff – FirstRecipient_Beegle,Francis _francis.beegle @ prescott-az.g o v_ – S…
Link to View document
0012_Sender_FireRescue1 Newsletter – FirstRecipient_Murphy,Ryan _ryan.murphy @ prescott-az.g o v_ – S
There are
(2) of 12
(3) of 6,7,10,11
(4) of 8
January 10, 2020, 9:14pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
0001_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug – Subject_Survivor Retreat – 01-27-2017.pdf
Link to View document
0001_Sender_Anderson,Joyce – FirstRecipient_Ripley – Subject_PRR – Fred S – 01-31-2017.pdf
Link to View document
0001_Sender_dou- FirstRecipient__City Clerk Staff_ _City.Clerk @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subject_P…
Link to View document
0001_Sender_Western Fire Chiefs Association – FirstRecipient_Luedeman,Scott _scott.luedeman @ presc…
Link to View document
0002_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug – Subject_Survivor Retreat – 01-27-2017.pdf
Link to View document
0002_Sender_City Clerk Staff – FirstRecipient_Beegle,Francis _francis.beegle @ prescott-az.gov_ – S…
Link to View document
0002_Sender_Devendorf,Don – FirstRecipient_Bauman – Subject_Invite to drive a buggy to Phoenix on…
Link to View document
0002_Sender_do- FirstRecipient__Russell Long_ _rblong @ blm.gov_ – Subject_Individual Blame …
Link to View document
0002_Sender_sonny gilly – FirstRecipient_Willis,Darrell _darrell.willis @ prescott-az.g o v_ – Subjec…
Link to View document
0003_Sender_Amy Armenta – FirstRecipient_Harwood,Doug – Subject_Survivor Retreat – 01-27-2017.p d f
Link to View document
0003_Sender_City Clerk Staff – FirstRecipient_Beegle,Francis _francis.beegle @ prescott-az.g o v_ – S…
Link to View document
0004_Sender_George Moyers – FirstRecipient_Cannizzaro,Karen _karen.cannizzaro @ prescott-az.g o v_ – …
Link to View document
0004_Sender_Hall, Wes – FirstRecipient_pdmead @ – Subject_FDSOA Board of Directors Elect…
Link to View document
0004_Sender_Lucas,Ralph – FirstRecipient_Light – Subject_FW_ Yarnell Hill Fire Staff Ride Invitat…
Link to View document
0004_Sender_Ripley,Linda – FirstRecipient_Anderson – Subject_PRR – Fred S- 01-31-2017.p d f
Link to View document
0005_Sender_Hall, Wes – FirstRecipient__Hall, Wes_ _Wesley.Hall @ amarillo.gov_ – Subject_FDSOA Boa…
Link to View document
0005_Sender_Holly Neill – FirstRecipient_darrell.willis @ – Subject_clarity – 12-12…
Link to View document
0005_Sender_Light,Dennis – FirstRecipient_troy.steinbrink @ prescott-az.g o v – Subject_Bi-Weekly Upd…
Link to View document
0005_Sender_Ripley,Linda – FirstRecipient_do – Subject_PRR – Fred S- 01-31-2017…
(2) of 3s
(4) of 1,4,5
(5) of 2s
January 10, 2020, 10:18pm by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
as you note below I started being aware around the 40-50[#] range that there was a numbers concern so anything above 50 I did not yet trace if there is 2 or more the same number
January 10, 2020, 10:23pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Thanks for the correction on my name from Joyce to Joy- there is more than one Joy Collura so I would appreciate the A. in Joy A. Collura to not confuse me with other Joys with my name.
Emails- highlighted 757 on Records Log.
I went through and I see 634 items under EMAIL 634 file, 27 for Cooley file, 45 for Troy’s file.= 706 items to download plus external mailed to me so maybe the external has more but I need clarification how to comprehend the Records Log. Where does 757 play in to what I see on my end?
I thought it was my legal right to see the documents minus proper legal redactions [emphasis added] to know that the documents exist so I can still see dates and such just not content (blacked out) for:
Withheld – Not Released Copyrighted Materials 10
Attorney Priv – Drafts Not For Disclosure 218
HIPPA – Private Info 12
Applicable to Request 747
NOT for Release – Protected – Identity Protection, Private Info 22
Duplicates 227
Total email items 1993
Non – email – Personnel Docs HR Records Not Applicable to Request
where is the Arizona Stat the whole document can be withheld? Other entities I get the Hippa minus redactions, Attorney Priv minus redactions, NOT for Release – Protected – Identity Protection, Private Info minus redactions but even though emails are blacked out the names and content I still see Date of Documents. I am allowed that much. And to me, dates matter.
So need more clarity why I see 634 emails but log states 757 but total on log is 1993 and before request is closed I hope you place 1993 emails using the proper redactions because the dates matter to me.
Now I will check that all items downloaded and when I finish I will recap and let you know.
January 11, 2020, 11:59am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
page 29 – Completed download – links in page 29 can be locked but need further data for:
0600 reason for redactions
0604 this is my email and I want you to lift the redacted areas to see who I wrote- it is from me.
0617 a huge oops on areas that should have been redacted by you and you will have to alert the people you did not redact especially GMHS loved ones tied to this request. Once your released it to me I do not have to legally redact it and my coauthor on presentation already has copies so it is what it is- I sent the copies so there was a second area it existed besides me then I went to my external hd and I am making sure one by one I have it on my drive and to see if any corrections on emails –
0620 reason for redactions
page 30 Completed download – links can be locked in page 30 but need further data for:
0629 reason for redactions
0635 why the last email redacted
0636 you have a security problem when you wrote NONE on BC it allows me to see what you hid; “leah_c_hickma[Redacted here] so alert her in this too. I saw the NONE but I am not going back to old ones down below but on your end you may want to check but this end it linked right to “leah_c_hickman[redacted here]”
page 31 Completed download – links can be locked in page 31 but need further data for:
0648- reason for redactions
0650- reason for redactions- should not be on this email
0651 is my email and I want it unredacted- that’s weird. That email vanished off my pc and it shows a blocked out name- I want that name; it matters.
0653- – reason for redactions
0654- this is a serious illegal redaction on this one – I know the original I have seen so this needs to be re-done
0655:reason for redactions
0657- reason for redactions Again… more confusion on the redactions here. The ‘From:’ field has been fully ‘redacted’ when it is perfectly obvious that the email was SENT by Deborah Pfingston. Also… Holly Neill is shown unredacted as a one of the receivers of the email… but she is NOT a Prescott employee. So why would ANY of the other names be REDACTED if it was okay to show Holly Neill’s name? What CRITERIA were you actually using for these ‘redaction’ decisions?
0662 why did you keep private email “leah_c_hickman[redacted here]”” without redaction; reason? – I think you have to notify her now that she was accidentally revealed in a PRR. You will have to send her 0662 showing what happened tied to Request 18-541 for protection of identity reasons- I am not accountable for it being given to me that way. Once released it is what it is and I sent it to my contributing author because it matched perfect to a Summer 2020 presentation we are doing and a few others and I just now caught it after it went via email when going through each email to see if it is on my external drive and go over any inquiries. I wish I saw it sooner yet my eyes are hazy and boggy for HOW MANY HOURS fixated doing this-
0663 – why the redaction of names?
page 32 Completed download – links can be locked but need further data for:
I do have to chuckle when you redact my hiking partner’s email which I know but left Doug Harwood’s personal email on link connector for 0676 – jharwood7[redacted here]”
I have so many entities records that if you redact it does not mean another area did but it is a time consuming venture I know not just for you searching and preparing but for me to gather and organize and learn why I lived on June 30, 2013 and 19 men did not when we were all up on the Weavers. You know in my Investigation courses I have learned so much and so I am glad I gather documents because we are taught not to investigate but find the rose colored glasses and create a narrative- its mind blowing the current training.
0668- why does it say MEMBERS and TO: is “whited out”- reason for any redactions
0669- why are the CC names blocked – reason for redaction please.
0670- Why is the Alumni invite TO area “whited out” – I asked for the Alumni List in 2016 and the TO: has been “whited out”
0676- I would like the name – if you are blocking out the email- why the redactions made on that email thread?
0678- I would like the name – if you are blocking out the email- why the redactions made on that email thread?
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
I went ahead and made new request 20-29 for what OSHA saw and is public records on Willis and Eric S Marsh’s Cell records on all cells based on 0679.
I went ahead and made new request 20-28 for this “Wildland Fire Museum / Learning Center” and 0680 inquiries.
0682- reason for redaction. why were names redacted.
Wildland Fire Museum / Learning Center Stakeholders Meeting- where is the roll call roster who attended- that document that should be with this one.
Also can you get the actual document to show which Entity ID it is referring to when it says “Wildland Fire Museum / Learning Center” is it: LLC Entity ID: S9040065 (GRANITE MOUNTAIN INTERAGENCY HOTSHOT CREW that was tied to CITY OF PRESCOTT), 22547601(Statutory Agent
Jason Lohman; spouse to Amanda Beno Marsh Lohman), Inactive (4/14/2018) N22430477 (GRANITE MOUNTAIN INTERAGENCY HOTSHOT CREW (GMIHC) LEARNING A CHARLES ANTHONY SHAW) and do you have the document file of their open meeting document history ( should be more documents than this as shows on:
However I need more clarity and more emails because log shows 1993 emails and I should see 1993 emails with reasonably segregable portion of a record that shall be provided to me with proper redactions as well have a file with lawyer emails and hippa file and etc so I can see the 218 physical emails with redactions in 1 file and 10 in copyright and etc-
Just omitting and withholding is not sufficient.
Also when I saw “Confidentiality” -NOT for Release – Protected – Identity Protection, Private Info- can you clarify that you agree that it is made so by law, not by a rubber stamp, made confidential by statute, rule, or a recognized privilege and Note: Fear of litigation does not preclude disclosure. I state I am owed those records with the redact protected information and release the rest Carlson v. Pima County, 141 Ariz. 487, 687 P.2d 1242 (Ariz. 1984). Thank you.
Where can I locate the Tom Cooley emails? Duane’s emails? [more of] Troy’s emails?
January 11, 2020, 10:59pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
There was an email thread between Willis and Amanda Marsh as well as one with Pfingston in regards to asking Willis for support in regards to me so you may have to look in trash recovery because I want that one for sure. (2014-2015 years) – it is not allowed to delete YHF records like that and I want it.
In some of this request, you have redacted ALL of the names on the ‘distribution list’… but this time you HAVE left the name of the Prescott employee who was receiving that email UNREDACTED.
Whoever the Prescott employee(s) were that were on that ‘distribution list’ were
also REDACTED… and that is ILLEGAL.
If it was OK ( to you all ) to show Pfingston, Willis and Neill… then WHO are the others who you
decided it was NOT OK to show… and WHY?
It’s hard to tell what CRITERIA you are using for picking/choosing what to redact and what not to.
It is NOT up to any individual’s whims to pick and chose who or what to redact.
There are RULES and LAWS about that.
Whether or not the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire was both a ‘disaster’ AND ( hence ) a “Historical Fire” it not a matter of opinion.
Let me show you…
It has been CODIFIED as such.
It has been LEGALLY declared and codified as such at every level that matters… by County, State and Federal agencies.
On the morning of July 1, 2013… Arizona State Governor Jan Brewer SIGNED a ‘Declaration of Disaster’ for
the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire… and at 10:30 AM that same morning she ANNOUNCED this fact in her first public
press conference following the tragic loss of the GM Hotshots.
The same day… the Yavapai County Board of Commissioners officially issued their OWN “Declaration of Disaster”
for Yavapai County and the community of Yarnell. This Yavapai County “Declaration of Disaster” was then
RATIFIED at the Yavapai County Board of Commissioners meeting on August 5, 2013.
On September 12, 2013… the FEDERAL U.S. Small Business Agency issued their own official “Declaration of Disaster”
for the June 30, 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire and the community became immediately available to access funds from
their own Federal level Disaster Relief Funds.
So that’s the ‘full monty”. Official “Disaster Declarations” at the County, State and FEDERAL levels.
So ALL RECORDS that pertain to the “Historic” Disaster known as the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire are now ( and have
The destruction, tampering or obfuscation of any/all public records related to this Historic disaster would be ILLEGAL.
Why are there gaps between numbers and why so many numbers of one number at many times?
The total redactions of ALL the names of the persons who RECEIVED that email from Holly Neill is ILLEGAL.
You are NOT allowing me to see WHO ( which government employee or employees ) RECEIVED that email
You MAY have some limited ability to REDACT the names of non-government employees from the headers of these emails
( I am still researching that and I get back to you )… but it is ILLEGAL to HIDE the NAMES of the actual government employees who RECEIVED that email ( which you have done ).
All you have given me in that attached email is something that was SENT by Holly Neill.
You are NOT allowing me to see WHO ( which government employee or employees ) RECEIVED that email.
That is ILLEGAL.
From the following ( official ) Arizona Library Archives Agency website.. d f
In those RULES for EMAILS there is this specific reference to the ‘metadata’ ( header )section of the emails….
3. An e-mail record includes metadata (minimally the sender, all recipients, date and time sent,
subject), the body of the message, any attachments, documentation of all recipients. If an e-
mail record is sent to a distribution list, it MUST be possible to demonstrate WHO received the
message, not just the name of the distribution list.
In other words… if the email qualifies as a PUBIC RECORD… you CANNOT HIDE exactly WHO sent or
WHO received the email, even if that person was part of a ‘distribution list’ like the ones
seen on Holly Neills emails.
NOTE: As you already know very well… when it mentions ‘retention period’ in these
rules and regulations that ALSO means that for ANYTHING related to the Historic
Yarnell Hill Fire… that “retention period” is required by LAW to be PERMANENT ( FOREVER ).
Guidelines for Managing Public Records Sent and Received Via Electronic Mail
Scope and Responsibility
This document provides guidelines for the management (creation, maintenance, access and use, and
disposition) of e-mail messages in accordance with ( Arizona ) state and federal legal requirements.
Public officials and other custodians of public records (hereafter referred to collectively as
“agencies”) shall preserve and protect public records in accordance with these guidelines and to maintain documentation as evidence that these standards are being met.
These guidelines apply to state and local government agencies and political subdivisions in the State of Arizona.
These guidelines are established by the Director, Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
pursuant to ( Arizona Law ) ARS § 41-1345.A.1. It is promulgated by the Arizona State Library,
Archives and Public Records, an agency of the Legislature.
This document was initially prepared by a committee acting as advisors to the Director. The committee
was composed of records management professionals with representation from State, County, and
Municipal Government. Its purpose was to develop guidelines for managing electronic messages that are
public records.
1. E-mail messages created or received by a government employee are public records
under ARS 41 1350 if it documents the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures,
operations or other activities of the political organization.
2. E-mail messages sent by an agency employee in their official capacity using another system (for
example, a personal, home e-mail system) are public records.
3. An e-mail record includes metadata (minimally the sender, all recipients, date and time sent,
subject), the body of the message, any attachments, documentation of all recipients. If an e-
mail record is sent to a distribution list, it MUST be possible to demonstrate WHO received the
message, not just the name of the distribution list.
4. Agencies shall establish policies and procedures for managing e-mail created or received by the
agency, including preserving and filing, access and use, and disposition. Such policies shall
address the use of e-mail for sending sensitive, proprietary, or confidential information and shall
also address any state or federal legal requirements specific to the agency’s work.
5. Agencies shall make employees aware that an e-mail may be a record and shall provide employees
training in policies and procedures for properly managing e-mail.
6. Agencies must make all e-mail records available to the public upon request under the Arizona
Inspection of Public Records Law (ARS 39-121) during the required retention period, unless the
content of the message falls under one of the exceptions contained in the law or in any other
statute, regulation, Executive Order, or rule of court or have Historical Significance.
7. E-mail messages that do not meet the criteria of the Arizona statutory definition of a public record
may be deleted at any time, unless they become part of some official record as a result of special
circumstances or Historical Significance.
8. Agencies must retain e-mail records for the period of time specified on a records retention and
disposition schedule approved by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records.
Retention or disposition of e-mail messages must be related to the information they contain or the
purpose they serve. Agencies may not routinely delete all e-mail after an arbitrary amount of time.
9. Agencies must suspend destruction of e-mail records relevant to any reasonably foreseeable
legal action, audit, or government investigation until the conclusion of such action, even if their
retention period has passed. Agencies should suspend destruction of potentially relevant records
as soon as there is reasonable expectation of such action, regardless of whether a legal notice
of such action has been served.
10. Agencies must report the destruction of public records without legal, administrative, historical, or
other value to Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records (ARS § 41-1351) on an annual basis.
11. Agencies have the option of printing and filing e-mail records or may use software to facilitate the
management and disposition of e-mail records. Agencies may not use backups of e-mail systems
for retention of e-mail records.
12. E-mail records that have permanent retention periods must be transferred from the e-mail system and stored in either an electronic recordkeeping system or another proper recordkeeping system and we already confirmed CITY OF PRESCOTT has not transferred records to State Archival Records since the 1970s.
If someone there tries to argue with me that they don’t think it’s okay to even show the NAMES of people who don’t
work for Prescott… then why are we even seeing SOME of the non-Prescott employee names ( like
Nowicki and Neill and Pginfston, etc. )… but not ALL of the non-Prescott employee names. You understand?
That looks like BIAS and illegal decision making with regards to who or what to redact.
January 11, 2020, 10:50pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
EMAIL 634 FILE- I will work on 1-29 pages soon.
January 11, 2020, 11:06pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Before I began for today I scanned thru looking for the Nov 2014, Dec 2014, and Jan 2015 emails with Willis which are not there but I want all of his emails on those months especially the email thread between him and I that had Yarnell Hill Fire updates.
January 12, 2020, 10:55am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
done downloading for today.
bandwidth slow in my area.
So I was able to get this done:
page 27 Completed- page 27 link can be locked
0551 TO: area is whited out ( illegal) plus with words like “GMHIC Alumni”- and I requested that numerous times then it is admission you have it and refuse to give me?
0552 reason for redactions
0553 reason for redactions
0554 reason for redactions
0560 you will have to notify law professor Nowicki’s personal number was not redacted
0562 reason for redactions
0565 reason for redactions
page 28 Completed- page 28 link can be locked
0575 the TO: is whited out- reason?
0578 reason for redactions in manner shown (especially headers and email names)
January 12, 2020, 6:17pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I will work on 1-26 tomorrow.
Good night.
The PRR records area about the Film and them not compensating the City was hard for me to read.
That should have been a MUST.
My apologies they did not.
I have been asked as the Survivor of the Weavers to do books and movies and always turned them down but if I ever did your City was on my list to donate and the kids of the GMHS-
What your city faced was wrong because some loved ones tarnished you publicly without all the information at hand and too many PFD employees and YCSO dedicated their time to the horrors of that weekend and the aftermath and have scars that run so deep.
Those folks in the crucial spots would humbly not accept funds but I would ensure the budgets would be met to make sure their jobs remained.
I am sorry that happened to your City. It was distasteful.
That’s Hollywood- eh.
Only true complete lessons can be learned when we openly share about what happened not in back channel mannerisms.
if I do not share they all think I am holding it all in and banking the data then when I do share I am the drama gal-
You can’t win!
I could say screw this all
Let someone else pull records- Nowicki is the one who taught me.
but then the faces of the kids are right there- vividly.
I need to stay the course.
Keep sharing. Keep getting educated.
Thank you for all the hard work you did for this lengthy request.
I know it is “time-consuming” – imagine my world … you are just one entity I pull from so I am very loyal and dedicated to documentation process with many entities.
I learned as I go to Law and Fire Investigation with Forensic Weather training that documents are rarely pulled anymore because it is not an investigation but to find the good and teach a happy lesson; no action required.
I was with those men and I just want to figure it all out who is who and why-
January 12, 2020, 6:33pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
You saw all those redactions, right? Emails missing.
you saw it, right!
Now I spent all that time documenting the areas missing and I get this – REQUEST CLOSED!
City of Prescott’s Reply
Request Closed Hide Public
Request Visibility: Unpublished
Your public records request has been completed and closed. Please LOG IN to view the request and any documents entered.
Please stop entering questions and downloading files. If you have a question please call. Please remember to use your ethics when viewing the information you were given and do not abuse information that may have been given to you inadvertently.These files were worked on by multiple parties and may have been redacted with a slightly different view by each party.
Thank you.
January 13, 2020, 7:55am
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
When you closed this request- is it safe to say you are not going to give reasons for the redactions or the missing emails?
May I send this to the ombudsman to review?
There is illegal areas and this should not be closed.
I will call you right now.
January 13, 2020, 7:59am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am confused by your statement “ethics when viewing the information you were given and do not abuse information”
I am gearing up to go to the Academy in less than ten days and you give me a short time stamp to review these so I downloaded on a slow bandwidth and forwarded it to a few because I never am the only one with the records due to the controversial nature and I keep the main set with a friend’s coroner and I never read the content until I did and I noted each error to you to fix and then you throw back on me request closed and this statement “use ethics when viewing the information you were given and do not abuse information” yet those records are not just with me- I have to because of who I am in this keep duplicates with trusted others so I am not responsible for others having the data that your entity placed out wrong.
I want the redacted areas still that I am legally allowed to have so I will keep going through and make my list of the errors because it seems after I send this I will have to save as PDF this page to ensure I have a copy because no way should this request be labelled closed. There is still more to go on receiving emails that are missing and I still have the attachment item due in the mail.
I called and left a message at 8:03am. If I do not hear this week any feedback I will file complaint with Ombudsman and Arizona State Records. This needs to be an “open” request still. There is illegal sections and I do not accept them “as is”-
January 13, 2020, 8:34am by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Since there is multiple who worked on this request- I would like the FULL NAME who wrote this today:
“Your public records request has been completed and closed. Please LOG IN to view the request and any documents entered.
Please stop entering questions and downloading files. If you have a question please call. Please remember to use your ethics when viewing the information you were given and do not abuse information that may have been given to you inadvertently.These files were worked on by multiple parties and may have been redacted with a slightly different view by each party.
Thank you. ”
January 13, 2020, 7:55am”
January 13, 2020, 9:10am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am really sorry you have different style of redactions there at your entity yet I do think once I get it to my end and I challenge it- it does need to be corrected / re-opened and I will continue to leave the list of errors for “paper trail” in case this escalates to Arizona State Records and the Ombudsman /Attorney General – which it seems with you closing the request falls under denial of fulfilling the records and it is not fulfilled that it is leaning towards such route.
You also gave me such a short time to download and review such a large scope file so you suggested to call and I did but since there is so many errors I do plan to use the list format so you can work on the areas I challenged and if I hear nothing by 1/20/20 why you closed the request that is not fulfilled than at that time I will start by filing a complaint with Ombudsman.
This was a 2018 large scope request where you gave me one month to handle / download link by link versus a zip file download option but you still have areas lacking from original request of records I seeked- so again, should not be closed. I also have a legal right to list the items I challenge. Since it is such a large scope I am showing you daily my progress and where I note errors or where request is not fulfilled yet. I am not doing anything outside paper trailing and calling with every error (since too many) is not proper but I did such call as requested and no return call to date yet to go over this. Also by me naming off documents it should make it easier to show you who needs to gain more knowledge on what can and cannot be redacted but just to email and think saying you all have different styles does not exempt you from the law and correcting the errors. You cannot just state that and then close the request ???
I did receive the letter and memory stick today late afternoon yet that too was not complete because I know there were attachments that never made it to that memory stick. Off the bat I know 0475 attachment was not on stick but just skimming I know much more looks amiss. I will finish scoping these files 1-634 but I am making you aware I did not get all attachments so I would need a log record how come that happened and why some were not attached.
page 24 – Completed download – links in page 24 can be locked but need further data for:
0467 need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0470 need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0476 need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0479 need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0483- need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0488 – You will have to notify Harwood family you have their personal information left on there.
page 25 – Completed download – links in page 25 can be locked but need further data for:
0498 SERIOUS- need to notify Nowicki her private contact and physical address was shown – I want to reaffirm ETHICS is not a way to address it back on me, these files were copied and sent to others before I opened them. As I go through I am letting you know. I had to send them asap because I am gearing up for my Fire Season 2020 training then time on the ground. The download part has been slow to review and comment-
0499 need to be looked at- redacted reason???
502- need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0503 SERIOUS- need to notify Nowicki her private contact and physical address was shown – I want to reaffirm ETHICS is not a way to address it back on me, these files were copied and sent to others before I opened them. As I go through I am letting you know. I had to send them asap because I am gearing up for my Fire Season 2020 training then time on the ground. The download part has been slow to review and comment-
0506:need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0507:need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0509: need to be looked at- redacted reason???(GMHS ALUMNI) TO: “whited out”
0517 need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0518 need to be looked at- redacted reason???
0520 need to be looked at- redacted names ???
0522 need to be looked at- redacted names ???
page 26 – Completed download – links in page 26 can be locked but need further data for:
0529 need to be looked at- redacted names ??? and hows private email and need to notify: jharwood7[redacted here] and ; asinclair1[redacted here]
0530 need to be looked at- redacted names ???
0535 redacted names (GMHS ALUMNI- again that is illegal) TO: “whited out”
0546 need to be looked at- redacted names (GMHS ALUMNI- again that is illegal)
0547 need to be looked at- redacted names
January 13, 2020, 8:22pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Requester + Staff
Work on pages 1-23 tomorrow late day-
January 13, 2020, 8:24pm by the requester
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Staff will review to see if there is anything further to provide in records for this request. If there is anything found, we will provide such documents.
Please note – It is preferred that this venue is used for document requests and transmission only.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 9:17am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
If you want to use an external area to communicate, provide such email. Thank you.
Phone communication is not a good paper trail since this is a large scope request.
Otherwise if not shown an email late today when I address the area(s) I will keep using this area. I appreciate you fulfilling the additional emails – log said 1993 so I want to see that with proper redaction(s) but
still not seeing Duane Allen Steinbrink or Willis professional file, ALL on Nowicki lacks in this record so I made new request being more specific as I asked for that so request should be open-
Also I defined my meaning of “record” so please review the definition and in writing confirm you did cover all the areas set in that definition on all the people I asked on in the request.
thank you
Best Regards.
January 14, 2020, 10:24am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Thank you for your response. You may continue to use this as communication.
It appears you have already entered in new requests for any items or information that you feel may not have been provided. That will help staff fulfill the remaining things you wish to have provided in an orderly manner. Rather than have so many things compacted into one request. Too many items requested in one request does cause confusion.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 11:19am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
It appears you have already entered in new requests for any items or information that you feel may not have been provided.
No. I made new requests for being specific on Nowicki
and additional on who is who on the Learning Center- nothing else-
The Steinbrinks and Willis new requests are separate and nothing to do with the professional certifications I asked in this request.
**down below are some very serious areas with the numbers and concerns that still need addressing as well as written communication of any other areas needing addressed. The new requests are defined above and are separate then areas needing attending below. I agree in the future it will work best as itemized versus large scope and I will avoid doing a large scope again because I agree it does cause confusion neither of us want or need. Have a beautiful day.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 11:42am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Request Reopened Public
January 14, 2020, 1:25pm
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Requester + Staff
Please confirm items still needed.
January 14, 2020, 1:25pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
City of Prescott’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
From the original request is this the only line item needed?
3. Complete History and All types of professional certifications for both structural and wild land and others and evaluation reviews and resource wild land fire documents that had the following name (any type of document): Duane Allen Steinbrink / Duane Steinbrink / Duane A Steinbrink, Troy Duane Steinbrink, Darrell Eugene Willis / Darrell E Willis / Darrell Willis and any misspellings of the name yet refer to same man.
January 14, 2020, 1:27pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
City of Prescott’s Reply:
Please confirm items still needed.
Unfortunately to us both- this page represents a long list below showing it as I go through the request I have jotted them here as I went through each pages keeping you in the loop as I go because I still have 20 something pages to go through plus Troy and Tom’s files and the attachment that was snail mailed and awaiting more on Steinbrink / Willis professional profile.
My eyes are hazy and today I am not spending too much time online to give my eyes a break but I am here doing it until 4-5pm mark then done for the day.
Post what I see as I go through at the end of my online time today as I have been in prior days.
And start again- but yeah just hit “end” and scroll up to see it all because I made notes as I am going through-
The important area is the notifications because I know Nowicki has connections in that City area by what folks share and I want to make sure I did my part.
That lady’s agenda still is unknown (except John MacLean in a email to Willis said she was a researcher to him years before and he said that in 2014 so that makes it before YHF) and she is not one I want after me because I did not note it if she pulls my requests ever.
Mine is because without the documents fully I need to fact check what City FD folks have told me.
Between us even though this is public records- forward a note to your FD folks they need to run any conversations through City legal because the loose lips are why I am here pulling records. I am fact checking.
January 14, 2020, 1:38pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
try again – 2:42pm pc is running slow here
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I am short on time today but I will quickly jot the areas from original request
Dear Requester,
From the original request is this the only line item needed?
3. Complete History and All types of professional certifications for both structural and wild land and others and evaluation reviews and resource wild land fire documents that had the following name (any type of document): Duane Allen Steinbrink / Duane Steinbrink / Duane A Steinbrink, (YES)
Troy Duane Steinbrink
Darrell Eugene Willis / Darrell E Willis / Darrell Willis (YES) and any misspellings of the name yet refer to same man.
All emails and documents and records and texts with the name Elizabeth Nowicki.
(the recent 20-32 request submitted was the actual index / original request and content to be more specific since I did not see it in this request when asking for all- so that is separated out being I asked for the index too)
There was an email thread between Willis and Amanda Marsh as well as one with Pfingston tied in regards to asking Willis for support in regards to me so you may have to look in trash recovery because I want that one for sure. (2014-2015 years)
Definitely lacking important emails between Willis and Amanda Beno Marsh Lohman on Nov 2014 thru January 2015. He told us she emailed him for his support and we have external witnesses who heard him state that so there is those documents.
Missing attachments from memory stick mailed to me.
You have 1993 reported on index log so I want them minus redactions. One cannot just omit it just place it with proper redactions with date of the email.
A redaction / reasons index log and items corrected on ones done wrong. (Especially the Alumni one – that shows you have the Alumni list and I asked for it in 2016 and was denied it existed- that email shows it exists)
As well I requested any messages sent out to a phone from your email system with the following:
I really want any type as described in my definition “records” pertaining to these names …..
Verizon- Willis- 928-[REDACTED HERE] and 928-[REDACTED HERE] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13 and below is Willis’s tie to these numbers listed below and any others during the date range but I am fact checking currently.
Verizon- direct 928-[REDACTED HERE] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13
verizon- 928-7[REDACTED HERE] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13
Neutral Tandem- AZ LLC 520-[REDACTED HERE]
verizon-928-92[REDACTED HERE]and 928-9[REDACTED HERE] date range 6/28/13 thru 7/29/13
qwest/century link- 928-4[REDACTED HERE] and verizon 805 [REDACTED HERE]
verizon- 831 5[REDACTED HERE]
sprint- 928[REDACTED HERE]
verizon- 928-9[REDACTED HERE]
verizon- 928-7[REDACTED HERE]
Frontier CA verizon- 760[REDACTED HERE]
sprint 951-3[REDACTED HERE]
verizon 928 – 5[REDACTED HERE]
verizon 928-8[REDACTED HERE]
365 wireless 52[REDACTED HERE]
century link 928-4[REDACTED HERE]
I failed to see as described in original request these records for:
Duane Allen Steinbrink / Duane Steinbrink, Darrell Eugene Willis / Darrell E Willis / Darrell Willis and any misspellings of the name yet refer to same man, D[REDACTED HERE]
On some emails-
You are NOT allowing me to see WHO ( which government employee or employees ) RECEIVED that email.
That is ILLEGAL.
I am still working through as quick as I can (eye strain currently) and I think simply scrolling should show where areas lacked but I did note them all below what is missing in this request and it is such a LARGE scope so hard to create a MASTER list with this eye strain and not yet went fully though request so hopefully by Monday I get this area done before I head out to the Academy for my training-
Back to downloading for now.
January 14, 2020, 2:16pm by the requester
I almost failed to redact the number area because my eyes are hazy…good catch on that but almost posted all the numbers…oops…getting tired
I am almost done with REQUEST ONE ;_)
Joy A. Collura says
try again … site is running slow
City of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
I believe the following emails, if they exist in City records, will show up on your most recent request for emails for Amanda Marsh. Also, you made a request for all emails from Debra Pfingston that is still being worked on.
If this criteria is new: Definitely lacking important emails between Willis and Amanda Beno Marsh Lohman on Nov 2014 thru January 2015. He told us she emailed him for his support and we have external witnesses who heard him state that so there is those documents.
You will need to make a new request for it. I can only search for records that were listed in the original request portion of the request for this particular public record request.
Our IT Department was very thorough and many emails that did not pertain to your request for one keyword or another also showed up. Therefore, many emails that have nothing to do with your request were taken out. Like ads, training solicitation, emails from other departments that don’t relate, but had a keyword in it for a completely different reason or another.
We will continue to work on the items under number three of the original request.
January 14, 2020, 2:38pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
that is all I could do for today
logging off pc
eye strain pain bad.
page 23 – Half Completed download –
0447: need to be looked at- redacted names ???
0449 TO: “whited out” ( GMHS ALUMNI)
0451 need to be looked at- redacted names ??? and GMHS Leah’s number is shown
0461 need to be looked at- redacted names ???
0460 need to be looked at- redacted names ???
January 14, 2020, 3:19pm by the requester
City of Prescott Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
No records found for Duane Steinbrink on item #3, per state retention. Mr. Steinbrink retired in January of 2010.
Staff will continue to search the remaining items.
Thank you.
January 14, 2020, 3:39pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
[ world, how is that possible if he was part of the creation of the happenings and signed off on stuff overtime ??? didn’t he ??? – this area I will go look at all the GMHS certifications and see if any were after 2010 ]
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
State Retention may work on professional records but if any of his professional records INCLUDES the topic Yarnell, Yarnell Fire and or any Granite Mountain Hotshots / Crew 7 / any name that leads back to the men that died- then that area is Permanent records tie to a historical significant tragedy then I can see those records from his professional file. If I do not see that and you have since destroyed those areas I will file complaint with Arizona State Archival records because those records are tied to a tragedy should have since been transferred to Arizona State Archival records and they state the last transfer was in the 70s. So it is illegal to destroy records with any area like signing off on how the GMHS became a type 1 or any area Duane Steinbrink is tied into his professional profile tied to the tragedy.
Your reply is not sufficient and complete.
Just stating State Retention on the man who I have here on other records signed a lot of areas to the GMHS is not exempt until his profile is examined and if there is no profile I need that in writing to forward it to the proper areas as it is illegal.
January 15, 2020, 8:25am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
CIty of Prescott’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
The Fire Department and Human Resources reports that Mr. Steinbrink retired in 2010. This puts his retirement 3 years before the Yarnell Fire. The City has no “professional records” for your request on Mr. Steinbrink.
Please note that the City has not informed you that Yarnell Fire Records have been destroyed.
Thank you.
January 15, 2020, 9:59am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
try again-
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
You used the Retention Schedule on a recent request on the Station one. I will have to go see which request it was but yes recently RETENTION SCHEDULE was used when it should not have been used-
Then I clarified that the Station in request would fall under being archival not retention schedule so I will have to go see if you updated that request but yeah to me I did ask for more clarification when you tied RETENTION SCHEDULE to a Yarnell Hill Fire matter
So if I remember right it was Request #20-14, #18-787 where I stated YARNELL in original request yet you came back RETENTION SCHEDULE-
So when there was just the link to the RETENTION SCHEDULE and nothing further after I commented and you closed both- I waited then filed a formal investigation of those requests sending the Ombudsman and State Archives a PDF of both requests.
So yes, understood Steinbrink has been out since 2010, that was why I opened new request tying to paper trail through the IT system emails but on this request it cannot be that you discarded GMHS data with Steibrinks name on it- it falls under archival.
So then those need more clarification because “as is” you closed the areas and I moved them to have formal investigation because never got anymore replies on my statement on it.
thank you
Best Regards.
January 15, 2020, 10:53am by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
long day- logged on late – all I could do for this day.
page 23 – Completed download –
0396 GMHS ALUMNI list of names redacted
0432 – need to be looked at- redacted names ???
0437- only Conrad’s email in BC and the TO; is whited out- please relook and see why the redactions
0441 : need to be looked at- redacted names ???
0447: need to be looked at- redacted names ???
0449 TO: “whited out” ( GMHS ALUMNI)
0451 need to be looked at- redacted names ??? and GMHS Leah’s number is shown
0461 need to be looked at- redacted names ???
0460 need to be looked at- redacted names ???
January 15, 2020, 11:03pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
For the record and maybe should be forwarded to these folks:
From: Jacobsen,Mary To: Fousek Melissa Nunez Branden
Record 011- That article was not born by a {emphasis added] real sit down [more like “at stand” ;)) with the Nation’s Top Fire Fatality expert Dr Ted Putnam.
He is not a self-proposed investigator for the YHF; he is working on the Mann Gulch Fire.
We were in the parking lot awaiting to talk to an officer who was there for the YHF and while we waited for this man John Dougherty chit-chatted to Dr Ted Putnam and myself. Neither I or Dr Ted Putnam knew an article was to be born from that day. When it came out I asked Dr Ted Putnam- we were both surprised by it. Dr Ted Putnam has the creds and then some. [ and then some more ]
I am almost done looking at attachments you snail mailed to see which ones are missing then message you when done here.
January 17, 2020, 2:08pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
617- notify the people of redaction error
” AS IS” – the thumbnail memory stick that was snail mailed to me is incomplete.
033- Man, I have the documents to “prove” that is bogus and that is so ill-intent; thanks. Much needed. Wow, the slander of that woman in all the FOIAs and PRRs are increasingly overwhelming. What is her agenda in this. Funny, I trained to be a FF2 at Embry Riddle Arizona Wildfire and Incident Management Academy March 2019 and my instructor was talking about Eric Shane Marsh and how Holly became his driver after the fatalities under Curtis Heaton’s instruction so from the start she has been there but amazing to see the slander and misinformation she is placing out- no wonder barriers have been placed out there- people like that- oh e.
Okay back to the missing attachments …
Please note some were not attachment in your area of memory stick but the actual email minus attachment.
It was a 2 day process
“time consuming” to narrow it down but here is what I still await from the city as attachments and what I did receive (I will mark areas I got them- the rest are missing):
008missing Attachments: Wildland Committee Meeting Flyer.pdf
0196 (not redacted right- notify her)
0668 enclosed with no attachment just the email
0670 enclosed with no attachment just the email
0671 enclosed with no attachment just the email
0676 enclosed with no attachment just the email
0680 enclosed with no attachment just the email
was added for ???- 0665, 0666 ???
January 17, 2020, 5:06pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
page 22 – Completed download –
page 21 – Completed download –
0392 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0390 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0387 TO: – “whited out” ???
0380 TO: – “whited out” ???
page 20 – Completed download –
0364 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0361 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0359 TO: – “whited out” ???another GMHS ALUMNI missing list of names
0357 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
page 19- Completed download –
0343 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0342 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0340 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0338 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0336 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0335 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0329 another GMHS ALUMNI missing list of names need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0327 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
page 18- Completed download –
0305 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0301 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0290 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0287 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
page 17- Completed download –
0282 another GMHS ALUMNI missing list of names need to be looked at- redacted names ??
0281 TO: – “whited out” ???
0286 TO: – “whited out” ???
0277 TO: – “whited out” ???
0262 need to be looked at- redacted names ??
January 17, 2020, 5:09pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Requesting extension in look time at records past Feb 9th until I finish these and I am doing my best to keep it up.
One day if I ever came into funds – the FOIA and PRR folks should be given an added financial bonus for all they do and have done to help document the YHF for me.
Monday I take out for Fire Season 2020 Training- if you send invoice on other request try to log in throughout the week and keep working on this but I also have to study for my courses.
January 18, 2020, 9:03am by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
this was a rather large scope to have it reviewed in one month but I am showing I am actively reviewing so I hope you can extend the time.
January 18, 2020, 9:23am by the requester
External Message Requester + Staff
note 057 was not in attachment area missing and needs to be
January 18, 2020, 12:02pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Adding 051 image to show I did ask for GMHS ALUMNI LIST and many emails show they have been redacted the names ???
number 20 also says you are still searching for GMHS list – so these redacted areas may show such list of names.
Page 1-16
Completed download –
0244 why is the name redacted out of email area
0237 why the redactions of names
0236 TO: “whited out”
0235 TO: “whited out”
0228 why is the name redacted out of email area
0224 why is the name redacted out of email area
0221 why is the name redacted out of email area
0219 To: “whited out” GMHS ALUMNI list
0216 why is the name redacted out of email area
0206 why is the name redacted out of email area
0202 why is the name redacted out of email area
0198 TO: “whited out”
0196 alert Deanna that her email was attempted to be redacted but was not-
0186 why is the name redacted out of email area
0182 why is the name redacted out of email area
0176 why is the name redacted out of email area
0174 why is the name redacted out of email area
0172 why is the name redacted out of email area
0163 why is the name redacted out of email area plus alert Amanda her number was not redacted.
0145 why is the name redacted out of email area GMHS ALUMNI list
0144 why is the name redacted out of email area
0130 is my email – I sent it so please life the redactions
0113 why is the name redacted out of email area GMHS ALUMNI list
0109 Nowicki private number exposed- let her know
0108 TO: “whited out”
096 why is the name redacted out of email area
091 why is the name redacted out of email area
088 is my email – I sent it so please life the redactions
084 why is the name redacted out of email area
080 why is the name redacted out of email area
074 why is the name redacted out of email area GMHS ALUMNI list
073 missing photos – is my email – I sent it so please life the redactions
069 TO: “whited out”
066 why is the name redacted out of email area
065 Hall – heavily redacted … why is the name redacted out of email area
063 heavily redacted … why is the name redacted out of email area
056 is my email – I sent it so please life the redactions and on another #56- only one redaction- what was the reason
052 why the two names redacted- I can see the email but not the name
051 why is the name redacted out of email area
050 why is TO blocked out? Another GMHS Alumni List
046 why is the name redacted out of email area
045 why is the name redacted out of email area
043 why is the name redacted out of email area GMHS Alumni List
041 why is the name redacted out of email area
040 why the two names redacted- I can see the email but not the name
034 why is the name redacted out of email area GMHS ALUMNI list
033 DUPLICATE to 0177 why is the name redacted out of email area on another #33 not hat one that is duplicate
026 why is the name redacted out of email area
024 why is the name redacted out of email area
023 why is the name redacted out of email area- it is my email?
021 why is the name redacted out of email area
020 why is the name redacted out of email area
014 KEEP IN MIND some of these numbers like this one has more than one and this one has 2 needing -why is the name redacted out of email area
013 why is the name redacted out of email area
008 why is the name redacted out of email area
006 why is the name redacted out of email area
005 why is the name redacted out of email area
003 why is the name redacted out of email area GMHS ALUMNI list
002 why is the name redacted out of email area
001 why is the name redacted out of email area
January 18, 2020, 1:37pm by the requester
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
January 18, 2020, 1:42pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I have to pack. I will re look at this file hopefully once situated at the Academy. I still have Tom and Troy’s files to do yet that was why I asked for extension- but as soon as I can I will work on it. I have school and training and conferences pretty tight in schedule until May 2019 then Fire Season 2020 but I am showing best activity I can here.
January 18, 2020, 2:10pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I totally agree there was just too many topics for one request.
To go back and fix the redactions will be time consuming-
I have family always home so you can send the attachments to me snail mail in hopes you waive any fee to mail them being it was not my err-
January 18, 2020, 2:13pm by the requester
City of Prescott Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
Dear Ms. Collura,
We are not going to set this request for destruction until possibly next year. I have an inquiry into the Records department regarding the retention. I will respond to your other inquiries once I can get through all your entries.
January 21, 2020, 9:23am by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A. Collura says
Joy’s Reply:
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
resource wild land fire documents that had the following name (any type of document): Duane Allen Steinbrink / Duane Steinbrink / Duane A Steinbrink, Troy Duane Steinbrink, Darrell Eugene Willis / Darrell E Willis / Darrell Willis
— define to include MASTER RECORDS / RED CARDS for those men in the electronic return of their professional file I will like to receive. Thank you.
January 25, 2020, 9:38pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I completely understand this request to review and get the additional information will be tedious yet I will want for all itemized areas the records- it is not meant to be in question form but to alert you all areas that are open to needing additional records for they are missing.
January 25, 2020, 9:41pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
I will be away from my email area pretty much for the month of February 2020 and March 2020 and at the Academies.
Any immediate inquiries needing to be answered leave a message at 480 559 1971 and I will get back to you after school.
I may have to email you from another’s email for those two months so please provide an external email because I will not log on to NEXT REQUEST except on my own PC.
January 25, 2020, 9:44pm by the requester
External Message Hide Requester + Staff
It is 54 days from my last time communicating to you on this request
Or 1 month, 23 days excluding the end date.
It is 58 days from the the last time you communicated, but not including the end date.
Or 1 month, 27 days excluding the end date.
What is the ETA on #18-541 which had to do with a lot of attachments missing and so many emails needing to be unredacted and so much more …etc.
I want to know where this request sits currently.
Best Regards,
Joy A Collura
March 19, 2020, 3:31pm by the requester
see how long it takes and HOW MUCH room it takes
but it seems I am most asked to share what I have and when I do they want me to “filter” it- nah…you do the filtering…
Joy A. Collura says
so wtktt, with all that stated-
It is 591 days from the start of this request, but not including the end date.
Or 1 year, 7 months, 13 days excluding the end date.
Or 19 months, 13 days excluding the end date.
When is it too long to wait to file a complaint because I really want almost 2 year old requests done. Ya know.
All this openness should help Cole feel he was not targeted and just part of the process even though he claims he was no there that day.
Joy A. Collura says
City of Prescott Reply
External Message Requester + Staff
Dear Requester,
Staff is still working on this one.
March 19, 2020, 4:31pm by Angelisa Winemiller, Paralegal (Staff)
Joy A Collura says,24526
• Brendan McDonough, the lone survivor among the Granite Mountain Hotshots from the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire in Arizona; the other 19 members of McDonough’s team died in the wildfire, a story later told in the movie, “Only the Brave.” Brown called McDonough “a real life hero.”
what is going on? What and why is he a REAL LIFE HERO- I watched that day- what the…
Our world is dummified and where did it begin…did the SAIT SAIR create this platform…who did this? Horseshit.
charlie says
Wow-talk about convoluted and how ignorant people are of the facts in this case. Donut the sad sack now a hero. But you can understand the way this murder was played out. He had nothing to do with it as far as I can see and the real life hero here was Brian Frisby for saving his life.
Joy and i walked into the Prescott Fire Station on the west edge of town with her photos of that day showing all we witness–of high significance were photos of the very spot they died taken early that morning before any burn over had happened. The obvious density of the brush shows it to be almost impassible. I was not kidding when I said as we forged our way through we were often on our bellies like in boot camp to get through it.. Sometimes we were backtracking as you would in a maze to find a place to crawl through. Consider that we had left at about 3:30 am and did not get to where Marsh was heading up until what–9:30. That is about six hours to cover only about three miles of hiking.
Hey at that time Joy and I had been on long mountain hikes often ten to twenty miles about every other day on our explorations. I think three days before this we had hiked from the DMV in Prescott almost to Willhoit–that approximated about 40-50 miles when her husband picked us up at about 2am in the morning. So we were well adjusted to hiking long distance and rough terrain since our hikes were generally mountain hikes without trails.
Now despite those photos having everything from the bulldozer, that spot they died, their vehicles, even photos of the men going up–when I said they look like they are on a death march–and at least several hundred photos the people there said we don’t need those photos, we already know what happened. On second thoughts the caught us as we were leaving the parking lot and said we decided we would like to have the photos.
Now these people really resented that we had photos I think. They had their way this was going to be portrayed and any evidence to the contrary that would show how foolish it was to get into that trap was really not welcome. This was going to be an accident, if if Willis said anything it was God had other plans for them. Shit and leave those kids without a Dad, wives without their support and parent without their son–where is his thinking?–is his God to be made out as such an asshole?
It is entirely due to ignorance that Donut could be made out to be a hero–he has lied and withheld information about the deaths, he barely make it out alive and would not have except for the foresight of Brian Frisby to save his ignorant ass, he knew nothing about safety and said screw the safety thing–it was something “hillbilly” and had nothing to do with on the job wild land fire fighting.
Perhaps one day the slate will be cleaned and the facts presented as they really are and not the fiction that caused people to believe that jack ass is any kind of hero.
charlie says
I had posted that the scientists that created this corona virus and let it loose on the world all should be brought up on a world court just as the Nazis were during the Nuremberg trials. You have the WHO people giving them praise for their work and how the Chinese have done such good work containing this virus yet now one WHO person has said you bastards had killed thousands and sickened millions and in general put the world in fear and mayhem. I would want them exposed to their own virus and if that did not kill them then shoot the sorry fuckers.
It just too much reminds us of the accountability issues of the GMHS murders. Instead of seeing what are the facts we allow these ass holes to dance around the truth and even present themselves with awards and make a hero out of a jack ass that truly could never represent the wild land fire fighting community.
I am not a wild land fire fighter but I saw the situation that day first hand. I know the lies being perpetrated and how this whole matter has stretched the truth to beyond fiction until it is a delusion. Political bullshit that stinks to high heaven.
charlie says
Here is a John Lennon well said in ways–
As soon as you’re born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
The hate you if you are clever and they despise a fool
Till you’re so fucking crazy you can’t follow their rules
When they’ve tortured you and scared you for twenty odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can’t really function you’re so full of fear
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you’re so clever and classless and free
But you’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see
There is room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you like to be like the folks on the hill.
You can see that Lennon was a thinker and out of the box. I could not help but think of the Bush and Colin Powell bunch with their many smiles as they manipulated us into war.
It does address how easily we become buffoons to the system–you see these talks about Donut and his greatness, and the Willis and Bradley talks and you begin to realize how true that the masses are easily deluded by these “authoritative” voices that if they only knew are designs to cover the truth. These people are not truthful and that is a shame to the system and an insult to intelligent people.
Where are your good Congressmen that must read this site written by people of the highest integrity and knowledge of wild land fire fighting. That is backed by years of experience, some with beyond 30 years experience but most with at least 10 to generally 20 years of proven experience. Yet these ass hole Congress people are happy to represent the Corporate lobbyists that are provided millions to feather the nests of these Congress people. They dare not challenge that nest feathering and occasionally they find these Congresspeople to have stuffed thousands in their freezers. I think the ones found out are ones that someone wanted to get rid of.
If you go to a Congress person and say hey I donated $100 to your campaign–they will laugh at you. They can’t buy a high class dinner for that money. But if you go to a Congress man and say I donated a few hundred thousand or if a President a few million to your campaign–that same Congress person will stand at attention and alert to your Corporate desires.
So who the hell do you believe these people actually represent? Tell me I am the fool to believe that they represent not the people but the Corporations that put them in office–why you will not see them address retardant issues or issues involving the death of 19 wild land fire fighters. If they did, this ordeal at Yarnell would be on the their investigation list and in the media big time. Mr. Donut would be questioned, Willis, and all the people involved since it bears greatly upon the safety of wild land fire fighters and the question of whether retardant killed about 200 of the 645 residents of Yarnell in only 7 years.
Be aware, be safe, be prepared. A good citizen will protest and goad these bought and owned Congresspeople despite knowing there is little they will do to remedy what they are afraid to do.
charlie says
This is one rainy day–all day a drenching and soaking rain–good for the plants and will clear most of the chemicals out of the air and into the soil. I am not sure how much of the particulate Al2O3 is safe for plants or especially the Barium rat poison compound will be healthy, and although Strontium is a necessary chemical to the body it is in only very small amounts. What an overdose will do is up in the air.
Anyway I will have plenty of apricots, peaches, apples and perhaps cherries except the Bull Geronimo killed on cherry tree and they need cross polinization. from the trees I planted and I know they will be safer than the Mexican, China varieties and American that are sprayed with
ungodly chemicals very difficult to wash off.
In this unstable world of anything can happen in a sudden and unexpected way I look back to my child hood–things seemed to be much more simpler then. In those days when you were living in saw mill canyon you would see maybe one or two vehicles come in within a month. The past few months when I was camped in there there were that many every day including the noisy quads.
Because we were living in a canvas army tent floored with wood planks and Dad was doing his prospect mining, we of course had no running water. He had covered a cement well left by the CCC camps during the Depression years but it had wiggle tails–mosquito larvae so we had dug out a seep hole in the creek and would use water for drinking and cooking out of that. That water was crystal clear and had a good taste.
Bathing was only once a week where water was heated in a big iron kettle then transferred to a tin tub. The girls always got the first baths and my brother and I followed, me last–I was usually the grimiest. Of course we could sponge bath daily and wash our hands and face but I do think one reason I like a shower daily is because of those days when bathing was so scarce–and why I protested when in hospice at Prescott when they only allowed a shower every other day. VA hospitals are still military and even though you are no longer in active service they expect you to take orders as if you don’t have a mind of your own.
I think being brought up that way was a good thing for me. My sisters both detested my Dad because of his prospecting ways–my Mom the same though I would have never known it until she said she did not want to be buried anywhere near my Dad. Well she could not have been anyway–he is in his resting spot in the Prescott Military Cemetery where Joy and I found and visited his grave. He old hiking parner, Snakeman is very close by only his ashes are in a small box to which we also paid our respects. I am sure their ghosts along with the ghosts of the GMHS crew haunt the cronies of Prescott for their deceitful ways.
I do think this world will have more rude awakenings–the Patriot Act has twisted the control barbed wire on their necks and Fema will continue to operate in glorious military and police lock downs–I can imagine they will be quite active in this virus scare.
My son says Dad, I will try come to see you tomorrow. He says it may be a long time before he sees me again. He knows as an RN and predicted this scenario from the beginning. He knows also that if I get that virus he likely will not see me again unless it is in a coffin.
But I speak not only for myself but many of the champions that post on this site since many of them are in my age bracket and some with heavy health issues. Yet I am ashamed of the WHO people that represent our government and the world governments that have not condemned the scientists for this outbreak. Their actions speak as if they are entertained by it all.
To my way of thinking, it is obvious that the Corporate Giants will profit greatly by this–especially big Pharma. But it also seems to be a test to see how the public will react and we see that. Plenty of fear and demand to the government for protection, yet few look at the basic reality of what is going on here. Just like the Patriot Act for 911, it would be surprising if there are not plenty new laws passed to limit freedoms –as if there are not enough limits already.
I do not look at these scientists as heroes no more than the Bush clan. I see them for what they are through a clear lens–if the devil ever had followers for the devastation and killing of humanity in the thousands and millions he must be giving out awards to these people much like the honchos at Yarnell were giving awards to the powers that made the killing of the GMHS crew possible.
Still I think Mao, Hitler, Stalin and the like must have the highest awards for killing the innocents, something their followers are doing well to prove themselves as worthy compatriots. But the sad part is that people actually follow these ideals–something imported to us by project paperclip that brought hundreds of their scientists to head up our Mind Control Projects and other Military projects that make possible the control and even annihilation of great amounts of humanity.
Sleep well, your National Guard is on duty and your best scientists are inventing more of these deadly viruses.
WantsToKnowTheTruth says
Reply to Joy A Collura post on March 18, 2020 at 10:15 am
>> Joy A Collura said…
There is a ‘bad link’ in that article about that charity softball game.
It was actually trying to go to the official ‘EventBrite’ page for game, but is messed up.
Below is the actual ( working ) link to that same ‘EventBrite’ page.
NOTE: The article above does mention that Brendan McDonough is supposed to be one of the ‘celebrities’ participating in the softball game, but the official EventBrite site below does not. It has photos of 24 celebrities participating… but McDonough is not one of them.
“Celebrities Against Cancer” Charity Softball Game
Ryan Brown, Sports Nuts of the Round Table
Saturday, June 13, 2020 from 12:00 PM to 9:30 PM (MDT)
Cody, WY
WantsToKnowTheTruth says
Reply to Woodsman post on March 16, 2020 at 3:27 pm
>> Woodsman said…
>> Explain to me how you believe it’s impossible McDonough
>> put fire on the ground from his lookout spot.
Because there are photographs that prove there was no ‘smoke’ or ‘fire’ anywhere in those areas all the way up to at least 3:55 PM, after McDonough was already on his way out of the Sesame street area with the BR and GM vehicle ‘convoy’.
Blue Ridge Superintendent Brian Frisby accidentally ‘stumbled’ across Brendan McDopnough at that ‘T’ section in the two-track road at almost exactly 3:40 PM.
Five minutes later, at 3:45 PM, the two of them ‘arrived’ back at the top of the Sesame clearing where the GM Supt. and Chase trucks were parked.
Frisby leaves Brendan there and heads south on Sesame street to fetch BR Captain Trueheart Brown and bring him back up to where Brendan and the GM command vehicles are.
At 3:54 PM, Frisby and Brown arrive back where the GM vehicles were parked. Brendan drives the GM Supt. truck, Brown drives the GM chase truck, and Frisby drive the BR UTV. They all head back south to where the GM and BR Crew Carriers are staged.
Brown gets out of the GM Chase truck and another BR crew member ( still unidentified ) gets in it.
Brown gets back in the BR Polaris Ranger UTV with Frisby.
Frisby and Brown head east on the cutover trail in the BR UTV and ALL of the other BR and GM vehicles ‘convoy’ south, out of the Sesame area, through Glen Ilah, and then north to Shrine Road on out to the Youth Camp area.
Here are the TIMES on all of that… including the TIME when Christopher Mackenzie took his final photo up at the ‘rest spot’ ( 3:55 PM ) and even though the GM and BR ‘convoy’ was already headed out of the Sesame area… there was NO evidence of any ‘fire’ or ‘smoke’ anywhere in the Sesame area.
NOTE: The ‘Cutover Trail’ is simply the name that has been used to describe that dozer push from the Sesame street area over to the Shrine Youth Camp.
1527:00 – Frisby and Brown are stationary (according to GPS) at the WEST end of the ‘Cutover Trail’.
1528:00 – Eric Marsh requests second face-to-face with Brian Frisby.
1528:30 – Trueheart Brown gets his ‘gear’ out of the Ranger and starts hiking EAST on Cutover Trail.
1529:00 – Brian Frisby departs in the BR Polaris Ranger to meet up with Marsh.
1529:51 – Byron Kimball begins his weather report over the TAC 1 radio channel.
(Byron Kimball): “As per ( US National ) Weather Service ( slight pause )… within the half-hour (pause) EAST winds. (pause) Possibility of as high as 50 miles an hour or likely 25 (pause) definitely 25, 35 gusting 40 (pause) east / northeast within the half hour. Um… the outpoint to outflow line also ( will be ) located…”
( Video capturing radio traffic ends at 1530:14 and the rest of the weather report is cut off )
1530:00 – Brown ‘pauses’ on his hike EAST and ‘stands still’ to listen to Kimball’s weather report.
1531.00 – Byron Kimball has now finished his weather report over the TAC 1 radio channel.
1531:30 – Brown resumes his hike EAST after finishing listening to Kimball’s weather report.
1532:00 – Frisby is still heading towards Marsh and Brown is still hiking EAST on ‘Cutover Trail’.
1533:00 – Just after Kimball’s ‘weather advisory’, Jesse Ste